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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Clicking your listed website on your profile again brought me great joy. Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY

    1. Refa


      It is the best website! Also THANKS GENERAL HORACE AKA HORACE_OF_ARCHANEA. At least I replied faster than it took for me to update Silver Moon, right?

  2. the desert chapters file sizes are always like 5 times bigger than other chapters, its stupid. Anyway that chapter actually looked pretty easy!
  3. I don't think i've ever seen someone play Olimar. You can't pick them in FG but I don't see anyone play the Mii's either.
  4. Ha, I'm posting happy birthday after you thanked me, i'm so ON TIME

  5. Ha, I'm posting happy birthday after you thanked me, i'm so ON TIME

    1. General Horace

      General Horace

      But seriously happy birthday bro, hope it was a good one.

    2. Ice Sage
  6. A big reason mounts are better is how some really good weapons (namely the hero weapons) are usable by every class (but thieves). It's pretty much a get at the very least a instantly get far in the arena button. Like once you get ayra's hero sword, you could give it to someone pretty scrubby like Beowulf or Noish and get a much better payoff than letting her keep it. There's no real reason to give Sigurds silver sword to Ayra (or Ethlin I guess). If Sigurd or mounts in general were significantly weaker there might be a case for it. If most of the strong units didn't have holy blood that gave them a good sword rank (like if Sigurd had S lances and B swords, and the hero sword was A rank or something he'd be a MUCH worse unit.)
  7. Yeah, I just missed it somehow, the 15A boss underneath Vigarde just threw me off. Regardless, Carlyle can't even OHKO base purewatered Seth with a crit, so if Seth has hit 16 speed he's pretty much immortal against him. Or Gerik or something. He's definately irritating though. EDIT: Actually if you've been using Joshua seriously its entirely possible for him to have 23 speed by that point probably. Haven't played FE8 in a long time other than my LTC where bosses just felt the wrath of the RNG. back on topic though, are there even any defensively tanky magic bosses other than Lyon? I guess Alvis/Julius but they're all endgame bosses with plot importance. They're clearly wearing plot armour.
  8. if you're playing quickly Carlyle is pretty annoying, but he does like, 3? damage to base Saleh. If you just attack him with Magic from Range he'll eventually die with little risk. For some reason his stats aren't in the boss stats section on SF :( EDIT: just kidding I just missed him somehow. Turns out Carlyle does 2 damage to Saleh at base (technically 4 damage and he doubles but w/e) and Saleh does 10 a hit with Elfire. Alternatively Innes takes 6x2 and hits for 15 damage with Silver. The game also gives you a swordreaver mid-chapter, and if you hung around for a bit in chapter 13 you have a swordslayer. Base Dozla OHKO's him with the swordslayer. He's not very threatening honestly, he's just hard to hit. Orson is pretty annoying for the same reasons, except he's actually pretty tanky.
  9. he's also on an FE6/8 throne too. He has more avoid than Lloyd when you factor that in. If you use general slaying weapons they have godawful hit and weigh your units down so they might not even double. also bbm ephraim with 20 strength doesn't orko him lol, dunno where you got level 13 ephraim doing so. IGNORE ME MISREAD WHAT YOU SAID sure he technically 2RKO's at 50 hit and has to land 4 attacks without a 13% great shield proc activating. That's like me saying base Rath can OHKO Lloyd with the killer bow and Filla's might (one 19% crit at 40 hit which is actually probably more reasonable) - it's something that's technically possible that's almost never going to happen. He's pretty much tough for the same reason Lloyd is, except he has great shield, higher avoid, throne healing and is in a much harder chapter. It's very easy to kill Lloyd in one turn. Ephraim even struggles to even hit Vigarde too, even with capped skill and luck he only has 68 hit, and he's one of the only units that's actually doubling him with a general slaying weapon. You're not killing him very easily otherwise. since he also has 18 resistance with throne bonuses.
  10. You only actually have to kill him in 19x (in addition to leveling nils to level 7 in lyn mode) to access 19xx. The other Hector exclusive Gaiden chapter is just based on the chapter 32 turncount, I think its 15 or 20 or something pretty easy to attain. I think actually killing him alters some dialogue in endgame, although that might just be accessing 19x. That being said, he's still pretty tough to kill in 19x, if you're using Oswin, him and Marcus can Silver Lance him at pretty solid hitrates for high damage, and other units like maybe Silver Axe!Dorcas are pretty good too. The killing edge and Mani Katti are pretty good if the units using them have highish strength.
  11. hey that guiding ring is more than what half the cast does ALSO im sure others have confirmed but your post does exist in r/fireemblem
  12. Reading what I said again, it made very little sense. I mean in a chapter like chapter 8 in FE6 (Lilina's recruit one), you can make a 7 move mounted unit move 30 spaces in 3 turns with the help of other mounts (two 8 move dudes and a bunch of 7 move dudes), while unmounted units can only punt a unit 19 spaces in the same scenrio, so an 11 space difference over the course of 3 turns (including someone promoting using the Hero Crest in the previous chapter for a 6 move dude) In FE4 Chapter 10, the distance between Celice and Shanan after 3 turns was only 10 spaces if they moved ignoring all enemies. It's really not that different. It's just rare for players to actually abuse the rescue function. When dancers and fliers get added to the equation, the difference becomes even greater, especially considering the GBA chapter in question doesn't have any places fliers can ignore terrain and just blow the whole comparison in GBA's favour, but I decided to use a chapter that didn't take that into account. as for not wanting to move your foot units, you don't have to wait for them to catch up to contribute in Chapters 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, Prologue, or Endgame. Ayra and Jamka can easily help out in Chapter 1 when they're around too (Ayra has more move than everyone in the forest but Sigurd and Cuan whom she ties, and is recruited close to a huge wave of axedudes, and when Jamka is recruited he's pretty much out of the forest). They only struggle in chapter 6 if Celice inherits the leg ring, otherwise they have no problems. They are kinda screwed in Chapter 5 and 8 though. Staves and dancers exist too but I'm not going to bother going into that too much.
  13. Foggy Lloyd is kinda hard even though he's ORKO'd by a Rath with 11 strength His defence is still really lame though, anyone with 16 strength and access to a Silver Lance can 2HKO him at reasonable hitrates. I guess there's always a chance for crits though. Regardless it's one boss out of ~60?
  14. while this is true, how many other bosses actually hit hard in FE7/8? Or are difficult at all in general? There's like, Vigarde? He's the only guy that actually comes to mind for me.
  15. is ardan really worse than Amelia, or Wendy, or Shanam, or Macellan or you get the point now? I'd actually argue that he's better than said units. He's certainly way easier to use. And while Celice/Sigurd are solo experts, Celice is only good because most players get him super overlevelled super fast. If he promotes like, in Chapter 8 or something, he's pretty shitty in 6 and 7 and never really doubles a whole lot for the rest of the game until Tyrfing because his caps suck. It's kind of unfourtunate that they're lords though, no other lords have really done the same (since they're not mounted). Would the game really have been different if Sigurd had been in Alec's spot? Celice wouldn't even be a good unit if he wasn't the lord! also @ Levant i'd argue that mounts overall are worse in FE4 than in all the GBA games because Fliers don't have higher movement like the cavalry and can't rescue. Mounts can get just as far ahead in GBA maps by rescuing each other forward as they do in FE4, probably farther considering every FE4 castle only takes ~5-7 turns and most additional castles can have unmounted units further ahead to start with so they can be used. And the arena makes it so they aren't stuck with base stats so they aren't completely useless. For someone who's claimed to not have actually played the game you make a lot of assumptions.
  16. lyon's intimidating when he oneshots dozla he's honestly probably the toughest gba non fe6 boss just because he hits so ridiculously hard regardless of his speed. Nergal hits less hard in a game twice as long (hence you'll have units with higher stats) and is trivialized by a luna tome and Athos so he's nowhere near as bad.
  17. the map sizes are nowhere near as bad as people make them out to be, every unit essentially has more movement than in most other FE games due to roads, but I think if there were actual side objectives it would have been a lot cooler. the game really isn't any longer than any other FE game turn wise either.
  18. its not unusual for people to not finish drafts, if you look at pretty much any other draft in this subforum, probably like 2-5% actually have everyone finish.
  19. fyi people nominating for shin he opted out weeks ago I nominate lord raven & dondon
  20. not using the key and ending up selling it is worse though, that's what I meant. Theoretically it was still -75g though. also
  21. are we going to get miledy for christmas? its technically worth it to get the antitoxin since its worth more than one chest key use anyway.
  22. the small things that bug me the most are the worst: people leave like a quarter of a glass of (insert beverage here) left in the container in the fridge. Why not finish it and replace it? people who just permanantly leave their high beams on when driving at night I had one more but I forgot it while making breakfast. EDIT - wait what normal spoiler tags are fucked now? I guess I can whine about that but it really doesn't bug me that much.
  23. sounds more like an emulation error than anything.
  24. I honestly really liked the buildup to fighting Jahn in FE6, even if he was kind of a joke because the divine weapons were insanely overpowered. Woulda been cooler if he was immune to them or something. Regardless, how many bosses can you actually OHKO anywhere near reliably? Sure, it might be easy to ORKO Fortimiis if you have a Max strength Ross with a bunch of +crit supports (he can only actually OHKO on normal mode with maxed out attack supports) but if you're just playing at even a normal pace, Ross isn't even going to get close to doubling him in the first place. I do agree with the people that are saying bosses like the Fire dragon are jokes for other reasons than just their stats, since they pose absolutely no threat unless its able to OHKO you or something. It's like OH SHIT WE NEED TO BEAT THIS DRAGON REALLY FAST BEFORE MORE COME OUT OF THE GATE BUT THEY ACTUALLY WON'T YOU CAN SIT HERE DOING 1 DAMAGE PER TURN FOR 120 TURNS AND NOTHING WILL HAPPEN
  25. oh yeah uhh, it's the other way around. Marcus is on the right since there's more staff dudes and honestly they're probably pretty interchangeable. I can kill every enemy on the map except the stupid berserk bishop. Probably need to figure out a way to manipulate kishuna's range a little better so he's forced to be closer, but in all likelyhood you'll need a crit to kill him. Hector can get the berserk staff on turn 4, any other dancing ninian does won't do very much anyway. I also did some experimenting with moving Ninian to the left side, and deploying Raven instead of Fiora, which I think is better. The only issue I have is Rath has to somehow fight the enemies in kishuna's room and fight a Luna druid on the same phase, I think I might be able to cheese it with something stupid like a mine though.
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