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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Febro, can you let me know when you're available either here or on skype or something, I'll try to make time for our match.
  2. I have pretty big hands and my wrists hurt after around an hour and a half. That being said, I love the game and the voice acting is top notch!
  3. yo Febro, i'm around now for a bit if you wanna get our match done I'll probably not be around tomorrow until the afternoon if we don't play in the next few hours
  4. I remember watching this last year? At that point i'd never watched any pro smash at all in my life and only played it casually, and I still found it to be very interesting, and actually caused me to watch the melee mlg stream, which was very entertaining.
  5. Paralogue 3 - used it to increase Panne's axe rank to D so she could handaxe next chapter. CHAPTER 9 - 3/37 TURNS Wyvern!Panne now exists and rocks socks. CHAPTER 10 - 3/40 TURNS Panne had to pair with fred this chapter for the extra movement. Tharja got exp and stuff. CHAPTER 11 - 2/42 TURNS idk whats in the chests hopefully nothing important Paralougue 4 - my only hope for winning starts now, time to try to pump levels into olivia so she can be a somewhat competant unit so she can be exposed on the enemy phase. CHAPTER 12 - 2/44 TURNS pretty easy rout, especially when Panne takes no damage. STATS UPDATE UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CHROM CAVALIER 20/01.00 39 19 02 17 20 19 17 06 A SWORD E LANCE FREDERICK GREAT KNIGHT ??/13.39 40 22 03 18 16 14 21 05 A LANCE B SWORD A AXE VIRION ARCHER 16.14 31 14 04 18 14 12 11 04 B BOW STAHL GREAT KNIGHT 20/03.70 50 22 03 22 14 20 23 06 A SWORD A LANCE D AXE PANNE GRIFFON RIDER 12/11/03.63 52 28 03 28 25 15 25 07 B AXES THARJA DARK MAGE 16.08 31 07 15 10 15 05 11 08 C TOME OLIVIA DANCER 07.80 29 10 04 11 13 12 06 05 D SWORD CHAPTER 13 - 1/45 TURNS yeah dance and rip boss henry acquired CHAPTER 14 - 1/46 turns Panne'd the boss
  6. yeah this tourney was rad even though i got trashed Also fists of fury is this weekend? Are there any deadlines for games set up? Does everyone know its this weekend?
  7. the graveyard maps and the maps with forests are pretty ridiculous even though they might seem simple, the avoid boosts from terrain in gaiden are absolutely stupid (I think graves give like 60 avoid?) Its honestly my biggest gripe with the game, and the skirmishes that the enemy can just attack your party without you being able to do anything to prepare for it.
  8. Yeah maybe, I just find it odd she was like I'M GONNA GET THIS ONE CHEST AND THEN LEAVE instead of taking them all or none at all. Oh well, you get way too much money in this game anyway.
  9. i bring you CHAPTER 6, the chapter with an obscene amounts of chest before sellable chest keys or multiple thieves! NEXT TIME THE WALRUS KNOWS ALL also I didn't do anything i swear and yeah Dieck can probably kill henning if Rutgar meets an unfourtunate demise
  10. PARALOGUE 2 - waited to do this one so panne could get some catchup levels. Finished on turn 7 or something. CHAPTER 7 - 3/28 TURNS Did stuff I guess. Panne's still really good as a taguel! I'll do a stats update I guess. UNIT LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CHROM 14.57 33 16 02 15 16 14 14 04 B SWORD FREDERICK ??/07.63 34 18 02 14 13 10 17 05 A LANCE B SWORD B AXE VIRION 12.16 28 13 02 17 11 10 09 03 C BOW STAHL 14.69 34 14 02 15 11 15 12 04 A SWORD B LANCE PANNE 09.95 31 12 01 17 18 12 09 03 BEASTONE EDIT: wait what if a unit is forced they're free? Dammit should have read the rules earlier! CHAPTER 8 - 6/34 TURNS Panne has actually OK movement in the desert so she reached the second seal village on turn 6. Fred went for the boss, while Nowi and Gregor got the master seal.
  11. PREMONITION 2/2 TURNS yeah w/e PROLOGUE 4/6 TURNS didn't get a lame dual strike but chrom got the bosskill although he never got speed so it probably was pretty USELESS CHAPTER 1 - 3/9 TURNS LEGEND Paired with Chrom and Fred took out the north then they TAG TEAMED the boss. CHAPTER 2 - 3/12 TURNS Rushed the boss etc Stahl get. CHAPTER 3 - 4/16 TURNS dunno why terra was worried about a 3 turn it was a struggle for 4 CHAPTER PARALOGUE did training and stuff also realized that Panne was a dumb pick because of no Renown second seal to make her into a dragon immediately oh well did self improvements on some units. STATS UNIT LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL SUPPORT CHROM 09.37 28 12 02 13 11 09 12 04 C SWORD C FREDERICK FREDERICK ??/03.46 30 15 02 13 11 08 15 04 B LANCE B SWORD D AXE C CHROM VIRION 06.72 22 10 00 12 07 07 07 03 C BOW STAHL 08.26 28 12 00 11 08 10 12 02 C SWORD D LANCE CHAPTER 4 - 2/18 TURNS routed chapter virion mvp CHAPTER 5 - 4/22 TURNS man I realized I always have Sumia when I did this chapter Virion actually killed the boss on the enemy phase CHAPTER 6 - 3/25 TURNS Lucina actually helped out a lot, the enemies she didn't double virion was able to kill on the EP. Stahl + Panne went right on turn 3 to clear out those enemies, while Fred/Chrom went to validar.
  12. gg's quint won 2-0 tomadaci life is pretty dumb when you can't see where the projectiles are against dhd :/
  13. I'll be around most of the day tomorrow, I'll check periodically throughout the day to see if you're around, but if you wanna just play at this time tomorrow i'll be around.
  14. quint i'll be around for about another half hour, if you're not around by the time i'm out of the shower, I think i'll have to either just forfeit or try to find time to play tomorrow (i'll be around for most of the day then) There's still a round 1 match that hasn't been played, we're not really holding anything up. Post when you'll be around tomorrow if we miss each other today.
  15. I forget who's better, Panne or Cordelia Panne + Yarne and Stahl
  16. I've actually wanted an excuse to play awakening again, i'll join.
  17. weeeeell I might be around, we'll have to play it by air. EDIT: I'll actually probably be around if you're here right at 8EST. If you're an hour late or something I probably won't be able to play.
  18. yo quint, when are you avaliable tomorrow (today? the 8th) I'm going to a party that afternoon and will probably be out of commission until sunday afternoon depending on how much of a good time I have. I'm avaliable for a good chunk of the day though.
  19. sonic 06, because sometimes the game just decides that it's time to die for no reason and you'll phase through a wall and plummet to your death or something but seriously its probably something like Zelda II or the original castlevania
  20. i defeated sb 2-0 in a i'll be GONE in a few hours until tomorrow when i'll be out for a majority of the day, so if the loser of ice/quint could pm me when their match is over so we can sort out a time to play that'd be FANTASTIC :)
  21. gg's, lost 3-1, probably woulda been 3-0 if not for an SD. I think i've gotten gradually worse at this game.
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