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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. oh yeah lava tiles do that don't they. Without the extra turns there, Saleh isn't reaching warp, but you might be able to two turn with enemy control glitch there, so it'd save a net 1 turn I guess.
  2. I'm pretty sure 12 is 3 turnable - it's kill boss. FEWod doesn't have a map though so I can't see starting positions. Selena's chapter is probably 3 turns, it might be two turnable but you're missing barrier in that case. I think Father and Son is 5 turns, Vigarde is actually ridiculously hard to kill too. I'm not sure if the desert is still 3 turnable though, there are some enemies that are wayyy out of the way. Regardless it'd definately be a few more turns than normal.
  3. Tana also has one chapter less, but she'd probably still help out because 7 movement (and flight rules on the phantom ship) You might just have to take a 2 turn clear in chapter 20 on Ephraim route, I don't think there's any way Sage!Artur is reaching warp on time (although there is a few more turns to spam mend in Chapter 9, and probably one more turn for torch on the phantom ship) Later Tethys and Barrier really hurt though. I think there's one less energy ring on Ephraim route too, since Ewan comes with a dracoshield.
  4. knock yourself out, I'm not interested in using glitches or in keeping records The one less turn in chapter 11 means Artur isn't hitting warp in time for chapter 16 too, so it might not actually save a turn.
  5. I don't think so, but Chapter 11 might be able to be 2 turned. Other than that, I don't really see any other chapters being bettered, the only other FoW chapter is already 1 turned anyway. That being said, i've never actually done the enemy control glitch (not even with mines in FE7) so i'm not too knowledgeable on the subject.
  6. I guess they were just trying to make it more difficult? The throne room enemies are tougher too IIRC. Here's chapter 18: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zt0K7JVYXAk Ephraim route definately takes longer, almost just because of Chapter 9, along with the things you mentioned. EDIT: Here's endgame and the turncount roll https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQ-4Ev0Tmeg&feature=youtu.be I made a small error with Vanessa's HP meaning she couldn't tank a hit from Morva or Lyon, meaning that both bosskills weren't reliable at all, but restarting from probably chapter 9 or something would be too much of a pain. Anyway that's that! I don't think I really have plans for any more LTC runs in the future, none of the other games in the series really appeal to me LTC wise.
  7. Cormag would basically become a second Vanessa. Actually if you went Ephraim's route its possible that you could skip the chapter 8 Elysian whip and just use Cormag's whip to promote her/Cormag himself. I haven't actually looked into Ephraim's route at all though, its still probably a good idea to get the whip because chapter 9 is the worst chapter in the game and another 8 move unit would be pretty handy for Phantom Ship and Selena's chapter. Chapter 18 is uploading now, after I finish the annotations i'll post it.
  8. I went for the secret shop in my old run, so I had a few turns to engage him (he can be fought starting on turn 6 if you move Tethys ahead far enough). Seth 'can' probably OHKO him with a KE crit (like what I did on this run) but if you have a few turns (since saleh needs the secret shop to reach warp more than likely) he can probably just duke it out with silver. He's a dodgy boss so there's really no reliable way to take him down.
  9. My last run of the game (with pretty minimal rigging) was, I think 84 turns? I hardly used Artur at all (Saleh did all my warping, and took energy rings instead of rigging magic) and Seth did most of the heavy lifting, and Tana was used instead of Vanessa (since I didn't get the chapter 8 whip). Seth does need above average strength to ORKO Tirado though.
  10. Vanessa did get a dracoshield so technically its only +5 But yeah Vanessa definately needed to be that good, and Artur needed 16 speed to kill the chapter 11 boss. I think i've finally figured out chapter 18, so I think the rest of the run will be up tonight! Stay tuned. Obviously this type of run is impossible with average stats.
  11. unfourtunately, some stuff needs to happen (I think Vanessa needs strength every level but one before chapter 10, Saleh and Artur need magic literally every level up, Moulder can only miss it once) but such is life Yeah, once I put Excalibur elsewhere and traded it up to Saleh, the Gorgon targetted Ephraim again, so things were right in the world again. Moulder might reach level 10? He's not needed to promote, but he does need to use hammerne in chapter 19 and rescue in chapter 20, which might push him over level 10 (i forget what level he is right now) Seth is still really really important, it's just other units (like Vanessa and the magic users) really need to experience to help with the rout chapters and warping duties. Thanks!
  12. when's the deadline for the round robin matches to be played? I've attempted to contact metalsnowman and he's seen my PM (and not responded), but I can only really play tomorrow because i'm going skiing sunday/monday/tuesday, and tbh I thought I'd be done by now when I signed up for the tournament (I also didn't expect to be doing as well as I am so didn't think i'd have a shot at the next round, lol).
  13. I suppose gorgon eggs count as enemies, that would make sense. Still, Ephraim is the closest unit to two Spiders and an egg, while Vanessa is just close to three eggs. Maybe the game is acting on the hunch that the gorgon's will hatch that turn and be able to attack Vanessa or something. There's also a gargolye near the starting position that only decides to attack sometimes, which is also very odd. EDIT: Ok, for whatever reason, if I remove Excalibur from Saleh's inventory (he didn't even have it equipped) it'll target Ephraim again. I dunno man, I dunno.
  14. I honestly could have promoted Kyle instead, he would have probably reached level 11 like Forde did anyway. It didn't make a difference in the long run however. I'm still trying to figure out some of the AI in Chapter 18. For instance, the boss gorgon will only try to stone Ephraim if he has more HP than Vanessa, and if Saleh is on a certain space. It's weird shit man. I've definately figured out how to get Saleh enough staff exp and regular exp though, so i'm pretty happy with that.
  15. i've had a few of these runs already, but i've finally finished planning and nearly done recording my final Low Turn run of Sacred Stones (I don't think there's any room for improvement), I'll like a youtube playlist below which will hopefully be completed by Saturday. For the lazy people, i'll list all my turncounts below: Hopefully I'll get Chapter 18 onwards up by Saturday, but i'm pretty busy, and in my previous recording, Saleh needed to kill one more enemy, because otherwise he'll fall 4 exp short of reaching 26 magic, which is required. all the rage. Here's the youtube playlist for the first 19 chapters: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHhXqU1iGb015--2TtQ_N-DLsF9J6bqhA
  16. I defeated Sophi by the scores of 3-1, 3-2, and 3-1. To my other opponants, i'm around for another 4 hours or so today, then I'll be around in the morning and afternoon tomorrow, MST, till about 3. Also beat FFM 3-0, 3-2 and 3-0
  17. I don't think Sue would be better if you still wanted to go to Ilia, unless Thany was like a DEATH MACHINE but I doubt that honestly. I'd guess one of Alance would have become a gamebreaker to the point where you don't need Rutger to kill bosses anymore.
  18. i'm guessing he'd be significantly less useful since all the mounts would be strong enough to do what he's doing anyway. I'm not sure if he'd even be deployed at this point tbh.
  19. it really depends on the playstyle. If you're just playing at a slower pace, units like Oswin are pretty likely to be one of the best units on your team, since on promotion he's actually generally (kill me) fast enough to double a good majority of FE7's enemies, and can even OHKO the weaker ones whilst taking little to no damage. People who have issues with H5 use general Wolf/Sedgar to great success as well. I think they're actually pretty good for casual play. but as for LTC, they're pretty boned. Like dondon said, you could give them a mount, but they really wouldn't be knights/generals anymore in that case, and if rescuing was a thing, they still have huge con in general making them hard to cart around sometimes.
  20. It's S Swords. He hit B in chapter 7, and got A from promotion in Chapter 8.
  21. I'm pretty busy until Wednesday to people in my pool I should be around in the evenings from Wednesday on though.
  22. its more that he doesn't show up till turn 3 and he's way at the top of the map it just seems like a recruitment that would cost a few turns and just be a general annoyance to recruit a dude that'll do almost nothing cath probably isn't all that bad, you have so many opportunities to talk to her, you can recruit her in like, Chapter 22 or something ridiculous although I don't know how late she shows up there.
  23. that 8x rescue chain was rad its too bad elphin doesn't have magic like LEVIN did, their class name is the same the OP is way too tl;dr and I already forget, you're recruiting everyone, correct? Garret is gonna suck to recruit.
  24. CHAPTER 14 - 1/43 TURNS Killed stuff that's it really. CHAPTER 15 - 2/45 TURNS Finally got another second seal for Nowi. Ricken Rescued Say'ri, then got danced to help out the beach. Lucina went up the middle and killed the boss, while Stahl + Kellam and Nowi + DA POT got the middle and up around Say'ri's area. Panne beelined for the seal.
  25. I think 2 movement would cripple the class too much for one reason; if you think about every FE lategame (except FE4 since it doesn't have any indoor maps) almost all the maps are indoors which automatically cuts out roughly a third of your team for use in endgame. Sure, you could work around it and have an outdoor endgame like FE9. Having 2 movement also pretty much screams "I'm useless if you deploy me" this chapter, and people already knock on knights for having one less move compared to other unmounted class. (although their stats are pretty bad too). I'm just not a fan of having a third of your team pretty much unavailable for about a third of the game. Indoor chapters also tend to be more important ones story wise too. Having a static value would be a huge change, I don't know if i'd like it, considering all your other stats are growing. If this were implemented im sure growths would be reduced all around, but can you imagine playing lategame with a 7 defence unit fighting against units with 20+ strength? I think i've just come to terms with the fact that FE isn't going to be and isn't meant to be a balanced game; this isn't going to stop me from using units like Ardan and Virion who are hilariously bad, but it makes you play differently, which imo adds even more replayability into the games.
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