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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. i'll look at chapter 23 when I have time (which unfourtunately not be until later in the week probably since this weekend's a bad one) but i'm actually starting to doubt it too, rath with 2 levels with growths is a lot stronger than without them, and I don't think mine even got strength both levels (I actually forget if he even got two levels in the first place too). and everything dondon does is technically replicateable on cartridge (with the exception of not having growths) but it would take far longer to plan out without savestates and lua scripts (im pretty sure dondon uses them anyway) since you'd have to restart a chapter every time someone dies to a 40 or fails to crit with a killing edge or misses a 80 on a boss or something.
  2. if you have a save you should send it my way if you have one, I have a ch 23 save but units have levelled up and gotten stats I just assumed you'd deploy fiora for filla's might tbh. i was gonna say a luna crit + axereaver but druid promo gains are 0 magic so : <<<
  3. im almost sure you can get 700 exp in 3 turns although I dunno who you need to funnel exp into to promote, but heath seems like a good candidate already and it's pretty easy to get him bosskills. too lazy to watch the old video but if you deploy like, heath, canas, torchspam, ninian, fiora, rath (you need him to promote right?) + whoever you need to actually kill things i'm sure you'll be able to do it.
  4. echoing what raven said, there's even more opportunity to do this in fe7 than other games because of mines as well (i think you get three on HM) like if you used the mine glitch and just made all the cog staff users dump their staves or something I'd personally find it to be pretty lame. I know it's 'technically' not using anything that wasn't in the game initially, but i'm also of the opinion that speedruns that use glitches (which is sadly most of them now) are boring, so it might just be my own opinion. when it comes down to it, just do what you want though, you're the one playing! i don't think getting vaida's spear is worth it if you do end up doing it though.
  5. pretty much every characters's jabs reflect the gordos, they're so bad now :(
  6. just got back in town from a short holiday i'm around tomorrow night if you are, if not, i'm probably busy till sunday
  7. I misunderstood, I thought you were gonna return her to clear the arena. Idk why it never clicked that you were actually getting them love points. I don't know if it'll be possible to promote Fury for the start of chapter 3, she just starts at too low of a level, and she can even clear the arena unlike most of your other dudes, even if she somehow had elite ring access. I think you'll want Ethlin to be returning Sigurd after seizing Shagaal's castle anyway, although returning Tiltyu I guess saves more net turns. That being said I haven't played FE4 0% in like 3 years so my memory is pretty fuzzy.
  8. you might want to recruit ayra for the hero sword. Also are you sure Lex!Arthur will do anything? He'll have like 23 HP and just get oneshotted. Not to mention he'll also pretty much have just mage base stats. Amid honestly seems way better (although he'll probably do just as much, which is nothing.) Why do you want to promote Tiltyu anyway? Levin can do anything she can better, and promoting her doesn't give kids better stats or anything. So I don't think you actually need Fury promoted. I don't think you'll actually want to use any of the default kids since their stats will be so bad (even worse than the subs) except maybe Delmud and Nanna for Charisma.
  9. QUESTIONS why did you never continue that blog about the POCKET MONSTERS anime? I actually thought it was a pretty cool read. what are you studying in school? I'm sure you've told me at some point but I forget. edit: why did you pick rebecca second in that draft you linked earlier hahahahaha
  10. its just more reliable to oneshot them, since she can kill one on the enemy phase and one on the player phase, rather than taking two enemy phases, and it uses less wingspear uses, which isn't as big of a deal. Plus its better to forge weapons earlier rather than later, even if you don't use them.
  11. Whoops! Sorry for the mistake, I was just confused since you quoted me, mah bad. edit: take that integ even though this post isn't about nominations nominate integrity
  12. i didn't think I was appearing "down in the mouth" at all (before this post perhaps), and the last thing I want this thread to be is a popularity contest, but it's a sad reality. now that i'm saying this, I realize it is kind of hypocritical since I did vote for refa and all but oh well. I'm just kind of reminded of why I don't post as much anymore :( I do want to echo what ZM is saying and not make more of a scene though. Regardless of who's week it is, it'll (hopefully) be a good read.
  13. It's not like you won't get a chance to do it ever! And you got a ton of votes, you might even have more, I can't remember who people who changed votes voted for in the first place. It's also definately not your fault, I just think its silly people taking a thread that's supposed to be fun too seriously, but I guess it is the internet so its a reality.
  14. not gonna lie i just posted because it was like an hour before the deadline and wanted to break the tie so it wouldn't be up to chance, I think Refa's answers would just be amusing to read! I'm sure people who knew Bal/Nightmare voted for them too, I don't see why it's an issue. That being said, i'm pretty interested in reading what most people have to say anyway, since this thread is a cool idea :(
  15. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29164 shameless self plug but really I think my playthrough outlines a good way to beat most chapters, if you're having issues, give it a read if you're too lazy, for chapter 3, putting units in a vertical line when encountering enemies is really good, and having units like SteelSword!Cain, Silver Lance!Jeigan and Barst counter on the enemy phases significantly weakens them enough for them to be chipped away at. You can block the top enemies up pretty easily with someone like Ogma + Navarre, and if you don't move very far west I think you only aggro 2-3 fighters initally, the other enemies like the hunters won't move unless you pass a certain point on the map. For chapter 4, its good to forge a +4 MT Wing Spear so Shiida can OHKO cavaliers, and compared to the fighters you've been facing, they really aren't as threatening. I honestly don't know how to burn RN's, but if you suspend, and reload the game (not reset, reload it entirely) you can get a different RN string I believe.
  16. I still have working copies of FE7/8 but I never use them since emulating is much more convienent. Actually now that I think about it I don't actually have a way to play any of my GBA games since I lost my DS charger...
  17. The thing about Oswin is he could have something like 23-24 defence in endgame and it'd serve more or less the same purpose as his 30 defence ingame. Defence just really isn't an important stat in the GBA games. Vaida also completely obseletes him in every way, it's saddening because Oswin's probably the closest thing to a thwomp done right.
  18. Another thing I thought of earlier today, another reason why they're so bad is their strengths are far less pronounced compared to other units. They're supposed to be far more physically durable, but if you look at most knights, their base defence is just really not that much better than other units, and I think they could definately have higher strength as well. A good example is gilliam, he's 3 levels higher than Franz, but only has +5 HP, +2 Str, and +3 Def, while Franz has +4 speed, and +3 move in return (and Franz again is three levels lower!) At the same time, I don't think Gilliam would be much more useable if he had 5 more strength and defence.
  19. I know I really didn't mind hosting, I always found it fun to calculate the scenerios, but I'm a numbers guy and not everyone is. I was a little sad this died out, I thought it was pretty fun. I'm kinda busy the next few days though, so I dunno if i'll have time to make a team. I could host if you're really desparate for one though if you find an opponent.
  20. I'm not totally sure, but I believe its because their speed value is set to be something negative, which is impossible. Someone who knows more about hacking should confirm/deny though. It's probably only happening to the knights since they have the lowest base speed.
  21. ^ by the sounds of it, he's fighting Chapter 19 Walhart who has Sol Equipped. Your post did make me realize that the Wolf Berg was an axe though, I thought it was a lance for the longest time. But really, he isn't too tough. If he's difficult, I'm guessing you made the mistake of using too many units (I know I did on my first playthrough and it was harder than the rest). Usually you'll have a few god units by this point that can pretty much plow through enemies and take on bosses like they're nothing. It'd help to know your team though.
  22. Note that when I got Artur to A Staves, he used: 7 mend 3 torch 4 unlock 14 barrier he hit warp on the 22nd turn, which is 28 staff uses, and the barrier staff comes much earlier Saleh also used 11 Mend 2 Unlock 2 barrier 2 hammerne 2 silence 4 rescue 1 torch and also hit warp on the 22nd turn after his recruitment (and warped on the same turn!) but he used staves that Artur likely won't have access to, You might have to burn a Hammerne use to let Artur hit A Staves, since it gives 8 WExp, and you won't have to spam rescue on anyone else to get them to hit A Staves (although having only Moulder with Rescue might hurt you in chapter 18) I'll try to look in from time to time, but I'm skiing the next three days. I'll help more when I get back!
  23. You should have enough uses I think, I honestly doubt Duessel's ability to get over to Valter in time anyway, Seth might have to kill the boss.
  24. Just give Duessel the spear and he'll be fine (Vigarde drops it, right?) EDIT: Oh it's in one of the chests, I seem to remember it being in the unfourtunate top right chest or top left one, and might be tough to get
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