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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. man that topic was the best, I picked RAVEN and ELIWOOD round 1 and everyone was like GG HORACE WINS and this was before I was known for being good at drafts But yeah FE8's really an unfourtunate game to draft. Even the disparity between Vanessa and Franz is pretty big IMO.
  2. seriously massive props, that chapter was awesome i knew douglas would be a real hero someday
  3. ive ended up playing DK, DDD and Ganon the most, I just end up losing around 10% more with anyone other than Falcon and Pit, but Falcon is too mainstream and I really don't know why I don't play Pit more. DDD is really the best because he has no caps on taunt, since his crouch is his best taunt
  4. Some of the weapons have more or less hit, some weapons aren't in all the games, and damage calculation and accuracy calculations differ between all three games in one way or another. FE6 and FE8 have 3x effective MT, FE7 has 2x, FE6 weapon triangle advantage is only +/-10 whereas its +/-15 hit. Stuff like that. Not to mention all the other data for characters and class caps are different too. A lot of stuff is different.
  5. 5 levels is pretty steep, but it's not unreasonable for him to get a couple levels and get a point of strength and speed over the course of them and have +1 STR and +1 bow rank vs -1 speed. Once Murgleis exists, when using it, Klein suddenly has +4 speed and better stats all around (except defence and res, but you don't need those on a sniper and they're still not drastically lower) so pretty much they're the same unit (unless you need to use Silvers, which honestly probably never happens, killer bow too good) until Murgleis where Igrene isn't going to have the bow rank (until mayyyybe chapter 23 or something) it and Klein is, and then he's just better. Most of Klein's growths are equal or 10-15% higher too. I'm might be biased though because he's Pent's son and Pent's the best.
  6. I honestly wasn't, assuming a 15/1 Dieck at chapter 8x is pretty unreasonable for a low turn playthrough (I think anyway...) i just went by the onsite data for Henning (which lists 12 defence) I think I forgot to halve Dieck's luck by 2, giving him 17+17+8+80+10 (132 hit) vs Hennings theoretical 15+15+7+30 (67 avoid) (going off the onsite listing of 17 speed and 7 luck and knocking of 2 AS because of his shitty con) which pans out to 65 hit (or 75 true) So i'm guessing Henning has 18 speed and not 17 at the first chapter load and I just fudged halving the luck but I've said many times that Dieck isn't better or comparable to Rutgar at killing said bosses, and that Rutger is better at killing bosses in general. I'll admit I was kinda making shit up about the Sacae bosses and was just looking at numbers. I never considered using Durandal on Arcard tho. tl;dr the onsite boss data wasn't consistant with your data and luck is a stupid stat ;( I still maintain he's not a bad option to kill Henning.
  7. dieck has better hit and does more damage to henning than lance (even with the support), if you're assuming lance is doubling Henning (he does at 15/1) it's not unreasonable for me to assume that Dieck is promoted at the same level (even with his 4 level lead) a 15/1 Dieck does 30 damage with a crit at 65 hit against Handaxe Henning (which isn't hard to arrange), 8 damage can come from a light brand or something 75 true hit at 31 crit really isn't that bad against henning Lance doesn't double Henning if he has the hand axe, so he can either do 24 damage at 5 less hit with a crit, so he pretty much needs two crits to kill him He does double against Steel Blade Henning at 50 hit, but the crit damage is knocked down to 21. it's not even a contest really. Even Rutger at an equal level only has 10 more hit. He does have about twice the amount of crit, but he needs two of them. The gap really isn't as big as it seems. Even in Sacae, Rutger isn't even the best option against most bosses. Even assuming if he's a super high level like 15/10. - He has below 50 hit on Arcard, and does five damage with the killing edge, dudes like Miledy and Percival can tangle with him better with effective weaponry. - he's pretty good at killing Monke, but there is a chance that even he won't double him, in which case his usefulness plummets - It's very likely he won't actually be fast enough to double Gel, he needs to be 20/15 to do so (which isn't happening). - Roartz is kinda shitty, anyone with an armourslayer and decent skill will kill him eventually it's pretty much just Monke that he's actually good at killing, and other units like Shin are just as good at bosskilling later in the game while still being more of an asset against generic enemies and having more movement in general after sacae Rutger is a total nonfactor though. I'm not denying he's the best bosskiller in the early and midgame (by a good margain) but he's not irreplaceable by any stretch. , EDIT: Does Zephiel seriously have 14 speed on Hard mode? What a chump This is purely theorycrafting, and the inital levels are probably inflated a bit. I honestly haven't played FE6HM in quite some time though, so I might be off base a little bit. You're just not losing a Percival or a Miledy tier unit by not promoting Rutger.
  8. This is very late, but here's one Leaf, Fin and Celice all have a lot of stuff in their stash. EDIT: whoops, turns out I don't have one, sorry :( DOUBLEEDIT: FOUND IT https://www.sendspace.com/file/2fzrpm
  9. ricken also isn't bad as a higher magic rescue user, he's obviously outclassed by someone like Anna and Miriel (albeit not by much) but he's honestly probably better than most of the other alternatives Personally I think Donnel is the worst, but I don't care a whole lot for stuff like caps and skills he passes down to children or postgame in general, (or honestly really know anything about it). and ricken doesn't really stay shitty if you're not playing efficiency or ltc or w/e he's still below average but he's statistically better than Lissa or something and with someone with a speed pair he doubles well enough after a few levels on hard mode anyway. that being said I hate ricken so much he always gets skill luck and defence for me :(
  10. i mean sure they're assholes, but if you promote dieck instead he can definately still tangle with them rutger is definately your best bet, but its not like they're unbeatable without him, and even with Rutger, Henning is a pain scott isn't that much of an asshole either, just make him switch to his hand axe and he's a chump, although Dieck might not double him
  11. honestly as good as he is, with growths you really don't need to promote rutgar to actually kill bosses and stuff, he's actually pretty awful past midgame but pretty much what people are saying is yeah, he's obviously not very good if you're playing fast, but he's pretty awesome if you're just playing at a casual pace. Sure, you could have Garret tank on a mountain, but he's not even doubling some of the unpromoted wyverns and Niime is far from reliable in tanking the wyverns later on considering she's OHKO'd by some of the unpromoted dudes without investment I do agree if you're going sacae you probably shouldn't promote gonzo though, he's honestly awful there. It's also pretty easy to say "but Percival can do it" to any arguement that doesn't involve staffs, it's almost an irrelevant point.
  12. i didn't think any of the annotations were off time i dunno about most of the energy rings, but I imagine yodel and maybe niime need them to increase staff range, and I think Shin needs either speedwings or an energy ring to kill the manaketes in the final chapter? I dunno man.
  13. to be fair the swordreavers (and reaver weapons in general are extremely shitty in fe6) but the brave axe probably has decent enough hit against wyverns and stuff, but like you said you can mass buy killers so why bother? EDIT: slightly misread what you said but reavers are still shitty
  14. "From the conceptual stage, Celice was always male. Him being male has a big meaning in this story. I don't think that players choosing a gender, name, etc. for the main character will happen in future games, because I think the hero is not the same as the player." Mr. Kaga sure was wrong!
  15. Sure sometimes if you need X mark to get into a certain program or something its not bad to know what you need to get sure, but like 90% of the people I knew who did this were checking what mark they needed to pass, not "do I maintain a 90 if I get this mark? how bout this one?" etc. I just think if you're thinking about what you need to get on said exam it's always in the back of your mind when taking it which puts more stress on achieving said mark rather than learning the material I guess the math might be hard for someone who stopped taking math after highschool or something but I guess if you don't have a calculator around the tool would be more handy although there is just the calculator on the computer
  16. if you need to use this to calculate your final grade odds are you're in trouble anyway
  17. I'm 90% sure you only need Juno and Zealot, i've not recruited Tate in drafts before and still got the chapter. Don't forget to recruit Zeiss though.
  18. Depending on how good your Sain is statwise, having him early promote can make him really strong early in HHM, but he'll fall behind a little bit in the later chapters since his speed and durability likely will be even more mediocre than it already is, and he has some very real hit issues with Javelins. If it's any other mode though he'll probably steamroll it. Sainadin is essentially a faster Marcus with awful skill. I'd actually argue having him go into Hector/Eliwood mode as a level 12/13 cavalier is better for casual play since the 4-8 extra levels actually do make a difference. Obviously using the Robe and Energy Ring is definately a good idea, although who you use them on may vary. Florina is a good recipient of both boosters honestly, but there's no point in giving them to her if you're not gonna use her! If you like Lyn, she's not bad with the energy ring, and neither is Kent or Erk. Rath comes at a higher level if you kill him off (with a higher bow rank) but if you use him at all, the short bow gives more WExp than normal, so if you get a good level on him and actually have him fight stuff he'll likely have at least close to B Bows and not suffer too much. Wallace is pretty worthless even if he comes back as a general in Hector/Eliwood mode, but I guess it saves a knight crest.
  19. yeah incredibly underrated was a poor choice of words, I agree with what you say here. also gonzales probably doesn't need Armads to kill wyvern lords, just give him a killer axe and let him go ham
  20. you get two hero crests by chapter 10/11, it's not totally unreasonable for Gonzales to take one. I find he's a unit that's gone from incredibly overrated to incredibly underrated as time as progressed. There aren't many units that you can stick on a forest (or even a mountain in gonzo's case) lategame and have him clean up an entire hoard of wyvern riders without much issue. Bow users can kill one per player phase, and mages are likely to have issues killing them (just because FE6 mages are underwhelming) and face very real chances of death. His hit issues are totally overblown, unless he's fighting bosses or something (he's not, leave it to someone who's good at that, like Rutger) Dieck is another candidate for Armads as well, he might start at E Axes, but he'll likely promote pretty early and has loads of time to raise his axe rank.
  21. idk, I find Gangrel mildly annoying when I'm raising a more well rounded team rather than doing a draft or something and have like Wyvern Lord Panne with 30 strength or something that just obseletes everything, but if you're actually raising a team to have more than one or two superstars he's pretty much undoubleable, but he's still pretty squishy. Although unless i'm waiting for the speedwings hero to spawn or something I almost always encounter him while lucky 7's is still up. Doesn't he charge you at some point anyway? I haven't played that chapter without a god unit in a while.
  22. if klein gets 2 points of speed by the time igrene joins he's better in every way, i'd argue he's much better also bartre has 22 base speed EDIT: STRENGTH NOT SPEED
  23. The only time I played FE2 Alm did his best Sigurd impression and was my best unit anyway, so I saw no reason to not kill Rudolph with him, and it's an option to every player to do so, so I wouldn't call him a difficult boss. Pretty much anybody with the speed ring can tangle with him too, provided they're decently trained. You even have Zeke if you didn't train anyone. I think you get the super OP magic ring on Alm's route too so you can just nuke him with magic
  24. i only end up buying my own shampoo when the stuff i'm mooching runs out so VERY RARELY do I used men's shampoo I also like using conditioner like other people have said and unless its a 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner deal I never see men's conditioner anywhere. i don't really notice the difference though, I guess most mens shampoo is NOT FRUIT SCENT and womens are? Idk.
  25. I think it might have been nice to mention that it could affect stats gained on levelup as well, otherwise I think that's all the everyday player would really need to know about it.
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