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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. i can't say for sure, but it's probably because she's not OHKO'd (and her Res is actually higher than Sigurd's). Levin's also in KO range (even though its hit is probably awful or 0.)
  2. I honestly don't really know without actually trying. I think it would hover somewhere between 150-155 though.
  3. He can hit level 20 before seizing Darna, then Janne can return him home, and after Lana rescues Celice and Laylea over the cliff, she can return Lana home, and Leaf can buy rescue and be warped to whatever Ishtor's castle is called and continue to rescue Celice. Leaf needs to inherit a return ring and probably bargain ring along with a ton of swords/rings so he can immediately buy elite and clear the arena and then get a bunch of kills on the dark mages (he has lots of time since Celice takes forever to run across the desert). He needs to then kill two waves of Jabarro's dudes (he goes back and gets more if they get wrecked) and he'll hit 20.
  4. I haven't actually figured out the TC's, but I'm pretty sure having Rescue!Leaf in some of chapter 7 and all of chapter 8 and 9 (since Claude!Fury won't happen with growths) outweighs rescue Lachesis for chapter 4 and 5 (and then not getting Rescue till chapter 10).
  5. Pairings in general would completelely change Claude!Aideen would most likely be better since Azel!Lachesis wouldn't be ready in time for the start of chapter 4, and you can do some cool stuff in chapter 7/8 with Rescue!Lana (and Leaf!) Other than that, you wouldn't need to lug people like Levin around everywhere, since Sigurd can kill all the bosses.
  6. I would say Roy because he's the most uninteresting lord in the series, but my hate for Lyn supercedes that. What? What? What? They both do that too.
  7. I think he could have gotten Ichival if he really wanted to, but I just don't think it would have done much. Briggid's move is too lame. Same with the Gae Bolg, but Cuan would have just stood around with it I guess.
  8. revive noish with the best S rank staff ever his sacrifice must not be forgotten
  9. CHAPTER 8 - 14/56 TURNS I think Faval cost a turn, but oh well. Maybe he can make it up by helping with Alvis? He'll probably get OHKO'd because Midir gives shitty HP though. ONE CAN HOPE. Ran everyone up. Fin was the hero Lenster deserved, and saved it more or less singlehandedly, with healing backup from Janne. Leen got the leg ring, Celice bought the barrier ring so he wouldn't get OHKO'd by the mages at the start of the chapter (he needed to tank one) and the bolting mages later (but not blume sadly). Recruited Faval after constantly baiting him with Janne (he OHKO'd her at 53 hit). Oifaye killed Blume and Ishtar. 8 turns to Blume The second castle I thought was gonna be hell, but it turned out alright thanks to DEFENCE SWORD SHIELD RING LEEN who was brought to 3 HP by the enemy Javelins and then targetted over Celice from then on out (I still surrounded Celice with Tristain, Janne, Fin and Aless though), LIVIN ON A PRAYER Fin killed the boss here and Celice seized. 6 turns to the second place. I'll post stats in a second. UNIT LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS NOTABLE ITEMS SKASAHAR 20.48 54 27 05 27 21 17 16 06 LAKCHE 24.14 55 27 00 30 30 07 17 06 MANA 13.80 29 00 13 09 12 08 02 13 ELITE RING TRISTAN 20.39 53 15 00 24 21 08 20 04 POWER RING OIFAYE 26.32 51 20 10 24 20 14 20 08 POWER RING JULIA 09.20 30 00 19 09 13 06 03 16 JOHAN 19.15 48 16 00 11 15 06 15 02 FIN 30.00 54 24 02 19 22 20 22 03 SKILL RING, SPEED RING JANNE 21.79 43 16 11 19 15 05 14 09 SPEED RING PATTY 14.51 42 10 01 11 14 12 06 01 ALESS 20.12 56 24 11 20 22 12 19 13 LINDA 20.88 33 08 25 19 20 07 08 04 LEEN 11.49 35 05 04 05 12 06 04 11 SHIELD RING, LEG RING, KNIGHT RING, BARGAIN RING FAVAL 18.06 50 19 02 21 22 24 13 00 maaaan tristan is almost good but he's strength screwed. Also not recruiting Corple, I think Mana will be promoted by next chapter anyway. Elite Ring Mana OP.
  10. e rank filthy casual but seriously I really liked Mekkah's answer to my question about units, Merlinus was actually a pretty important unit at multiple points where I didn't expect him to be. Never forget warping the warp staff.
  11. i'm sure there have been cases where the 4th pick has finished and automatically won because nobody else finished. But aside from that, there are a couple cases early on in FE8 drafting (when Tethys was a draftable unit) where the last pick won a couple times. But times have certainly changed since then, here's the teams from one of them, haha.
  12. I just find if you're playing for the main game (if you plan on doing the creature campaign you can just wait until level 20 or spam torch staves in a skirmish or something) that they fall behind in levels too quickly (especially Natasha) and just lose their usefulness. As a result, their stats will be too low to do much more than heal anyway, so I just think you're better off using at least one of Artur/Lute/Saleh since they can heal pretty well with good combat. I honestly don't think there's enough time for Natasha to hit S Light to use Ivaldi in the main game (without skirmishes or the tower anyway) but even so, her speed is pretty mediocre and she's weighed down by it quite a bit (it's not too heavy but her con's bad) so the only real benefit is the +5 defence, you have other units that kill stuff better regardless. I actually think going Bishop is more beneficial for Natasha during the main game too since her offence is already pretty bad, but slayer can at least help mitigate it a little bit and Valkyrie's only have 1 more movement in FE8 anyway.
  13. Yeah, but you'd need three staffers to 1 turn, so I guess my point was invalid. I think I was just thinking of the standard 2 turn that most people have to settle for in drafts.
  14. I just use a killer lance or Ephraim for Riev real men use Audhulma Cormag You couldn't blast Morva with Ross?
  15. I guess you didn't have a flier, so it kind of makes sense. Dozla's movement in the desert is pretty good, he probably could have dumped Franz down south or something and Artur could have solo'd Caellach's area or something. Picking Duessel fourth ound isn't as bad as my first FE7 draft though. GOTTA TAKE ELIWOOD AND LYN SO I CAN LAST PICK GEITZ.
  16. If you three turn anyway, he probably doesn't do anything then, although he'd be farther ahead to deal with the next castle, but Fury probably does stuff there anyway to obselete him there. And yeah, it's a turn at each castle, but I don't think it's possible to save either turn on 0% growths.
  17. Marty's team is the best because he picked Syrene. but really uhhhhhh Blaze's team is pretty good, he got Nessie, and second pick Joshua is kind of redeemed by getting Gerik realllly late. Ewan isn't actually that bad in drafts either since getting 13 free levels is honestly pretty ridiculous, and he'll be promoted in time to contribute very well in the desert. Natasha's kind of a bad warper though, but such is the life of being first pick. You might actually be able to get Ewan to warp if you try hard enough! Marty's team looked really good after the first three picks, but then all his other picks were pretty worthless. Amelia's OK I guess, but Eirika route Duessel is honestly IMO a candidate for worst pick in the entire drafting pool (like honestly what does he do at all?). If it was a block pick so you couldn't get him on Eph route, it's not worth it really since making your team worse at the expense of someone else (and Duessel is only really good on the Phantom Ship anyway) is always a bad idea. MJ's team would have been really strong if he had gotten a better warper. I just noticed Saleh somehow lasted till the second to last round, whaaaaaat? Getting Garcia in the third round is pretty good honestly, he's a powerhouse all game if you don't have Franz/Vanessa. You were kinda screwed since you had fourth pick, so your team is kinda weak movement wise aside from Cormag, but you got Gilliam to hold over until he showed up, so not having Duessel didn't really hurt. Someone like Dozla would have been nice for Selena's chapter though, he actually owns there since he's pretty mobile there, and while having Ephraim!Saleh might look like it sucks, but it probably saved at least a turn in the desert since you wouldn't have to send Cormag up north to save Eirika. I think you should have taken Artur over Lute though, he's better. Overall, i think Kyle/Forde/Duessel/Marisa/Syrene/Joshua got taken too early, and Gerik/Saleh/Ross/Ewan/Dozla got taken too late.
  18. I don't think it'd be too hard, he starts at level 9 and can actually win a little bit in the arena's since his stats aren't awful You could feed him all the kills on the Orgahil pirates with the hero sword instead of Ayra, and if you're really ambitious, he could even have the elite ring for that. He can clear up to level 6 at base in the chapter 3 arena pretty easily too, between those enemies and the chapter 2/3/4 arena it'd be enough to promote him with little effort. Also, unlike Sigurd, he doesn't get oneshotted by Langbart, so Beo could actually kill him for Sigurd to seize earlier than if Levin has to do it. Although getting 50 kills on the hero sword might be a little harder in 0%. Still doable for sure I think though.
  19. This is late, but theoretically speaking, unless one person drafts both Kyle and Forde everyone can get the same turncount on 5x, so it's generally considered to not be free. Orson/Eph can 7 turn solo, and having only one of Kyle/Forde doesn't make this any lower (although it improves reliability)
  20. me too, I was terrified. As for the chapter with growths, you can seize Silvail by turn 6 with growths (and master knight Lachesis) I was thinking a promoted Beowulf might have actually been useful, since his bases are a little better than Sigurd, but he doesn't get any strength on promo :(
  21. the first time I've played most FE's i've done so without looking at the growthrates, but I'd like for them to be known for future playthroughs. The first time I played FE13 I thought the avatar had awful growths to compensate for veteran.
  22. The difference in damage between someone with actual strength using the wing spear and Shiida using it is only their strength stat, so anybody else using it would only actually do like 4-7 more damage, and likely wouldn't double, so she's far and away still the best user for it. Ridersbane isn't comparable unless you actually forge +20 hit on it, and ignore the 10 crit the Wing Spear has. That being said, Shiida without the wing spear would probably be the worst starting peg in the series.
  23. i got it at a yard sale witth 2-3 other games i didn't care about for 20 bucks. That being said, that was still like, 7? years ago so the prices werent as ridiculous.
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