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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. PREMONITION - 2/2 TURNS yeah CHAPTER PROLOGUE - 3/5 TURNS Fred ran to the boss, Robin and Chrom tried to get most of the exp. Robin is +spd -res. I've gained a new appreciation for the luck stat recently. CHAPTER 1 - 3/8 TURNS Robin/Chrom sat on the fort then weakened/killed enemies on turn 2. Fred softened up the boss for Robin to finish. Virion killed a fighter that Robin left alive. CHAPTER 2 - 3/11 TURNS Fred paired with Chrom to get ahead further on turn 1. Robin and Virion lured some enemies away, then cleared the path for Fred to run ahead to let him kill the boss on turn 3. Miriel got some scraps. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON LEVEL CHROM LORD 02.36 21 08 02 09 08 05 07 01 D SWORD ROBIN TACTICIAN 05.85 23 07 08 08 11 07 09 03 D TOME E SWORD FREDERICK GREAT KNIGHT 03.03 30 14 03 14 12 06 16 03 A LANCE D AXE D SWORD VIRION ARCHER 02.45 19 06 00 11 05 07 06 01 D BOW MIRIEL MAGE 01.76 18 00 08 05 07 06 03 04 E TOME CHAPTER 3 - 4/15 TURNS Fred ran to the boss with Sumia and killed her. Everyone else collected exp. PARALOGUE 1 - FREE Got Sumia a few levels, along with Miriel and Chrom. EDIT: aaaand a random spawn blocked the tonic shop ;((( reloaded my save before paralogue 1 and bought some. CHAPTER 4 - 2/17 TURNS gave Sumia Str/Def tonics and had her fly north and go ham, with a Fred pairup she had a 0% chance of death on turn 1. She killed the two mages, a knight (which was just lucky fred dual strikes) and a fighter before swapping to Fred so Lucina could be doubled and killed. Miriel/Virion and Chrom/Robin got the other two enemies. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON LEVEL CHROM LORD 04.44 22 10 03 11 10 06 07 02 D SWORD ROBIN TACTICIAN 09.36 26 10 11 11 13 10 10 04 D TOME E SWORD FREDERICK GREAT KNIGHT ??/04.46 31 14 04 15 13 06 16 04 A LANCE D AXE D SWORD VIRION ARCHER 03.60 20 06 00 12 05 07 06 01 D BOW MIRIEL MAGE 04.29 19 01 09 07 09 08 03 05 D TOME SUMIA PEGASUS KNIGHT 06.28 20 09 04 14 17 12 07 08 C LANCE DONNEL CHUMP 02.01 17 05 01 03 04 12 03 00 E LANCE CHAPTER 5 - 3/20 TURNS Sumia str/def tonic again. Sumia flew up with Frederick and killed the darkmage turn 1, then killed the one to the north near the boss area on turn 2 with the Javelin. She ORKO'd all the enemies up there with it except the boss and the wyvern riders, but all the non wyverns attacked her first and when she killed the boss (with a 46% Frederick Killer Lance dual) she sent the Javelin to the convoy and KO'd the rest of them with the iron lance. There was actually only a mage and one wyvern alive on turn 3, which were dealt with before the reinforcements could spawn.
  2. It was the first time i'd ever played a Fire Emblem game, I didn't know what else to base it off of :( I just remember not wanting to kill Gordin because I thought his stats were worse because I thought Archer's had special powers or something that I didn't understand, so I just killed Frey because he had the least total stats (other than Gordin and Marth)
  3. ^ I actually never have thought of that, I think that's a better idea, considering Lucina actually has some value, and Inigo well, doesn't ever exist since it's super hard to pair Olivia in a draft. EDIT: Is avatar class restricted?
  4. It depends on the game. I couldn't imagine playing Star Fox 64 if only the text boxes popped up at the bottom of the screen. On the other hand, FFIVDS could have had no voice acting and I would have felt the exact same about the game.
  5. In my first playthrough, I killed off Frey because he got the worst levelup out of Abel, Cain and himselt.
  6. Nowi + Nah Also updated teams and stuff Red Fox of Fire: Sully + Kjelle, Anna, Vaike, Tiki, Lissa + Owain Gradivus.: Panne + Yarne, Lon'qu, Morgan, Maribelle + Brady, Basilio General Horace: Sumia + Cynthia, Miriel + Laurent, Cherche + Gerome, Gaius, Nowi + Nah fluffysheep1: Cordelia + Severa, Stahl, Libra, Kellam
  7. Grafcalibur has 40 uses, and can be repaired with Safy's hammerne staff, and is a very good candidate to get repaired. Levin probably doesn't even use 50 uses of Holsety in gen 1 regardless. What mage (other than Sety, who joins so late it's irrelevant) is better than Asvel? He has 3 PCC, Continue, and very good growths (especially speed). If you repair Tyrfing, the meteor mages do close to zero damage, and there are a number of ways to deal with Reptor (sleep, silence, etc) if you don't want Sigurd to just kill him without Levin blowing him up (although it is a good alternative. Just because Sigurd has a mediocre performance in the last castle of the generation doesn't mean he's mediocre himself. He's your best unit in litererally every other scenerio.
  8. Your suggestion of Leaf makes very little sense with this mentality, as Asvel joins with Grafcalibur in chapter 4x (way earlier than Levin gets Holsety). Celice's stats might be better, but if you compare their surrounding casts, Sigurd is far and away the better unit. Celice is surrounded by Shanan, Oifaye and Aless very early on, while Sigurd is surrounded by Cuan and uh, a bunch of serviceable units. And like previously mentioned, Levin has Holsety for a chapter and a quarter of Sigurd's six chapter existence There's no doubting Holsety!Levin completely destroys all the enemies in chapter 5, but the bosses aside, Sigurd (or anybody promoted really) can kill the mooks rather easily. Sigurd can handle the bosses with relative ease if he has a 50 kill silver/hero sword too.
  9. Sigurd is by far the best in my opinion. I'd say Alm takes runner up, he's so much better than everyone else on his route it's kind of ridiculous. Celice and Ephraim are pretty good too.
  10. I don't really have much of an opinion on the emblem items (they're just irons with lots of uses anyway, and the emblem bow isn't even effective against fliers IIRC) or the other two weapons, but I noticed the buff to Bartre that pretty much makes him a better unit than Dorcas in every way. Even with a few Lyn mode levels (which are hard to get even when playing slower because Dorcas has awful spawnpoints in the chapters before the prep screen, Bartre surpasses Dorcas pretty much immediately. This being said, I still think its fine for there to be good and bad units, it'd just be nice if Dorcas had some advantage other than an irrelevant axe rank.
  11. honestly unless Karel has massively buffed stats, there's still very little inscentive to take him over Harken (even on normal mode). Perhaps give him pseudo hard mode bonuses to compensate? I dunno how many bonus levels Harken gets, it looks like 5 though. But I like the previous suggestion of giving him a 1-2 range sword locked to SM's/Lyn like the Amatsu. Even if the +res sword is 1-2 range, they'll likely ignore Karel if other enemies are in range since his evade is good and he'll take very little damage anyway. The reality is Harken is still a fantastic unit in Cog anyway. It might be nice to buff Wallace's axe rank or something, although if you do Lyn mode it might be problematic.
  12. i'm proud of you for the taunt on castle siege I missed it live, but i'm watching the vods now, right on man!
  13. here i thought i'd get stuck with panne again for the 9th time in a row Sumia + Cynthia
  14. Prayer sword. It doesn't change the displayed hit in battle though.
  15. its not a standard rule, integ just took the ruleset for fe13 from an experimental draft, and hasn't been in any other ones (as far as I know) since i'll join too though
  16. How high of a level is he? If he's super overlevelled, he won't gain exp for killing really weak enemies, even with elite.
  17. Yeah, turns out its only 30000. That's what I get for never using it
  18. You can't really use it however many times you want either, since it costs 50000g to repair, Claude isn't getting that much gold ever (without Dew anyway) and neither is Corple. Even Sety takes a while to get that much money. I just agree with the general sentiment in the thread that if someone dies, most people will just reset.
  19. It's probably not 5 turns, I never really counted, I just kind of threw out a general number. It's honestly more like 3, one getting treasure/transporting Hector in 28x, it likely saves a turn in 29 (along with triggering reinforcements earlier) and it saves a turn in endgame since you can open an extra door on turn 1 (Lloyd/Linus's or Kenneth's) The money thing makes more sense now, although depending on the unit, 850 per arena encounter might be generous though, even units that are pretty good in the arena like Raven can get screwed over by a wyvern rider or something at that range. Your point still stands though. It also makes getting experience easier on units (especially if Heath/Florina have the whip, since they can carry everyone except Dorcas, Oswin, and Hawkeye in chapters like VoD. It's not a huge difference though. By VoD I personally usually have enough experience that I could just beat the chapter with whoever and still have enough by the time endgame is over though, so it's kinda a moot point (in my opinion anyway).
  20. If you're doing the Hector + thief strategy odds are Hector has the boots, and reaches the boss by turn 5 on his own, allowing for a 7 turn clear, and nets you an extra 16k. I'm a bit confused where you're getting the 20k assets from (the wolf beil is 6k, and you're not getting any other item except maybe the pure water), are you getting the other 14k from the 12 arena visits somehow? I could just be missing something too. One could also point out that having boots on Heath/Florina/whoever saves more than however many turns you're suggesting (i'm a bit lost in this arguement now) so why wouldn't you give them the boots when they save, lets say, 5 turns over giving them to god knows who else equates to 5 turns of arena use if you're so inclined. Which is probably overkill since you don't even need the arena to comfortably S Rank (although it is the easiest way).
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