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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. We did a draft of it a really long time ago, nobody finished though. (Sigurd also had to stay unpromoted) He's actually really bad. Lord Knight gets +5 strength on promotion, so his early offence is neutered. CHAPTER 9 - 15/71 TURNS Ran to the first castle and danced and stuff, killed Hannibal since I won't need Corple. Unfourtunately he stole my magic ring. Stoopid Corple. 3 turns to Kapathogia fuck it, I don't actually remember what my turncounts were to any of the other castles. I did however use Leen as bait at the last castle (Prayer OP) and Celice ended up one space short of seizing, what a chump. Mana promoted and cleared the arena too, thanks Patty. I got the Julia conversation for Celice in case three extra res will help at some point. I'll post stats after I do the arena. UNIT LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS NOTABLE ITEMS SKASAHAR 23.64 56 27 06 27 21 17 17 06 LAKCHE 27.58 59 27 01 30 30 07 17 07 MANA 23.25 38 02 23 16 16 12 06 15 LEG RING, BARGAIN RING TRISTAN 23.85 60 17 00 25 21 08 21 05 PURSUIT RING, PRAYER RING OIFAYE 30.00 55 22 10 24 21 16 21 09 POWER RING, SKILL RING JULIA 09.20 30 00 19 09 13 06 03 16 JOHAN 25.06 54 26 00 14 20 07 24 05 FIN 30.00 54 24 02 19 22 20 22 03 SKILL RING, SPEED RING JANNE 26.65 45 18 11 23 20 07 18 09 RETURN RING PATTY 20.27 46 16 09 18 22 16 13 05 ALESS 24.35 59 24 11 20 23 14 20 15 POWER RING, SPEED RING LINDA 28.36 38 08 27 21 26 08 08 17 SHIELD RING LEEN 15.10 39 08 07 09 12 08 04 11 KNIGHT RING, RETURN RING, BARRIER RING FAVAL 24.46 59 26 04 25 27 29 19 04 ELITE RING
  2. Yeah, I agree with that for sure since nobody can actually fight in gen 1. Other than Levin.
  3. this is one of my favourites https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHvqoQ11F_4 edit: and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dXJGfMuRTo
  4. Nah, rescue is way more valuable in chapter 7 (and 8). You can rescue Celice across the desert after Yied, back up to Darna to recruit Laylea. Rescue might not even really save more than 1-2 turns in chapter 4 honestly. With growths it might not even save any since Azel/Aideen probably will happen too late. Claude Aideen doesn't cost any turns (it's a pretty fast pairing and Jealousy makes it even faster) either.
  5. yeah, this is probably my least favourite castle in the game, there's like nothing to do. I guess on a normal playthrough you'd defend Lenster. I think the only reason that this chapter is actually faster with growths (probably) is rescue though. Leaf promoting actually doesn't save any turns (in this chapter anyway) I don't think. That being said I haven't actually got to this chapter while planning a run yet, so maybe it will. I dunno.
  6. Nah, Hawk would still only have 30 magic to Ishtar's 32 Res (she has a barrier ring) Actually you can probably use sleep sword!Fee and sleep her or something His offensive stats might help though.
  7. I think Janne would be better still. Hawk really isn't any better than Linda.
  8. In addition, it's stated a few time Ephraim at the very least doesn't really pay attention to stuff like this (Lyon nags him about it in a couple scenes). The same can't really be said for Eirika, who likely just trusts that Lyon will do good things with the power from the stone
  9. Yeah the ring would be wasted, but it's more for the same reason as getting the shield ring - more gold for the thief to distribute. Shanan can clear all the arena's, she he can just buy it whenever he feels like it. EDIT: Never forget zombie beyard.
  10. I think more of the problem is she'd own one of your units if you seized Conote on turn 5 (i'm pretty sure she OHKO's everyone but Aless). You can probably work around it though (or just have Fin or Janne tank one for the team or something). ^ Do you mean the shield ring village in chapter 7? I think getting the power ring village in chapter 8 is still probably a good idea though, since Daisy is the worst.
  11. My memory is a bit fuzzy regarding her, but it might be better to wait the turn anyway, since if she spawns after you seize Conote, I think you have to kill her anyway since she glitches out the game or something due to not technically supposed to exist at that point.
  12. chapter 6 was always a boring one the conversation between Danaan and the Hero axe dude (i forget his name too) happens after you recruit Johan/Johalva, or when you seize one of their castles, not just the virture of Celice being far enough ahead in the chapter. It's still pretty funny though. Do you encounter NPC Ishtar in chapter 8?
  13. i like Serra a lot more but Priscilla's pretty much better in every way. Also am I the only one who sometimes forgets to buy Fire tomes and then Priscilla is unarmed when she promotes? It's the worst.
  14. DA RODDEL I don't know how you'd get him past Ishtar's goons, but it'd be hilarious.
  15. if fee isn't busy, she can run in and hit the dude, and return ring home she's not really doing anything past that point, but it's an option I guess.
  16. Fee still comes with the berserk sword, that should work.
  17. are you just killing Julius with the berserk/hel combo?
  18. considering the melee crowd has done it two years in a row, i'm not surprised at all. Like I know things were running behind and such, but it wouldn't have killed them to show at least a little emotion for 30 seconds before sweeping the smash4 winner aside like garbage, it was a pretty pathetic display. In my opinion the smash community as a whole is just impossible to please. That being said I only watched the melee streams, the smash 4 stream just wasn't as exciting.
  19. fee + other units you warp ahead there (I assume Leaf doesn't need the warp staff) can probably tank them for you, I imagine, although there are quite a lot of them.
  20. even with the power ring, he does 13 damage a hit to Alvis (18 st + 5 from power ring + 30 MT Balmung = 53 attack - Alvis's 40 defence is 13 damage a pop and Alvis has 80 HP) I'm guessing he'll have Aless Mistoltin him or something after using the sleep sword or something though, although he only does 6 damage and doesn't double without the speed ring. Noish Briggid is pretty good for Faval, and Patty is always going to be a mediocre combatant until she promotes anyway, it's not too bad. Noish is a pretty good dad in general though.
  21. Alvis has nihil, so neither will work. Continue will though. Also doesn't base Shanan need 7 hits to kill Alvis?
  22. Great Shield is a stupid skill anyway, not much could be don't about it I don't think. Not to mention he just OHKO's everyone.
  23. How do you manage to kill Areone? He's pretty tough with growths.
  24. awesome job so far! Rescue doesn't save any turns in Chapter 6, even if you go over the mountains near where Fee and Arthur spawn, Celice is 2 spaces short of a 15 turn clear. It's rather inconvienent. I agree that Azel/Aideen and Claude/Fury is the way to go in 0% growths though. Leaf won't be promoted until probably chapter 9 (or 10 even) without growths anyway.
  25. Even if the enemy did target Sylvia, it probably wouldn't have been an issue, the hitrate would be so low with Charisma and Leadership bonuses (maybe 35ish). I don't really know how the AI works when it has 0 hit and can KO though. Most of the time they just ignore them. EDIT: Turns out the Meteo mages hilariously have 3 hit on Levin so they'd go for him when possible.
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