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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. The general consensus on that was yes, as long as he's being moved out of the way. The AI likes to target him with the handaxes and depending on your team, there's nothing you can do about it
  2. PROLOGUE - 14 TURN CLEAR it really sucks that the chapter RN's make you tank a hit right out of the gate... Alec Noish and Sigurd charged south, enemies obviously targetting the former two dudes over Sigurd. Fin and Cuan showed up in time to take out a rouge bandit that was charging for Chalphy and went south to assist. The boss was taken out by a combination of Cuan and Noish, Alec ended this part on 1 HP and Noish had like 11. Cuan actually was never attacked (he javelin'd the boss) so he was sitting pretty, and Fin was sitting on 20 HP or so? He tanked one hit, that's all I remember. 6 turns to Jungby. The next castle really sucked despite me having a lot of units, I had to keep Cuan and Midir healthy enough to take a hit from the boss (Cuan had to hit on one phase and land the finishing hit, or I guess continue but odds aren't in his favour there) and Midir was needed for chip. Alec was used as bait as after healing at the church he got low again and all the axeguys chased him around at 7 hit. Alvis nuked a few dudes, and gave Sigurd his sword which will go to Ayra next chapter. The boss is actually ridiculous though, he's so tanky, and Alec and Noish do shit all to him. 8 turns to Evans for the clear. Noish can kill all the important lategame bosses with the herosword, I'm not too worried about my lategame in gen1. I lose a few units I guess, but Pursuit Ring!Noish is actually pretty fantastic for a gen 1 unit. STATS: some of that was after a round or two in the arena in chapter 1, nobody cleared it because I'll need it for healing, but Alec actually needed money to buy the steel sword (lol) and I got a level on some units that were close to levelling up. Fin had his convo with Cuan too. Alec got a few nice levels!
  3. so gerrard is a raidboss guys, have fun fighting him with alec and noish like if Cuan didn't do so much damage I actually think I might have had to go back and heal at the church with all my dudes ethlin would actually be the best here other than Cuan EDIT: not even gonna lie I think Azel might rule here and I think Baldrick might have to take an Ethlin or Azel (rofl) penalty to even beat the boss
  4. I haven't done a TEAM EVALUATION in like YEARS so here we go... Deirdre - WARPING dudes in chapter 2 and giving Sigurd money Ardan - NOT ACTUALLY FREE Alec - he'll do the thing where he's good in the first two chapters then kinda suck. Maybe he'll get overlevelled and be good? Noish - the true lord of gen 1. should kill all the important bosses easily lategame Radney & Roddlebad - suckers Aless - gen 2 lord Oifaye - other gen 2 lord Julia - the best (Sylvia, Leen, Corple) - DANCERS and corpse who unfourtunately is my rescue dude Fin - FIIIIIIIIIN Cuan - seriously i think he'll crush chapter 2 so hard with Fin compared to the other two teams Midir - maybe i'll actually recruit Jamka and he'll get the killer bow and be fantastic. Regardless he's pretty rad. (Ayra, Lakche, Skasaher) - PLZ DON'T BE USELESS AND BE AMAZING IN CHAPTER 6 (Briggid, Patty, Faval) - Maybe Faval can save a turn on Alvis or something. Mostly drafted Patty to give gold to Mana Mana - staffgirl with funds courtesy of the bank of Patty Janne - she's actually not even that bad combatwise with a hero sword Tristan - he's actually ridicously good combatwise with a hero sword Linda - B staves and elite almost last round wut Johan - mounted dude I guess Johalva - delicious exp
  5. NO I WANTED HIM D; but i don't see why not assaelo is incredibly useless anyway.
  6. my guess is he's draftable, since then we'll have an equal amount of units, as valuable as ardan is.
  7. NOT IN CHAPTER 7 i just wanna do something with cuan's leftover cash possibly, although ayra/husband can probably pass down as many swords as possible
  8. also if Celice is allowed to inherit stuff can Leaf inherit stuff even if he's undrafted? Theoretically they're both undrafted units also tristain and Linda
  9. I'm pretty sure I took Sylvia and Laylea once in an old draft, I think it's allowed I know for sure I accidently took Sylvia (plus corple) and Sharlow once but that was totally by accident
  10. you could argue giygas is one of if not the most threatening villain among smash bros dudes though, he has the power to destroy the universe i'm not privy on a lot of the other games, but could the same not be said about Pit needing Palutena to do pretty much half his job for him, or other party members helping the main character
  11. you get two picks since you're top of the order (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, 1st, 2nd, etc)
  12. arran also could have just died although it wouldn't have been too devastating he was pretty shitty
  13. you could see tellah's death coming from a mile away though I wouldn't mind it happening in FE though. As long as there's a way for you to feasibly continue to game afterwards.
  14. Altenna really should have been attached to Thracia's castle, and not the castle with all the darkmages and ballista. If you're recruiting Hannibal, there's a really high chance that Celice can just seize the darkmage castle the turn he's recruited, and this is without playing particularly quickly either, it's really annoying.
  15. I'm not against having mothers draftable alongside other units, people are gonna likely want dudes like Levin over mothers like Briggid (although even Briggid can fight the lategame bosses better than a lot of guys and Faval can actually probably fight Alvis (at awful hit but still)
  16. from personal experience, Ethlin's also a strong choice since she also gives you Leaf, who's the best user of rescue by far. In normal drafts, units like Aless who's free here are also valued for some other utlilty too (like he can kill Alvis while Celice retrieves Tyrfing) but he's free here. Aideen gives you staffbots for as long as possible (and earlier access to the warp staff in gen 2) and Lana with money is like 10x better than Mana. Sylvia's definately still a good pick though. Leen/Laylea cost a few turns (that they probably make up) in gen 2 as well. In a draft like this, even someone like Ayra (who's usually the last or second last mother drafted) might have a use here because swordkids that can actually ORKO enemies will likely allow Celice to move a bit further ahead on the first few turns before Oifaye shows up (and if you give one of them the leg ring/eliite ring, you have earlier access to that in gen 2 for your whole team to use since Celice can't inherit them). Actually the more I think about stuff that could happen in this draft, the more excited I am to play it, haha. Alternatively Baldrick, we could just draft with 3 players, and just have 12 units each. We'll have 2 useless units like Asaello and Hannibal each anyway probably.
  17. I honestly probably wouldn't have much time to play before Friday anyway (although drafting could be done beforehand) I do actually really want to see how this ends up working out though. Hopefully REPTOR isn't a problem and OHKO's your dudes although there are a TON of people who can silence/sleep him so he shouldn't be an issue. It's up to you though!
  18. the way I look at these things is if you're not gonna have the time to do videos or commentary or both or w/e there's no point in trying but if you do have time, go for it!
  19. except for the part where he actually kills stuff
  20. Fliers generally aren't very good in FE4 either since they don't get bonus movement from roads. FE4 is probably the least flier-friendly game in the whole series, and the fliers are all actually pretty amazing statwise. That being said, Marty will probably skip Altenna, she costs a few turns. And growths do factor into their bases, it's all here at the bottom: http://serenesforest.net/genealogy-of-the-holy-war/miscellaneous/calculations/
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