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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Yeah, I forgot about Treck's weapon ranks, they are pretty unfourtunate. He's probably the worst of the lot. Kyle and Forde are still pretty awful as far as cavaliers go though.
  2. I always thought Ovo was a dude with a hipster haircut. It's definately possible to 4 turn with growths, I think it might be even possible to three turn, I'm not sure yet though. The Earth Sword has actually don't quite a bit of work, i'm pleasently surprised. I never ever use it in a normal playthrough, am I alone in this?
  3. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure if you play fast enough Zephiel (and Nino, but I think she can sit around until Ursula moves and be OK) will always survive, but Jaffar can curl up and die very early, and his death makes you miss a gaiden chapter (and a unit himself) so people generally restart.
  4. I killed off everyone that "retreats" in chapter 3, and only Levin is able to be revived. Cuan, Ethlin and Fin have the little scene where they go back to Lenster after their health is knocked down to zero, so reviving them would make no sense.
  5. in the parent's ghosts event on this page: http://serenesforest.net/genealogy-of-the-holy-war/miscellaneous/secret-events/, the description is somewhat incorrect, as Celice has to be the one to land the final hit on Alvis for the event to trigger. The current description only implies that Alvis just has to be dead for it to work, which is incorrect.
  6. technically in ltc you just one turn Lloyd's chapter so wallance has no chance of being recruited There aren't really any bad cavaliers though. Kyle, Forde and Treck are kind of mediocre I guess, but they're still 7 move units with some durability and offence.
  7. Personally i'll never play casual mode but there's literally no reason not to include it for the people who want to use it so there's no real reason to oppose it, unless classic mode gets removed or something, but that's something that will (probably) never happen. RFoF's idea above is an ok idea, but some players liked playing Lunatic casual in awakening, who still liked playing it for the challenge, but maybe didn't have the patience/time to constantly reset if they couldn't beat a certain level. EDIT: Maybe make it toggleable so if you start on casual mode but decide you'd rather play classic 10 chapters in or something, you don't have to make a new savefile?
  8. The way I think it happens is Alvis ends up scooping up the Tyrfing after the battle regardless (who else is alive to do it?) so in both outcomes, he ends up with it after gen 1.
  9. i'd actually agree lowen is better than warpers, serra and priscilla especially are pretty awful since any magic user bar nino can reach warp easily. Priscilla has a horse I guess. I'd still say Sain/Kent are overall better though. Lowen's growths make me rage.
  10. I'd nerf villager (even though he doesn't need it) I just have some sort of mental block whenever I fight him/her, since my mains have issues with the slingshot and missile spam. It's more i just hate fighting them.
  11. this is the epilogue http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm5401513 I think you need an account to watch stuff though.
  12. I could be remembering something incorrectly, but for some reason I remember not having access to a restore staff in Salem's chapter, which was pretty annoying.
  13. Marcus can still hit him pretty hard with Silver. Otherwise, not really.
  14. Weapon effectiveness is x3 in FE6 (it's why the S rank weapons are so strong against manaketes), but between Roy's base strength, and the +3 defence from the gate, and WTD effectively killing three more damage. Roy only ends up doing 2 damage. Even if Roy's base strength got buffed to 7 or something, he'd still be doing 5 damage a pop to the boss (if he's unchanged)
  15. Yeah. FE4's early bosses are pretty much designed so that Sigurd can kill them fairly easily, but if they're too weak, he just wrecks them entirely (especially with the early silver sword) so they're generally too strong for other units. Even Cuan has issues since his evade and hit are kinda iffy. I pretty much always had Janne return Celice after he seized castles, and then had him get danced in home base, then warped back to the same castle so he could move again (if the dancer couldn't keep up, which was the case when Mana had the leg ring). Although it's kind of like having an FE7 draft without Marcus for the earlygame kind of. Nobody else is really strong enough to ORKO the bosses (except maybe Hector himself, but that costs a turn anyway).
  16. You generally still get a lot of deployment slots in fe5 (from what I remember anyway), although fatigue can be annoying. FE7 just has some dumb chapters like Genesis and Hector's promotion chapter where you just have too few slots. Then randomly sands of time has like, 18 or some shit.
  17. should have expanded my statement chocolate sales post valentines day hype
  18. CHAPTER 10 - 13/84 TURNS Mana bought a bunch of stuff after selling the elite ring. Faval didn't reach Alvis in time to actually help (predictably) but oh well. TRISTAIN was mvp for Chalphy castle with the PRAYER RING. I think the castle per castle counts were 3+2+4+4. CHAPTER FINAL - 12/96 TURNS Rescue'd people around, then rescued the almighty RODDELBAD over the cliff to berserk the Hel dude, and Mana killed Julius. Roddelbad lived thanks to the PRAYER RING, so good. I'm actually very glad I drafted Briggid for Patty, otherwise Mana (or corple if I recruited him) would have had a bad time. Overall I think this draft is an ok idea, there's the obvious issues with the earlygame bosses (maybe free Cuan/Ethlin? idk) But it became annoying to make Celice survive stuff (I gave him the defence sword so he wouldn't get OHKO'd by some bows, and the barrier ring + a Julia conversation protected him from most Fenrir's) but it's just kind of an inconvienience. 113+96 = 209 turn clear + 100 turn penalty for Sigurd eating a civilian
  19. its more you just get another staff user I doubt Wrath would actually be useful Although I guess Sety could probably cover all the warping since he doesn't really need to fight.
  20. god how could you even do the arenas is amid actually needed up north? Linda could probably actually have some value.
  21. Oh yeah, I guess you still do have to seize the castle, I always forget that.
  22. It looks like you've added a lot of enemies to the map, and as a result, you've added a lot more exp to the map, which can create a pretty big power creep. A big reason I personally lose a lot of interest in hacks in general is you'll have a bunch of high levelled units with a lack of promotion items. On the other hand, if you have a level 15 Lance or Alan in chapter 7 or 8 (or whenever the first knight crest normally is, I forget) changing Percival will be the least of your worries. I like that you've shown the map to us though, it's a good way to get criticism.
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