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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. maybe not fe2, but fe6 has definately been overhyped since dondon's run imo. There are numerous things wrong with it, starting with the godawful thrones and just characters being bad in general. I guess in contrast to before then where everyone just hated on it for being 30 or so run to the throne and seize maps and axe users sucking or whatever people didn't like about it, it's probably better in this way, it's not bad. dondon just did a good job at highlighting the good parts of the game, which was cool. I don't like the game because there are just so few ways to actually play it. Wanna kill Henning? Better bring Rutger. Wanna use less optimal units? Too bad for you, most often than not they're downright unusable since a good majority of the bad units in FE6 are bad because they can't actually hit anything. It's an issue with FE12 too (too many shitty units). I guess you could play normal mode, but ehhhhh. As for what I think, I like many others don't really like the term underrated. It just ends up being what game gets the most heat, whether it's good or not. I have Shadow Dragon listed as my favourite FE game (not because I think it's the best, or enjoy playing it the most, but because it got me into the series). If I had to pick one I'd pick FE2 simply because so few people have played it. FE8 actually gets quite a bit of love (people mostly only really complain about the difficulty) and FE11 does have it's issues, they're just more prevelent than other games. EDIT: one thing people never mention about FE11 is it's fantastic interface. It's one of if not the easiest game to play in the series, merging weapons, highlighting enemy ranges (IIRC that was removed in RD HM for some brilliant reason) and just having two screens helped to see what was going on so much easier than the gba titles (which also had a good interface, but it was only bettered).
  2. where does it say that he's cold to Nanna? In the only conversation he has with her in Thracia afaik is in chapter 7 and it's really pretty similar to Leaf's (he expresses more concern for Nanna really) and at the end of Thracia he goes off and looks for Lachesis instead of staying by Leaf's side. Not saying he cares more about Nanna than Leaf (he doesn't) but unless you have some source that I don't know about, I don't really think that it's true. I don't think he really spoiled Leaf either. I wouldn't call self sacrifice spoiling him anyway (like how he'd go without eating if they were short on food). And you can't really say Altenn and Trabant ever really had a good relationship. It's clear Areone was the favoured child (which makes sense). to be fair none of Fin's possible kids in fe4 can even inherit the brave lance anyway
  3. In my opinion, Oifaye is better than Shanan just because he has a horse. Sure Shanan can kill anything he reaches, but he has to reach it first. And like I said earlier wrt to Levin!Arthur, just killing something normally is the same as overkilling it.
  4. restart the chapter if you have people still in home castle you can have them fight arena battles to change the RN string too. Otherwise you're probably out of luck.
  5. A cool thing to do in the Gharnef chapter is use the Geosphere (the one that does damage to everyone) at the start of the chapter, it will hurt every unit on the map except the real Gharnef. Lena can just heal your team up with a Fortify or something by that point too. I couldn't actually interpret it from your post, did you get Starlight in Michalis's chapter?
  6. i have no idea why Celice isn't at the top of his gen, he's far and away the best unit. Lex is only slightly better than Alec/Noish, he's really only good in chapter 2. He's pretty terrible in chapter 4 (along with most units but you have Lachesis and Sigurd so...) and chapter 5 as well. Levin really isn't good for much other than sniping random mooks and clearing arena's before he promotes, and he doesn't even do anything spectacular until he gets holsety, which is essentially chapter 5. Ethlin, Cuan, and Fin are all easily better than Lex and Levin, Lex isn't good when they aren't around, and Levin has roughly the same avalibility and is very very mediocre during most of the time. I'm also not a huge fan of Levin!Arthur, and I'd argue Leaf (and Celice) are better units than him. As good as Holsety is, overkilling something is the same as just killing something normally.
  7. Aura (and Excalibur) are special tomes, only female mages can use Aura, and only male mages can use Excalibur, but Merric and Linde can use them without having the B Rank in tomes since they're supposed to be their exclusive tomes, but they changed it for the remake, probably because of reclassing.
  8. but dondon what about siege tomes I only really thought about this because of the way you mentioned how forges are better in every way, and was like "hey, it'd be totally broken to forge +range on weapons" I don't actually know how useful FE9 siege tomes are.
  9. There's no light magic in FE11, magic is all lumped into one catergory, so sages use the same magic as bishops and sorcerors. Dodge rates are really quite low in shadow dragon (especially compared to the GBA games or Awakening) since weapons are much more accurate and the avoid formula is different, but Caeda's speed and luck are so overkill compared to everyone else's it's pretty noticable. Xane's a pretty fun unit to use, I highly recommend him!
  10. at the same time there's a reason why wrath or something else like continue isn't on Sigurd, or Lachesis doesn't have Elite. It's hard to rank skills in a scenerio where they don't actually come into play. But I agree. Wrath is only really rated poorly because of the units its on. In principle it's really staggeringly broken. Can you imagine how much of a joke bosses would be if Sigurd (or even like Cuan) had Wrath? And by the same principle, a skill like Life is good on every unit. Elite really does very little for Delmud, he can hit level 30 easily without touching the elite ring. He already has A Swords unpromoted and I'd argue that if he has Pursuit/Charge or something unpromoted is just as good as having him promoted with just Ambush and Elite (and I guess continue). His promotion gains are pretty lame too. +6 speed is nice, but he already doubles everything anyway. +9 skill is pretty hilarious though.
  11. I actually agree with what Mekkah said on the last page. Like, Elite is an amazing skill, but it's pretty terrible on someone like Delmud who needs other skills more desparately, and generally doesn't have issues with getting exp, but it's very good on Arthur because it gives him a horse faster. EDIT: Ok it's now two pages ago screw you SF.
  12. I've found FE4 ranked runs to be pretty easy, the last time I played FE4 I AAAA ranked without even intending to, with totally stupid pairings like Azel Ayra and Ardan Tiltyu (which I guess really isn't that bad). Azel!Aideen is atrocious. Sure it gives Lester Pursuit, but he gets no inheritance or good stats other than speed, and Lana could care less about stats in general.
  13. it's much easier for patty to just clear the arena with the sleep sword than actually try killing things with luna and the hero sword. Exp is really easy in gen 2 anyway for crappy units since there are so many npc's that give exp.
  14. It's easy to nab the thunder sword on Midir, Jacaban isn't a very hard boss to kill. Patty's speed is generally bad, I agree with you there. The whole point of Charge on Patty though is to attack from range with a magic sword - even with horrible magic it still does very reasonable chip damage. Holyn!Patty also doesn't have pursuit, so unless you invest a hero sword on her, her offence even with Luna is far inferior to Pursuit + Charge. Why does Faval need durability? He's a sniper! This being said, he's always a good enough unit because of Ichival. Dew doesn't push Faval's offence to the max, he gives him no skills that complement his offence. At the end of the day though, Faval's dad really doesn't matter, he's gonna be killing stuff. Why would you give Patty a steel sword when she could use any of the magic swords? They're better in almost every way. Or even the prayer sword.
  15. I think Corple's dad is pretty irrelevant unless he has a dad that gives him staves or is Lex. Even with Holsety, he's not particularly good anyway.
  16. Do people really think Holyn!Briggid is good? The only good B rank sword is the hero sword, which is infinately better on units other than Patty, and it gives nothing but lots of HP to Faval (which he has anyway). I actually think people like Midir and Beowulf are stronger pairings, with a magic sword and a charge proc, Patty's likely to kill something, which isn't happening really with any other pairing. Her offence is honestly passable enough to kill stuff regardless of pairing (other than like, Claude or something) on promotion, and she has A swords without Holyn too. That being said, I've never done it, i've just seen it as a funny pairing like Holyn!Sylvia, sure Luna Leen is cool, but in practice it's totally useless.
  17. I was going to say steal is pretty good if you're doing subs runs in gen 2, but then i realized I get all my money from villages with Daisy because she's so bad at everything, so she only uses the give command. Is that technically part of the steal skill? There's no doubt prayer is a good skill though, I just think offensive skills like charge, critical and continue (and pursuit) are just more valuable than defensive skills like ambush and prayer. They have their own niche's in the arena though for sure, which should probably be taken into consideration. Continue is totally worthless on Leen and Sylvia (like why does she even have it?) and prayer is amazing. If you look at something stupid like Fin!Sety or something, Continue is infinately more valuable, it really depends on the unit.
  18. It's really not too hard to do without RNG abuse. Lyn mode enemies and bosses are just so weak you can do more or less the same thing you did without getting good levels.
  19. in what way is prayer better than continue or critical (at least in gen 2) continue/critical gives you awesome offence, not only is prayer really rare, it requires the enemies to have the right amount of attack and most units don't even need it. It's very good on Fin in gen 1 since he mostly fights axes and lances, but in gen 2 Fin is likely not threatened until chapter 10 or something anyway, and I can't really think of a situation where having the prayer sword or the prayer skill is actually beneficial. Critical at the very least is good against every single boss.
  20. I'd like to think pursuit's the best skill in the game, but when you look at the best units in the game, none of said units are good because they have pursuit except maybe Sigurd (although he's largely good because of his high bases and early silver sword). Cuan, Ethlin, Lex, Levin, Dew, and Sylvia are all among the best gen 1 units and don't have pursuit, and units in gen 2 like Shanan, Aless, Leaf and whoever gets Holsety either don't have pursuit or aren't good because they have Pursuit; Shanan and Aless would function more or less the exact same if they didn't have it. EDIT: Forgot Celice. Other than in Chapter 6, he could not have Pursuit as long as he has a hero sword, but he's more dependant on it too. EDITEDIT: Also I agree Bargain is an overrated skill. It makes life easier, but it's not gamebreaking due to how few units have access to it. Luna and Astra are very good for bosses and even just having an enemy die every time it procs. There's a reason why Roddelbad and Badney aren't anywhere near Ayra's kids, their stats aren't really all that different. Or just subs in general. Very few units can just kill even generic enemies with just two attacks. Oifaye doesn't even ORKO bandits in chapter 6.
  21. I took down the run because it was incomplete and the rest of the videos died with my old laptop. Essentially it's pretty much the same thing you did, but I didn't care about levels at all.
  22. i have an amazingly (fat) cat named doga. He's the best. I also have an awful dog named duke. He's the worst.
  23. Things are super dependant on generation imo. I'd consider a skill like Critical better than Pursuit in gen 2 since you have so many ways to circumvent the lack of pursuit (hero weapons, pursuit ring, etc). Pursuit is much better in gen 1 because most units don't really have the offence/there are less hero weapons in general. Not to mention if you pair optimally, the competition for the pursuit ring is pretty low.
  24. just from skimming it it looks like it's fine, I did it when I did my S Rank logs forever ago, so everything checks out.
  25. can't you just leave sety in the castle and return Celice and restore him in the castle? I don't know what everyone's doing beforehand though.
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