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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. FE11 is my favourite because it introduced me to the series. Thanks Wal-Mart.
  2. It's pretty much Midir proc'ing charge more vs enabling Fin to kill the archers in chapter 1. It's possible for him to be able to double them, but they have -1 to 0 AS, so Fin will need 13 speed to double them. He's not likely to be higher than level 5 at the start of the chapter though, so even 12 speed to double the slower ones at the start of the chapter is unlikely.
  3. What resources are you suggesting we give to Lex? Who uses the speed ring better than Fin? Who uses the Steel Lance better? It'd be like giving Lex's Hero Axe to Lachesis when she promotes because she uses it better.
  4. Cuan doesn't do anything better with the steel lance than an Iron lance, he still two shots everything unless we're using him to fight bosses for some reason. How does Lex do more against Armours? Fin attacks 4 times with a weapon with one less might. Lex's strength isn't going to be significantly higher either, they have essentially the same base (since Fin gets +1 from his chapter 1 convo) and only 10 less growth, so even with a slight level lead, they're likely to have the same or Lex will have one more at best. They both kill the lance cavalry easily, but that's what, 6 enemies in the whole chapter? Most of the Lance knights early on are weakened by Lachesis's chumps anyway. Honestly I'm starting to feel Fury > Midir now though, so i'll concede your second point. @Zasplach, Fathering isn't taken into account for the lists. I think Lex is overrated as a father anyway, but it would be a more apt comparison. @BBM I only suggested the iron lance deal because even with iron, he's better than Lex in chapter 1, even if it gimps him. He doesn't ORKO anything though, but there's zero reason to not give him Cuan's steel lance. He's honestly probably better than Cuan too, since Cuan is pretty much Lex with +1 movement when he exists anyway.
  5. Lex only has the hero axe for a castle more than Fin has his lance. He's not touching any enemies in chapter 1 with it. I suppose if you're not comfortable with abusing prayer in chapter 1 (which really isn't hard) Fin is pretty mediocre, but you can't say Lex is better, even if you deny Fin using Prayer or Cuan's steel lance. Lex's combat isn't anywhere near Fin's is with their hero weapons either. Lex isn't killing armours or anything with a sword, which is a good chunk of chapter 2, although he does put a good hurt on armours. Same deal with Midir. Why wouldn't you give him the killer bow? Jamka kills stuff fine without it. Fury's not getting the Hero Lance until Fin leaves in Chapter 3, and I agree, she does make good use of it in chapter 4. Fury's staff use is pretty much nonexistant though, lets be real. It's a waste of money to give her anything other than a live or relive staff. Like I said earlier though, if you pairing Fury with someone other than Levin, she can't even really fly ahead since she's glued to Noish or even as far back as Claude or something.
  6. I'm of the opinion that the chapters Fin are better in (Ch 1/2) he's much much better than the rest of your team (seriously his offence is only matched by Sigurd) than Lex is in the later chapters (although he still is good in chapter 2, he doesn't ORKO hardly any enemies (unless he actually hits mercs or the beowulf sword knights which isn't much better odds than some chump like Noish proc'ing critical and instagibbing them). Fin's the only unit bar Midir proc'ing critical or charge with the killer bow or Cuan proc'ing continue with the Silver Lance that can kill the knights up at Mackily (not even max strength Sigurd kills them) and is probably the best unit at dealing with the enemies near the sleep staff castle. Building kills on the Hero Lance is pretty useful too for gen 2, and kills on the hero axe are well, kind of wasted. Sure, Lex kills things pretty well when Fin leaves, but it's not something that's actually that useful. He's not particularly good in chapter 4 (he can knock out the pegasus squad on the way to the first castle and some mages) but he's awful against Lamia's squad and the second Pegasus squad has Javelins so he can't counter them (not that they'd attack Lex anyway). He's also not good in chapter 5 past killing the Axe goons, but literally ever unit on your team can probably kill them by this point. Other than existing in chapter 4-5, what advantages does Lex actually have over Fin other than Elite?
  7. I'm of the opinion of Fin >> Lex (and everyone below Lex except Cuan) and Midir > Fury. Fin has amazing offence in Chapter 1 with the steel lance (ORKO's pretty much every non boss) and has the best offence on the entire team when he gets the hero lance in chapter 2. I have no issues promoting him for chapter 3, so he could be a force there too, although I usually don't have him do a lot just because he gains so little exp. Midir vs Fury could be debateable though I guess. If Fury's getting paired with not Levin though, she can't really fly ahead of everyone in chapter 4 and be good in her best chapter. I also agree on what Psych said on Lachesis, Master knight is cool and all, but if Lachesis promoted to say, Paladin, would it make her any worse? I think Ethlin is good where she is though, she gives two of the best units +20% crit (and gives Cuan +10 hit/avoid) and gets +20 hit/avoid when around said units, in addition to being your only real useful healer for the prologue, half of chapter 1, and pretty much all of chapter 2 (you still have to rush the first two/three castles if you want the bargain and knight ring, so Aideen can't heal if she wants to) and there's only one B Rank staff around for a majority of her existance anyway, and while it would be good if she had B staves, it's not a huge knock on her performance.
  8. some units like Fury and Fee are rated laughably high, and some other units like Midir are rated pretty low. It's also almost three years old, so opinions in general have changed a lot.
  9. Nice job! Amid came so close to winning in the arena.
  10. He gets 2 1%'s (one at very poor hit with a javelin on a fighter) in chapter 3, and I imagine that's not the end of it (i haven't watched anything past chapter 4), although his units will likely be too strong to need them on anything other than bosses for the rest of the game probably anyway. I'm gonna leave it at this though, I honestly agree with your view on the matter anyway.
  11. i don't really see the issue, other runs are just rigging 1% crits anyway, this just makes it infinately easier
  12. maniac mode might actually be easier since you can forge 255 crit weapons, and forge thunder for Calill in the second half of the game and give her vantage or something and just oneshot everything
  13. Yeah, I actually agree. Gen1 is especially tough with few units.
  14. Oifaye really struggles with Ishtor's castle in chapter 7. He's like 3 or 4 shotted at pretty good hitrates, and he also struggles with Hannibal's crew in chapter 9, along with Areone's (like you mentioned). He can kill the enemies pretty easily, but he dies very easily as well. Marcus doesn't really struggle on any chapter other than like, the desert with growths. He doesn't kill stuff as well as Oifaye later on, but he faces a much lower chance of death, and if you're rigging his level ups he kills things pretty easily anyway. also lists
  15. Marcus is pretty godly too, but he's a more apt comparison. It's more of the same though, Marcus pretty much solos the game until like, uhhh actually it's really kind of similar to Seth but he doesn't do quite as well. Oifaye just gets help a lot earlier on.
  16. Faval and Shanan are both liable to getting oneshotted, which is kind of annoying, and Faval can't dodge worth shit. Obviously the solution is CLAUDE!FAVAL. You'd have to land a hit with the sleep sword on him to actually sleep him too, which is uh, not very likely too. But I guess it is possible for everyone. Add me in if you want, it's up to you.
  17. noooo fin :( While I agree that Oifaye is generally underrated, comparing him to Seth on 0% growths (or with growths) is totally laughable. He pretty much solos the entire game without help until Gerik and Duessel show up, and does his stuff much easier than Oifaye does.
  18. How do you expect every team to beat Alvis? I'm tempted to join in the 5th slot to make everyone's teams worse draftable Celice via deirdre is actually kind of cool, but I think it's really strong. Here's an easier to read unit list if you want to use it too.
  19. I'll try giving her the hero sword she gives Celice, she should be able to afford it if I load her with Steel swords or something, giving Celice the first hero sword just makes chapter 6 so much easier. I think she can get the strength ring. That's another good point on Altenna I missed too. Gae Bolg Criticals are scary yes, but if she doesn't crit, she's likely not doubling. It's almost better to give her a silver sword or something.
  20. It is technically possible for him to find ways to contribute, it's pretty easy to promote ardan by chapter 4, he's just worse at it than others, like i'm sure literally everybody knows. I was just making sure I didn't have to bother actually using units like Alec that aren't fathering anything longterm.
  21. I honestly haven't done the pairing before, but i'll do it this time. What stuff does one usually pass down to Holyn!Patty? Just the normal stuff like rings? Giving her the hero sword via inheritance seems a bit overkill. Someone mentioned something about Altenna being in high, sure, she's a pretty good combat unit but the Gae Bolg really isn't very good since it's so heavy and she joins at a point where your team is full of capable combat units and at the end of the day, that's all she is as well. Fliers really aren't that good in FE4 either. Does an effecient run care about levelling up crappy units like Ardan? I might pair him with Ayra anyway but...
  22. i'm really really behind on watching the videos so I don't think i'll be able to churn out lists in time... i'll see What made you decide to do poems for the winners of said lists?
  23. played all but the Akaneia saga unless you count the FE12 remake of it. Beat all of the above except fe10, I just didn't like it. I'll probably never touch FE1 again not because it's bad, but because it's just hard to play because of the interface.
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