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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. I meant Sharlow can like, actually use the berserk staff with existant magic, not that he just gets it. Although Hawk has enough magic at base + his conversation + Magic ring to berserk the dude too. But I think using Restore/Libro/whatever else is more than Radney or Roddelbad will ever do. Even if they reach enemies, they don't kill them. Your list above looks good, although i'd maybe move Tristan up to the Hawk/Altenna tier, he's better than everyone else in his current tier given resources by a decent amount.
  2. i actually forgot about DA HITMAN but I guess they're better than him, he's really bad. Sharlow/Corple can still warp people places, and Sharlow is technically a julius killer too. Radney isn't ever promoting in chapter 7 though. I think even promoting her by chapter 9 is pretty tough, she starts with no money and is a foot unit.
  3. I guess I could just start playing much later than everyone else, FE9 takes a long time to play. I'll stay in regardless I guess.
  4. roddelbad and badney are the worst non armoured characters in the game, they're only better than Hannibal in gen 2. Julia really is ok in chapter 7, otherwise she's just a staffbot. She'll be promoting at about the same time as Linda, and they have roughly the same avalibility, (since Julia might as well not exist in chapter 6), but Julia has better stats and Julius zapping powers, so she's probably just above her somewhere.
  5. some chump like bord can still do a really big chunk to the early thwomps. Even Jeigan with his silver lance does pretty good damage. shiida sucks against all the early pirates unless you rig crits or something too. She's also weaker later in the game when she can't just take gradivus and destroy all the enemies on the EP since her durability is much worse.
  6. Not really. Cain/Abel are pretty much just as good, if not better on lower difficulties.
  7. just noticed this is on fixed mode, my memory card wiped everything last year and I haven't played FE9 since, so I don't have it unlocked, so I might back out. I'm not a fan of the mode to begin with anyhow.
  8. Beo Delmud is significantly better. The only thing Oifaye really ever has over him is a higher magic stat and durability for a couple chapters. Delmud's even better in chapter 6 because Oifaye starts with weak weapons.
  9. Something that is a bug though, Legault didn't spawn in chapter 19 Eliwood mode. Isadora's also hilariously bad, and most of the other prepremotes are probably similar though, can't say yet. NPC Pent has below 10 in most stats too, and is 2-3HKO'd by 5-6 enemies on turn 1 at 70 hit, on normal mode
  10. This isn't really a bug or anything completely gamebreaking, but my Archer!Raven spawned with a longbow and can potentially kill all the caelin soldiers before you can reach them: Raven doesn't attack Lucius, so that's fine and dandy, but it's still annoying nontheless. I dunno if there's anything that can be done about it. I imagine there's a similar problem with any 7 move class with 2 range, but at least one of the soldiers is out of range in that case.
  11. speaking of getting rekt [spoiler=TO BROCK] ITS MANKEY Ha, higher levelled than Shin's. God that's kind of jarring. THE POKE DUDE he has the thickest eyebrows ever I don't even know fuck you route 2 i guess i could technically get walled by eirika or something right now CONSCRIPTED oneshotted by a lower levelled rattata, what the fuck? -_- gg viridian forest I guess this is effective advertising maybe you shouldn't have used BUG pokemon woo AWWW YEAHHHH ... gg although squirtle did troll me and decide to learn water gun after the battle was over NEXT TIME WE LEARN ABOUT SPACE but probably not honestly we'll probably learn about how comfortable and easy to wear shorts are. also I think we totally finished the gen 2 nuzlocke except SHIN because he almost died to lance.
  12. I only have FE9. And i've only beaten it twice, never finished a draft of it before though.
  13. Everything you need is here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=6
  14. ha, shin changed the poll to try to make me vote for myself! The joke's on him, I've done that myself previously already! [spoiler=NOT THE ROOM] i got VENASAUR version because well, I'm not sure really. unlike some i'm not GENDER CONFUSED default/10 but really look at the bottom two alternative rival names, wut? also Ash is a default name for your Rival, but Gary isn't? I'm so confused. .... Really? I DO ALL MY COOKING IN THE SINK TOO so it's nothing like an encyclopedia I've already picked Bulbasaur and Charmander previously so SQUIRTLE it is WHY oak so LAZY NEXT TIME WHO'S THAT POKEMON
  15. man there should have been an option vote for shin because he didn't include it
  16. I think it'd be cool if Samus could charge her shot midair like Lucario or DK can with their charge moves. I hope they unnerf DDD and buff DK though. Bad characters like Charizard hopefully get a little better too. Shiek and Diddy are really good, but I almost feel if you nerf what makes them good (too much) they become awful since they both have their issues still already.
  17. Reptor definately has existant hit (and probably will hit) Levin. If not for WTD he'd have near 100 hit.
  18. Cuan's among the best unit on your team for the prologue, chapter 1, and chapter 2. Levin's among your best units in uh, maybe chapter 5? People don't get credit for stuff their kids do on the list either. I think that should speak for itself. Levin can totally kill Reptor though. Just warp him to Phinora and have him attack Reptor from over the cliff.
  19. I honestly won't be too upset unless the games themselves end up both being pretty short. If they each have like 20 chapters or something i'll be kinda upset. It's still not stopping me from getting both versions if they're not sold together here.
  20. Azel can promote by chapter 4 if you try hard enough. He's among your best units if he does too. Better than Lex/Alec/Noish/Midir and co anyway.
  21. Yeah, I guess that's not really that bad. If you do a nonmagic pairing for Sety though he might not have enough magic, although like, motherfucking SHARLOW could do it since his magic growth is actually pretty good.
  22. well i had the rest of the chapters posted long ago but the forum ate them and i forgot to post them again CHAPTER 28 15/113 TURNS I forget what my team was man, I probably trained Serra or something to increase her magic CHAPTER 28X FREE TURNS yeah CHAPTER 29 - 5/118 TURNS I do remember Florina being too lame to 4HKO Linus so I took an extra turn CHAPTER 30 - 4/122 TURNS Serra did warping stuff or something CHAPTER 31 - 11/133 TURNS got swag, killed the chumps CHAPTER 31X - 5/138 trained Eliwood, got KARLA CHAPTER 32 - 4/142 TURNS Flew to the boss, Hector killed her because Florina was too chump CHAPTER FINAL - 4+1/146 TURNS I don't remember what I did but I did it. Eliwood and Serra were the best, Florina despite sucking was also the best.
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