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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. You could just have Sety take Levin's place in the character data and he'd get Holsety. Doing stuff like the chapter 10 bishop giving Celice the Gae Bolg would be significantly harder.
  2. He also gets minor baldo from Altenna, so good. Even though his growths are significantly better in everywhere but skill, luck, magic and res, Celice would be significantly worse. Gae Bolg and no res is awful.
  3. AltennaxJohalva!Celice would have an 170% HP/95% Def growth. SO GOOD But I think a lot of these things would be really hard to implement, especially since I'm not sure how much is really known about FE4 events.
  4. I'm starting to become clueless. Astrid?
  5. man, that's way too hard to remember. I think since the palette vote is pretty close, i'll just upload a separate video every few chapters of the characters doing stuff so the people that aren't interested in seeing them in action don't have to while the people who want to see them get to see them, so everyone wins.
  6. I started making an fe4RR, but I got lazy because you had to change a bunch of arena items and stuff like that, and stuff like that is annoying. Tiltyu was the best and oneshotted most bosses with wrath. I didn't know how to handle gen 2 kids either.
  7. Yeah. Female Heroes have +1 skill/speed/res in exchange for -2 def/-1 con.
  8. I don't think so. My berserker priscilla never got defence and got a button of res and luck last run, so that checks out. Yeah, actually. I didn't notice until you mentioned it, it's why his con and defence are so low.
  9. I added another question to the poll wrt to animations. I finished chapter 12 already so if people want them i'll show them all in a separate video or something, Chapter 12, in 4 turns. Marcus needed the Energy ring to kill the boss, nothing else really special about this chapter. Dorcas and Bartre MVP's without attacking. I think this shows how good horses are, they're contributing a lot without even being able to attack. Also lol Oswin, was hoping something like that wouldn't happen but oh well. Oswin for Seth tier. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PCJvwNkg9U&feature=youtu.be Probably won't get any more chapters done until Monday or so. I also went back and fixed Oswin's and Hector's weapon ranks, they should have C Dark, and B Lances.
  10. I don't think units are able to become dancers, or when I was testing it out earlier, I was very, very unlucky. Jedi actually suggested I do this as well earlier. I don't really see the appeal since most of them are just a smear of colour across the unit, and as the game progresses enemy phases would take longer, although I could turn them off for the enemy phases. I could compromise and turn them on for the first player phase or something, but posting screens of the palletes would serve the same purpose, no? It'd be good to hear more opinions on the matter.
  11. Yeah, I think it would have been better to include a patch with his changes and a patch without them, but oh well. Bartre the troubadour also gained 21 exp instead of 11 when he used heal, but that's not a huge deal probably. I ended up doing chapter 11! Also the above Rebecca screenshot was slightly incorrect, she lost 1-2 in most stats, I forgot to make her base stats normal again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4kPo-VUZcI&feature=youtu.be I just bought the Iron Weapons at the end of the chapter since Lowen already can't hit the broad side of a barn, and it'd suck to get stuck with like, a slim lance or even a steel lance on a unit for a while, and I don't know what the shops have early on. Chapter 11 was done in 4 turns, but not like normal. Rebecca's Con is the MVP. I also forgot to mention a few things in the OP, I'm not gonna RNG abuse to anywhere near the extent of my other LTC playthroughs, I don't even plan on really rigging level ups. If I see a strategy that say requires Marcus to gain strength midchapter to ORKO a boss or something, I'll probably do it, but other levels will likely just be whatever happens, happens. Hector might actually be worse than Eliwood, the chump.
  12. Thanks for the feedback guys. I'll leave the poll up a little while longer, it doesn't really apply until chapter 16 anyway. I probably won't get chapter 11 done today, but I thought i'd share the STARTING TEAM with everyone. Initially I had the almighty Troubadour Eliwood, but Marcus rolled as a Paladin, and Rebecca rolled as an archer, which was pretty lame, so I rerolled once. Don't patronize me. [spoiler=FEAR DORCAS AND BARTRE]
  13. Providing I didn't miss a hint of sarcasm I'll take Jill. Unless Soul was being sarcastic in which case I take Oscar.
  14. Due to unfourtunate events, this run has been cancelled. However, a new one has risen, follow it's progress here:: http://serenesforest...showtopic=57448
  15. None of these things appeal to me since I don't play postgame (with the exception of the earlygame virion chip, which he's worse than Robin and Miriel at), and pairing Olivia if she's dancing takes a while, so by the time Inigo exists, he's likely totally useless in my experience (on hard, not even on lunatic). He's decent early on in lunatic for avoiding counters but it's not something you need on any other mode, Frederick or any physical unit he pairs with are very strong on the enemy phase for a long time, which obseletes Virion's value. I can understand why you think they're good though. I just don't care for the game past beating grima, or use DLC or anything ingame to get a few extra levels on weaker units. Just different playstyles I suppose. Although I am curious, what makes Virion a good father? I wouldn't think any of his classes give particular good skills for postgame stuff, although I could be missing something.
  16. This is another big thing with bad units. Even if you never use the rescue function and/or play slowly, oftentimes i'd rather have nothing than have Wolt. The best units in most games (early pegasus knights) really aren't that fantastic when they're not getting strength every level, or dodging all lethal attacks. Under that context, the units that can move the farthest will always be the best. Lyn Mode!Florina aside, the average Vanessa and especially the average Thany are pretty mediocre, yet still flexible units. When they're turning out according to their growths, someone like Dieck is argueablely more valuable than Thany, and uh, Vanessa's actually still pretty good compared to the other early units in FE8, they're pretty bad. A really awesome flying unit is pretty rare. Miledy and to a lesser extent Heath are theoretically stronger than Thany and Florina, but it doesn't always work out that way either. What i'm trying to say in short is when you force the gap between your best units and your worst units to be bigger, the bad units become totally unusable, and you get a scenerio like Irysa mentioned above, you don't wanna deploy level 3 Wolt in Chapter 9.
  17. Even Tanya and Ronan aren't really that bad, they come early, and have their perks (Ronan has high movement and move stars, and Tanya's growths are honestly pretty good) and at least Shanam has BARGAIN and makes Mareeta better. FE5 enemies other than bosses are pretty bad too. FE5 might be the best example I guess, although the gap between your best units and worst units is among the highest in the series.
  18. There's simply no game that makes every unit useful in some way, unless you really twist things like saying Virion has a use in like, uh Chapter 2 or 5 in awakening or some weaker kid like Inigo is useful if you pair Olivia with Robin and he just has veteran (while denying it to better characters). Even your Wolt example is stretching it. By chapter 4 he's doing like 2-4 damage to enemies and not doubling. He can't really protect weaker units when he's one of them himself. Theoretically FE4 has no competition for deployment slots, and people totally blow the whole "unmounted units are useless in fe4" thing totally out of proportion, even a mediocre foot unit like Holyn is generally better than any foot unit that isn't a staff user that the GBA games can provide. It might have been the best if not for horrid units like Ardan and Hannibal. That being said, I think the only totally useless unit that I can think of off the top of my head is Wendy. Sophia at least gets a guiding ring, and Hannibal can actually kill things if he gets close enough. Most bad units like Ewan and Nino and the like don't actually take that much effort to use, they just suck. I prefer Fire Emblem that way though, can you imagine how boring games would be if units were all equally as useful as one another? It makes sense storywise too, it makes sense that a seasoned veteran like Jeigan starts off stronger that your other, younger guys and they eventually surpass him, but for someone like Seth, it makes sense that he's super strong the entire game since there's no real reason for his performance to drop or him not to be able to improve.
  19. http://www.fireemblemwod.com/fe6/guiafe6/cap20A.htm He shows up on the green spot on turn 2.
  20. Corple/Sharlow give her +5 res right before you fight Alvis, and she gets +3HP from Fin/Hannibal earlier. If you give her a barrier ring too she should be fine
  21. Hawk can fight Alvis pretty well. A level 30 Hawk (not unreasonable, considering how much better he is compared to the rest of the subs and staff access) has ~47HP 28 Magic, and 21 Res. With a magic ring and a Barrier ring, he reaches the 70 combined HP/Res threshold needed to fight him, and has 52 attack with Lightning, for a potential 48 damage if he procs continue twice off his very high speed. Lightning has WTA too. Not taking anything away from Altenna though, she still does a ridiculous amount of damage to Alvis. Tristan can tank a hit and do 8 damage a swing with the Silver Blade
  22. At the same time, he's better than Oifaye once he promotes. Altenna's also only around for Chapter 10 and Final, where she's just a unit that can kill things, which is exactly the same thing as what tristan does. Her stats are just better. Hawk definately is quite a lot better though.
  23. Wyrmslayers and Dragonpikes aren't effective against Michalis. What are your units like statwise? Some people like Matthis and Macellan might not be totally horrible. It might be worth just putting everyone together on one side but one dude with high movement to lure some enemies away, and then when it's safe, warp your best unit (probably Marth sadly) with a forge and take out Michalis. You can probably just get Starlight after Michalis is dead since you have more than enough time to send Marth to the village. Alternatively, depending on how much money you have, you could just megaforge thoron and warp Boah in. Even at base, he only needs +2 magic to oneshot Michalis with a crit.
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