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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. MAN i was almost done an update then i closed the tab and now i'm too lazy to make it again. so here's the abridged version [spoiler=FAILURE ABRIDGED] ALL THE RAGE
  2. Yeah, I hope he's something hilarious at the very least. Sorry i've been lax with updates as of late, real life is being a JERK. I'll probably punch something out today.
  3. last time i visted the NAME RATER THIS TIME I STEAL FROM SMALL CHILDREN NEXT TIME I'd like the thank DOSHCAT for funding my gambling addiction.
  4. do those dragonknights matter at all? You can warp some chump like Alec or Ardan to Phinora and be just fine. Fury's still better in chapter 5 though.
  5. give me a break i broke my jaw then was away for 4 days i'll probably update sometime this week but i'm still pretty busy till the weekend also refa's team is hilariously bad
  6. What level are we assuming Lex is in chapter 2? He needs to be level 17 to ORKO anything other than a mage and Beowulf's Free knights (which he has ~70 hit on) and Elliot's initial wave (which all are weakened to the point where Alec can kill them). I guess if we're trying to use him to his fullest extent he could probably reach level 17 after Anphony, and I'll admit i'm heavily biased against Lex because mine always blow and never ORKO anything, but on average I guess he's able, although I still think giving him any credit other than existing for chapters 4 and 5 is too much credit, he's as good as Alec and Noish there. I'm willing to concede that Lex is probably better than Cuan overall, but I still prefer Cuan because he's the best. Can someone else post a benchmark level for Lex going into chapter 2 (after getting as far as he can in the arena, which is probably the swordfighter or magic dude) I agree with the notion of Dew going down though. If he didn't exist it wouldn't be a huge problem. Lachesis doesn't even really need a money dump, she gets that with the knight ring and she starts with a load of cash and access to all the chapter 2 villages if need be. Aideen definately appreciates it a lot though. Midir is fantastic but he's heavily reliant on being full HP and then relying on procs of charge and critical for awesome offence, and neither his HP or skill is very good. I guess him procing critical or charge (when at full HP) has slightly better odds than Cuan proc;ing continue, but Cuan has a very solid enemy phase (which admittably isn't as important) and more movement. Midir also drops off a cliff like most units come chapter 4, he really doesn't like magic and forests. I'd say Cuan is better overall though. Fury has avaliability against her (especially essentially not being around for chapter 2) but she's very good in chapter 4 and is all but guaranteed the hero lance so her offence is awesome. I dunno what to make of her vs. Midir, I'd give Midir the slight edge for being pretty awesome in chapter 2. EDIT: you don't need to actually use Dew to have him open the bridge in chapter 4, and it's not hard to keep him out of enemy range, the points irrelevant. Having him be competant is helpful yes, but it takes effort. EDITEDIT: I think Levin's better than Beowulf by quite a bit. Why's Beowulf this high anyway? He's like Alec with like +3 strength or something and less avaliablity.
  7. Holyn's definately better than Ayra imo. She just doesn't have the durability to reliably do anything useful in chapter 2, and Holyn takes less effort to promote and is better later in the gen. Like I said above though, I think they're better than Briggid. Jamka's probably worse overall than Briggid though. He loses his weapon, and thus the chance of killing stuff goes down significantly for him. Later on he's pretty much a Briggid with hit issues later and one that can't kill the lategame bosses. Alec is really weak though, what does he really do past chapter 1? I agree with Midir being better than Levin though. He's super strong with the killer bow, the weapon is that good. Midir has exclusive awesome 2 range on a horse, and nobody else in the gen (until and if Azel promotes) has, and Levin doesn't really have anything exclusive at all (even having Holsety really isn't that special in gen 1) I still don't understand why Lex is so high though, I thought people basically agreed early on that Fin and Cuan were stronger than him (or at least Fin)
  8. The Laguz were much better, even with their gauges imo. The Taguel's biggest issue lies in their lack of 2 range in a game where it's fantastic, and they lack movement. The Laguz had the same movement as Paladins (in a game where Paladins had 9 move, and the Taguels have as much movement as, promoted foot units. I think the Taguel would have been much stronger with +2 movement. If Panne's bases and growths hadn't been totally ridiculous it would have been a downright terrible class.
  9. Fury's pretty good, but not fantastic. She's definately a step up from Beowulf who joins at a similar time, so I agree with the notion above (above Lachesis). She's never really great, but she's useful in every chapter (helping Tiltyu, Flight in Chapter 4, and killing Meteo mages in chapter 5. I think Claude only exists to fill in if you killed all your other healers or something. He can use any staff, (and silence/sleep are useful in the last chapter) but Aideen can do that already and he has money issues. I actually think he's worse than Tiltyu. Briggid really isn't that bad, she has good stats, and can tangle with the tough endgame bosses pretty well (probably second only to Levin). Her movement sucks yeah, but she's killing anything she's reaching (better than Levin lacking Holsety). She's still locked to 2 range, which honestly isn't too bad in this game. I'd put her above Noish, she's pretty much the same deal as Levin except he shows up earlier, and has 1 range. Levin has staves too, but he's probably not using anything other than like Relive. Holyn does stuff I guess, he's pretty much the definition of a filler unit. He's pretty good in chapter 2 though. He's probably like above wherever Briggid ends up, he's actually very good at killing endgame bosses with Luna, he annhilates Langbart with the Iron Cutter if you still have it around, and his massive HP allows him to tank a hit from Reptor. Ayra's like Holyn but shows up earlier, with lower defences. Personally I think Holyn is better since his stats are a little better, and she can't fight the endgame bosses very well. Aideen is good. Staffbot/10. I'd put her below Levin though because doesn't actually heal very much past chapter 1 because her movement is so bad. Warp is cool though, but it's not very needed in gen 1 honestly, other than giving Aideen (or Deirdre) experience. I usually give Warp to Deirdre because she can actually afford to use it without taxing Dew. Jamka's like a bow using Ayra, (I mean, charge/continue is pretty much the same offensive capability as astra) and he's very good with the killer bow, but Midir uses is much better and he's just another 6 move unit that kills things at the end of the day. He has hit issues in later chapters too without Lachesis or Sigurd around, and they're likely not to be very close because of the move difference. He doesn't cost turns for the purpose of this list either. I'd still probably put him above Alec or something. You can probably assimilate the Alec and Noish tiers though.
  10. for the purposes of this list I think HolynxBriggid is bad because it involves giving Patty a hero sword which is never a good thing. Might as well do a pairing that gives you a better Faval.
  11. you spawn in a crappy spot in EHM too. It might take a turn longer than HHM honestly
  12. It'd be nice, but her contributions are likely to be high in at least 18x. Shouldn't be too much of an issue in other chapters, but she's already level 10, I don't know how much she'll help the exp at this point anyway. I might rather have her promoted for then too.
  13. she's got more statboosters and is a lower level, she'll likely turn out better. I'll probably promote Oswin first though so she can get a few extra levels. The whips aren't very many chapters apart anyway.
  14. i used him more ironically than him actually being useful I could have just dropped anyone there who wouldn't have died (like Eliwood or something) but I thought it would be funnier this way
  15. I forgot to mention, I gave Priscilla a speedwing (so she'd double nomads, she lost 3AS and Oswin lost 0) and a dracoshield as well prior to dread isle. She's also proc'd defence a lot considering her growth and Hector's not got it very often.
  16. Yeah, it's pretty insane. I don't think Kent actually had enough speed to steal the silver card (which I might not get anyway) from Aion, so it might come in handy. Also I just realized that there's a stealable Elysian whip in chapter 18x, PROMOTED OSWIN HERE WE COME It would really suck if I ended up getting no thieves.
  17. unfourtunately not, since his character data in chapter 16x is different than his data in 18. He was dumb and didn't change classes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzSyYqcqERc&feature=youtu.be Chapter 18 in 3 turns. Canas with the mvp contribution.
  18. Midir can bait out the armours by turn 18, and kill three of them by the end of turn 19, leaving only two of them. Cuan and Sigurd should be able to kill one of them each (Cuan only needs 18 strength to kill them, Sigurd should have crit on his sword) and any chump from the rear should be able to kill any troubadour in the way. Cuan shouldn't theorectically have much of a chance of death either. My Cuan before Mackily castle (where he's probably getting a couple kills was level 13 with 45 HP/16 defence, which is actually about average, and the enemies other than Zyne only have 19/24 attack. I guess yours could be screwed, but in a LTC playthrough it's not really an option.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZkxK1fvjrI&feature=youtu.be all fear EHM Fargus. Completed in 3 turns. Canas should have B lances, but he's not gonna be used ever so I'm not gonna bother replaying the chapter to reset the weapon ranks. For some reason, I thought I gave Priscilla an angelic robe a while back. I guess I could do that now, huh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaY_TUGkE4o&feature=youtu.be TWO CHAPTERS ONE DAY This one is pretty boring though, no new units to make fun of either. 17 in 3 turns.
  20. a level 24 parasect with dig is much better against surge than diglett i'll update later today. it is now later today [spoiler=SURGE AND ROCK TUNNEL] ha, Shroom-Ass so good against SURGE also my master plan failed, I thought Shin would take Gyarados so I gave it no attacking moves well uhhhh i had a backup plan thankfully. DIGDUG static is probably my least favourite ability other than sturdy in later gens at this point I remember I hadn't caught my diglett in diglett cave yet so i did it so he used his raichu to zap the enemy seems fair gg surge NO NO NO NO NO PHEW Raichu did like 7 damage with shockwave, but after using double team 5 times I was worried I'd run out of Digs and have to use an ether for the first time ever MUST FARM MONEY FOR CELEDON FOR GAMBLING also in the route right of Vermillion Drowzee perished to a crit. Fuck you game. THOSE GAMERS THESE DAYS SURE ARE OLD woo WHAT this guy is shin in disguise, he's whining about his luck and he's OLD I CAN SMELL THE GAME CORNER FROM HERE I'LL COME BACK FOR YOU there's seriously trades that are nidoran f for nidoran m and then later nidorina for nidorino. WHY?!?!?! batman was cut for diglett if i face mass casualties I'll have a (really bad) backup BIKE i'm never going to use it, the power of FRAMESKIP is too strong this slowbro is my favourite screw you oddishes SHROOM ASS SO GOOD not worth catching one CONSCRIPTED i'll send him to daycare next time i'm in the neighborhood ROCK TUNNEL TOOK FOREVER AND I HATE IT GLORIOUS VICTORY
  21. Midir should be able to engage the armours before Sigurd and Cuan catch up. IIRC if you trigger one of them they all move? That should solve all your problems really. You could give Cuan the Hero Lance too, i'm sure he'd kill the mounted enemies with it. You shouldn't need Noish at all if you just lure the thwomps out with Midir earlier.
  22. Midir can get in range of three of the five knights, and at least weaken them and make them move. Compared to other stuff in this chapter this seems like a total non issue. Sigurd should be able to just kill one blocking his way with the steel sword (or if he has capped strength steel lance ORKO's if for some reason the steel sword doesn't have 50 kills). Can you at least screen why it's giving you issues?
  23. kill (or weaken) a few of the armours with Midir/Cuan. Shouldn't be an issue.
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