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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Lucius will probably never get deployed again. His base level's really low and he's gonna be 2hko'd even in EHM. Last time I ran through, Pent was a sage, and then later became a Hero. So either I got (un)lucky and he randomized as a sage as an NPC or he stays the same.
  2. Monk bases (and magic user bases) in general are really good, so they should theoretically be my best units. There are outliers like Oswin who just has a high base level (and knight bases aren't that good either) that are good physical based units, but whatever Pent shows up as is bound to be a powerhouse. Canas is a bit of a disappointment though.
  3. It's looking like we're recruiting everyone! Here's chapter 16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtVtBos1_2E&feature=youtu.be I realized after finishing this chapter that I missed readjusting a lot of the base stats of some classes, so I went back and did that after the fact (like knight had like, +2 con, and most female variants of classes were 1-3 stat points better than their male counterparts for some reason). I'll have more animations up soon too. here they are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83gBrkqkIPU&feature=youtu.be
  4. I'd really like to see personal skills that can't be removed from a unit. I just don't see the point of personal skills if they can just be removed and given to another unit. If they can be removed (and given to other units) i'd rather not have any personal skills at all.
  5. its been 2 days. assuming xander gets brom, i'll take Largo. CHAPTER 8 - 8/41 TURNS Soren really isn't great for defence chapters when you have three chokepoints and three units. CHAPTER 9 - 6/47 TURNS Ike got blocked by a bunch of chump reinforcements and Titania couldn't kill the boss in time anyway.
  6. All his stats previously above 20 would be reduced to 20, and when he repromotes, it'd be a normal promotion. So if he had 25 magic when he demoted, he'd only have 20+ whatever the promotion gain for sages is when he promotes again, not 25. I dunno if I'll promote him early, probably only if it actually saves some turns.
  7. can you imagine how bad little mac would be with the ledge mechanics of the old games? Like he's already pretty horrible but man he'd be useless. Same with other low tiers like ganondorf and dr mario. it'll be interesting how customs will be handled if mewtwo ends up not getting customs in the future (although I think he will)
  8. i'd like to continue playing sometime soon, can we just give Xander one of the remaining bad units (or notice that it's his turn to pick?)
  9. ha, how the tables have turned! [spoiler=S.S ANNE] Machop doesn't learn stomp. does anything ever happen here in an event or something? not as old as SHIN or as BAD wow you must have no LIFE I regret looking for a picture of "Stunning Rapidash" i'm fairly certain that's animal abuse. so FLASHY seriously, all the S.S Anne pokemon are so much stronger than everyone but TURTHWOMP this room was visited at the end of almost every battle ENCROYABLE I AM LE TRAINER I forgot about TM's I don't even know man I AM LE CONNISOUR not as good as prime rib gg what a bro better than string shot? YES YES THIS WAS BEFORE THEY NERFED PICKUP I used to catch a party of zigzagoons in Sapphire to farm rarecandies until my party filled out. wow, he should really reclass I thought the whole point of having a party on a ship was to have it occur while it's moving to pass the time? FUTURE SIGHT FUTURE MVP JUST IN TIME FOR LT. SURGE NO NO NO thankfully it finally died IT RETURNS it was at this point i realized Beedrill wasn't actually a flying type I never understood why everyone suddenly became french on the ship FAIR rage, bite is special and tackle sucks NOT A GOOD CHOICE WHY it all worked out. also PAY DAY WHY Gyarados beat it though, Gyarados OP this isn't how medicine works GOODBYE CRUELWORLD TEAM IS STILL PRETTY CHUMP but it's trade time. Who will Shin pick?
  10. Man, I totally thought I updated, been out of the house for a few days, i've played up to Vermillion. I'll try to update later today. actually fuck it updating now [spoiler=to Vermillion] YOU WONDER WHY IT DOESN'T OBEY YOU I'm 99% sure Slowbro doesn't learn Sonicboom. considering how incampetant the Rockets are the police force must be horrible ha, I bet you're quaking in your boots FAIR WALLED BY ZUBAT ABRA SO BAD ekans trapped zubat in with wrap, thankfully I had a tonne of potions NO THE MANKEY thankfully wartortle is pretty tanky I still want this to be an option YES NO WHY at least I have another chance next route -_- At least I didn't kill it this time. so EASY GOD WHY DO THEY HAVE PECK YES just in time for MISTY i'd love to but well things didn't work out i kill all but the first one i see per route aren't water pokemon generally defensive? ALL OUT OFFENCE IN ACTION NO WATER PULSE wartortle almost died to a swift crit also zubat conviently learns an attacking move after the gym is done "ITS JUST A TEAM ROCKET COSTUME I SWARE" I didn't screen it, but before he was trying to teach Mankey and Sandshrew dig. Where did the Diglett come from? WHY I guess it's apparently pretty rare but they're pretty chump. I guess it has pickup. (Also yes I did have an antidote) Ha, so good. DEFEATED THE RAIDBOSS RATICATE I didn't want anything from the tall grass in the route above Vermillion so I didn't enter it, I'm gonna wait until I have surf or a good rod or something.
  11. as far as i'm concerned I'm ambidextrous, when signing stuff or writing in general I use my right hand because that's where most pens are at banks and whatnot, but I throw and use a fork with my left hand, but shoot right in hockey. I think whatever hand I use the first time I just end up using forever though.
  12. Yeah, you're right about Azel, he replaced Sylvia in my old patch and he was a female mage. I don't see what's wrong with keeping the pursuit ring where it is though. Can you imagine Holsety in chapter 2? I personally think it would be cool for some other regalia to be used too, like if Lex theoretically replaced Levin, it'd be neat to get the Swanchika (although it would probably just make the enemies not attack him...) but my point still remains.
  13. Delmud's strength cap is pretty low, he appreciates it for sure. You want the rings to be for increasing the caps of units in gen 2 as opposed to helping them reach them.
  14. Nah, even though there's no female axe knight animation, if you change the gender to female in the character editor it should theoretically still work. It plays the male axe knight animation regardless and doesn't break. I'm honestly not 100% sure myself. Theoretically it's probably possible to change it using a hex editor, but I'm not saavy enough to find that particular event. Besides, when would you get the Pursuit Ring otherwise?
  15. I'm not actually sure how the children would work, but imagine if Lex is in Sylvia's character slot, he'd be the mother of Leen and Sylvia. I'm don't know enough about hacking to replace the pursuit ring with a weapon though. I should be able to replace everything else though.
  16. It's more of an issue of the children, the son/daughter of Claude/Dew has to be a priest. I think i'm just gonna do Lord Tiltyu and just reverse the jointime of all the gen 2 units.
  17. why would you give somebody that has like 12 strength your power ring its much better to give it to someone who actually does damage. I'd much rather give the hero lance to Fin than Claude Fee as well. She does use magic swords alright upon promotion.
  18. I dunno how to work out gen 2 though. For the fixed non children characters, they could just swap (Oifaye = Hannibal, Aless = Johan, Shanan = Johalva) but for the kids its kinda complicated. I could just reverse all the gen 1 females or something. I'd still want Tiltyu as a lord because Claude as a lord just doesn't work very well (since the gen 2 lord would have to be a priest which is uh, lame) so the "mothers would be Tiltyu = Sigurd Ethlin = Briggid Aideen = Fury Lachesis = Deirdre Meaning the BEST PAIRING EVER would be Lachesis x Tiltyu but removes Lachesis's kids. Maybe just make the last recruited non Claude playable male the lord and father of Celice? That'd be Beowulf. I honestly really want to pair Sigurd and Cuan, double major blood so good.
  19. There's no check that I'm aware of that just gives a class the ability to seize, so unless someone (Shin) knows how I don't think so. I'd think it'd be cooler if Sety didn't replace Levin though, they're pretty much the same unit. Although honestly if I make the patch i'd likely just make gen 1 reversed (so lord Tiltyu) and then their kids replace the old kids (so Tinny becomes Celice, and I guess Arthur becomes Julia, lol. The amusing part would be Byron giving Tiltyu Thorhammer to use against Reptor who also has it.
  20. Another thing about holy weapon users, if Lester ended up replacing Levin, would we just make Lester a holy weapon user and give him Ichieval? Also with my current knowledge I wouldn't be able to make Altenna the lord of gen 1 without a wyvern being the gen 2 lord, and she's the only one in the game.
  21. So, something like Altenna having only continue and Leaf having only critical? I also thought about just giving characters the skills of their subs, Skasahar would get ambush, Fee continue, etc. Only Janne and Mana don't have skills, and I'd likely give one of them Bargain (because otherwise it can't get passed down).
  22. Sigurd would be "female magefighter" AFAIK seizing is hardcoded to lordknight so I don't think using any other class would work. This also means Celice's replacement has to promote into whatever the "Lord Knight" class becomes. It does some weird stuff in the arena though. EDIT: Misread what Marty said, that would probably work. EDIT EDIT: Also this is a really old patch I made without much intent of finishing, I probably won't make any more progress on it, Tiltyu's just the lord because when I made this patch this topic didn't exist and I was just splitting up gen 1 and gen 2; Tinny was going to be the gen 2 lord. Actually, I might be able to make this happen if I have enough motivation. I'll see if I can do things I think I can WRT events (like if Altenna was the theoretical lord, she could get a Silver Lance instead of a Silver Sword from Alvis, Ayra's hero sword could cater to her replacement, etc.) Would people really prefer gen 2 units in gen 1 though? I'm not a fan of using predetermined pairings to determine units stats and skills, plus gen 2 kids would be ridiculous. I'd probably need input on stuff like what items should show up in shops and such too.
  23. ^ nah, you just edit the class, hence Tiltyu the "Lord Knight" i'll look into what I did later more specifically, I made this a couple months ago so I can't really remember.
  24. I could be misunderstanding you, but it worked for me no problem:
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