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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. slightly irrelevant but Noah won't have been recruited by then I don't think Espinosa does full recruitment either.
  2. The only issue with training Karel (at least extensively) is that he can't really kill bosses (which is what he'd be good for), since he'll want to seize after the boss is killed. This obviously isn't a problem if you drop him in front of the boss and he kills them on the enemy phase, but at the end of the day getting him experience will be kinda tough since he's still a 5-6 move unit that has to be carted around everywhere, and as a result won't get as much experience as he wants.
  3. unless you feed leaf half the chapter he gains way more experience defending lenster why wouldn't he? If Fin's promoted it's a total waste of experience. You can just return him at the end of the chapter to beat the arena.
  4. Oifaye ORKO's a grand total of zero enemies in chapter 8 without the magic ring with a magic sword. With the magic ring, this number jumps to every enemy that's not a boss, magic user, or armour knight, so about 70% of the chapter. It's a pretty huge difference. The only qualm I have with Arthur inheriting the pursuit ring is that he does absolutely nothing with it. He gains the same amount of experience with or without it. Leaf sucks a lot more at defending Lester without it, and Jamka!Lester is pretty much locked to the hero bow without it (which isn't horrible, but the killer bow is much better with its greatly reduced weight, increased hit, and synergy with the skills Jamka already passes down. I think Arthur should absolutely buy it once he promotes and Leaf gets it on promotion and theoretical Jamka!Lester or Noish!Delmud become less important for killing things.
  5. A Delmud without Pursuit likes it as well (so pretty much Noish!Delmud although Levin!Delmud actually doesn't sound that bad either), and it helps Delmud infinately more than it helps Arthur. The real bottom line is It helps Leaf a hell of a lot more than it helps Arthur. It's either that or toss Leaf the hero sword from Gen 1, which is better used before chapter 8. The pursuit ring isn't helping Arthur promote any faster, and once Leaf promotes, sure, Arthur can take it for a couple of chapters before he falls off a cliff. Honestly I always give it to Celice and keep it on him a good majority of the time, being a mount that ORKO's stuff at 1-2 range is almost unheard of (it's pretty much only exclusive to Oifaye, Celice and Arthur) and Arthur either has Holsety + continue/critical or Wrath!Thoron to do the job for him. He can take it on promotion to help him kill bosses if he really wants to, but Celice stops killing mooks with the light sword approximately never, so i'd even argue that you can just slap the chapter 10 one on Arthur.
  6. I think giving Levin!Arthur is a waste until later on, if he has the pursuit ring (which in my opinion he doesn't really need either) he just kills enemies just fine with Elwind, if you're using Holsety on mooks its likely more defensive than offensive anyway since unless he's the only option it's unlikely he'll be targetted early on on the enemy phases anyway when nobody on your team has avoid. Even if he doesn't have the pursuit ring, the Magic ring only might make a difference when he uses Holsety, and it likely doesn't make a difference anyway, Levin!Arthur has a 10 magic base and a 40% growth, so he's likely to oneshot the non-magic enemies in chapter 7 anyway. I totally think it's a good use of him getting it when he has a horse though. Giving it to Tinny or Linda is pretty useless though, their magic is high enough to kill things without it, and they aren't really fighters anyway. I'd rather have it on Oifaye or Celice.
  7. I honestly just don't think any of the other units are actually good. Shin's pretty much himself a few chapters earlier I guess, but by the time he joins, Dayan could be better anyway, although his growths kinda suck.
  8. What does Julia do with a magic ring? If she doubles, she kills things anyway. He still has potential to kill the mages from 1 range regardless, and nobody other than promoted Celice (or like, Lester) are killing them from range anyway. I think giving magic rings to magic using units is pretty useless (unless its for using a sleep or silence staff, or they're an effective bosskiller with Holsety or something), but Lex!Arthur has the magic of a physical unit anyway. I still think it's more useful on Delmud (until Arthur promotes at least) since he clears the arenas with Elite anyway. One enemies have enough HP to not be killed by Delmud Arthur can probably take the ring, and it's probably at the same time he promotes anyway.
  9. if he inherits/buys the magic ring he suddenly ORKO's all enemies he doubles in chapter 7 I still don't think it's the best pairing for Lachesis, but if you give him the tools he needs to be effective he does his job
  10. I just think they should stay consistant to what the weapon ranks were in the Vanilla game, it's just sloppily made imo. Hugh's replacement randomly promotes, and in addition has double A weapon ranks too. Zeiss replaces Dieck, but Dieck doesn't replace Zeiss. It's just not very consistant. It's still a fun patch nontheless though.
  11. I was wondering if you were actually going to post this here. I think it might have been better to find a way to give Karel a bit more experience in chapter 1 though, the faster he doesn't get oneshotted and gains actual avoid the better. Looking forward to this regardless. I'm also not a fan of how weapon ranks were handled in this patch either. "Lugh has D tomes, better give Percival C Swords and D lances because he was awesome in vanilla!!!" Same deal with Miledy, and giving Astohl (who replaces Klein) E swords, but giving Chad A swords when replacing Cecilia. It's just stupid.
  12. Did you give Delmud a magic ring? He does pretty well with it. This being said, my Delmud is also extremely magic blessed so my opinion might be null and void. I'm also at chapter 8 and he's like this which is totally ridiculous: I do agree with the general statement that he's ok when he doesn't have to do enemy phase stuff though.
  13. What you said is true. If you kill a boss and it causes the chapter to end, the game registers as the chapter ending on the turn you killed the boss. If you're forced to wait out the chapter, its number of turns + 1.
  14. Hawk's no worse than any Sety except Claude and Levin. Sety doesn't get inheritance really otherwise,and the stuff he'd get otherwise with Azel as a dad is totally negligiable anyway. Amid's stats are pretty good, but he has no pursuit, no horse, and no staves, so he's honestly pretty terrible unless you actually need him to kill something like in a subs run or something. Jamka!Lester is honestly fine, high strength and the hero bow tide him over until he can grab the pursuit ring (not high in demand later in the generation) Lex!Arthur is pretty good, but he has no staves, and his offence and defence (due to having no speed) kinda suck from chapter 10 onwards. Dunno where to put him. Having Holsety!Corple is pretty much equivilant to not having Holsety at all. Even if promotes, he's promoting in endgame and has 5 movement. Otherwise, it's the berserk staff vs inheriting stuff (probably only reserve since giving Corple anything else is a complete waste other than maybe a return ring) and Elite. And I'm pretty sure Linda can promote by chapter 9 if she like, kills 3 enemies and clears the arena or something, she's actually really good for a sub.
  15. ^ Lugh's promoted, he should be pretty good. If you still have it, you could have Ellen or Cecilia spam the torch staff so you know where the enemies are coming from. The bandits in the bottom left take forever to show up, so you can probably just grab the item that's there right away and just forget about that corner of the map. Gonzales, Lugh and Miledy should be really good though, provided you're careful with them. Bring a restore staff if you have one too!
  16. I think some teams being SOL for Alvis is kind of a bad deal. I think Aless should be free just for this reason. silver blade Celice with the power ring does 10 damage but really the only units that can actually fight alvis without getting oneshotted are like, Faval, Celice, Leaf, Aless, the Holsety kids, and like Hawk or something. If you rig dodges or HP procs I guess Shanan could do it too. This is another reason I like normal drafts better.
  17. CHAPTER 10 - 15/94 The first castle was longer than I wanted it to be, but with 9 move Celice just curled up and died, and 6 move wasn't enough for him to get there fast enough. 4 turns to the first place I forget the turn specific seizes from here on out, but Leaf just continually rescued Celice as far ahead as possible, until the turn before seizing, where he killed the darkmage guarding the path to the castle, and killed the boss on the enemy phase (had to rig Hel to hit Leaf so he would actually get attacked by the boss) and then Celice was rescued in for the seize. Celice was rescued over the mountain, and Altenna blicked Ishtar with Charisma support. Shanan and Oifaye tanked sleep staves for the team. Nanna returned Celice so Faval could be warped to Miletos, and Leaf reserved everyone, and then charged head on into the rotten ritter the next turn with the prayer ring. The sleep staff good prioritizes healing over sleeping thankfully. Prayer ring too good. He rescued Faval over next turn, and he killed the sleep staff goon, while Altenna and the charisma bots prepared for the bosskill. Faval and Altenna with Power rings killed Alvis in three hits, Faval attacking first because he wasn't oneshotted. Altenna can actually ORKO Alvis, without being oneshotted too if you get the sharlow/corple conversation, she did 32 damage a hit which was pretty ridiculous. stats after arena. I don't think Baldrick's team is physically capable of killing Alvis, this is why Aless should be free.
  18. mind posting a save? maybe its an emulator issue
  19. if you really look hard enough at their moves and call them the same, it would be like calling something like Mario's and Samus's forward smashes and downsmashes the same. Or like, anyone in the cast really. IKE AND DEDEDE CLONES BECAUSE THEIR FSMASH, USMASH, FAIR, BAIR AND DAIR ARE THE SAME The reality is there's only so many ways you can move somebody without a weapon (or with a weapon) without most attacks looking similar. The attacks may have different effects, but they all look every similar.
  20. OK, thanks. CHAPTER 9 - 18/79 TURNS Gave up a turn to recruit Altenna, she can probably save a turn killed Alvis anyway, so I figured why not. This chapter is just a lot of dragonknights, Celice wasn't really ever in much danger. It's nice having two charisma kids though. Linda also gets a levelup everytime she uses warp, lol. i'll post stats in a sec. man, Patty is slow as fuck.
  21. CHAPTER 8 - 17/61 TURNS There was an awkward moment when a bunch of enemies that couldn't damage Leaf followed him around and caused a headache because they owned Celice, and I had to play ring a round the rosie with Faval, but it all worked out in the end. 9 turns to Mease Everyone ran south, Oifaye went to fetch the Thief ring though. Abused the prayer sword on Nanna to lure enemies away from Celice, then she used the return ring to avoid death. Shanan and Patty ate the children. Linda lured away some wyverns too, but not too many because she'd probably die. Gonna see if it's possible to recruit Altenna. It's probably not, but another unit would be cool and I like her :(
  22. Is Leaf allowed the Leg Ring? I don't know if it was this draft or the last one that it was discussed in. CHAPTER 6 - 20/20 TURNS Celice had to hang back at the start, so he sold his sword so he could be attacked. Roddelbad and Badney tried to avoid death, then once Delmud and Oifaye showed up, they saved the village north of the first castle. Didn't get castle specific clears, but Celice was one square short of seizing. I think i'll only lose 2 turns here because Marty didn't give Celice the knight ring. CHAPTER 7 - 24/44 TURNS 9 turns to Yied. Not a lot happened. Nanna returned Leaf, and he bought the Elite ring and hero sword, and Delmud bought the pursuit ring and a silver sword. Nanna returned herself home after getting the speed ring, my team needed healing after the dark mages. Leaf got a few kills down south, then headed north to kill Jabarro's squad. Shanan headed west to get the shield ring village, and got some garbage levelups. Patty sold the light sword for Oifaye to buy next chapter. 8 turns to Melgan Amid had been mosying on down, he recruited Linda, and the mages all targetted Delmud instead of him because of his massive res (i guess?) Celice moved through afterwards, and Delmud killed Blume with the second hero sword, Oifaye was on standby in case greatshield was a dick or something. Leaf routed all the enemies up north, including the boss, and was sent home by Nanna because.... IT BEGINS 5 turns to Alster this meant that unfourtunately Linda couldn't clear the arena, but such is life. Leaf gained a couple levels but too lazy to screen
  23. falco's also slow as fuck (compared to fox) and can jump slightly higher also euklyd's video was amazing, those dr mario headbangs
  24. thank god I had Holyn, otherwise I would have had to go back to chapter 3 and get the barrier ring back from Ethlin. CHAPTER 5 - 19/121 TURNS Sigurd's dad talked to him on turn 3 southwest of the axeknights, and my mounted squad killed them on the enemy phase (sadly none of them suicided on the hero sword). Briggid and Holyn kind of had to hold back because they still needed Jealousy to get paired, but they each killed a couple enemies. Alec killed Langbart over two turns with the light sword from range. Lachesis had to prayer tank the hero bow dudes. 6 turns to Longfart Sigurd used his remaining 1000g to repair Tyrfing so he wouldn't die to meteo. Alec, Noish and Sigurd went south (just like the prologue, good times) and Alec lightsworded the boss and Noish killed the cleric in the way, allowing Sigurd to seize. 10 turns to Phinora Noish had to sell the hero sword and give it to Alec to kill the dragonknights because Nihil (useful again!). Lachesis also gave away all her money to him so he could buy the elite ring for Delmud, and she warped Holyn to Phinora, and he bought the Light sword and Magic ring because he was the only person on my team not oneshotted by Reptor. Alec killed all the dragonknights, Noish rebought the hero sword, and Holyn killed Reptor with the Hero sword after Briggid drew fire from everything else with her worse defences to ensure he'd still be healthy enough to not get oneshotted. Lachesis returned home and visited the villages around Zaxon. 9 turns to Aida He was pretty good, would have had to do a lot more if Alec wasn't blessed. Hopefully Delmud will be good enough with just the Hero Sword + Power ring until he can buy the pursuit ring in chapter 8. I think this is the first time Alec has hit level 30 for me He was just above average, then he got the elite ring and killed all of beowulfs squad and gained like 5 levels or something and just promoted early, and male paladin gains are pretty good. It helps everything in gen 1 dies to Light sword + magic ring. totally useless until I had to kill Reptor. Thanks massive HP growth. Unfourtunately it means I don't get the light sword until essentially Chapter 8, but I don't think i'll need it, the Hero sword has 42 kills on it anyway. Also lol Patty inheriting the thief sword. poorest Lachesis ever :( She's missing the 17500 from the chapter 2 arena, and it actually hurt quite a bit. Although honestly, the only thing else i could have passed down was like, the Silver Blade and another Relive staff or something. didn't do anything really. Maybe she could have killed Reptor if she arena'd in chapter 3? Oh well.
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