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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. HP gets better and better the more defence you have and you generally want to give it to units that see a lot of combat to increase their survivability even further. Odds are if you give a robe to a unit that gets 2HKO'd will likely still get 2HKO'd by stronger enemies anyway. Roy probably wants one before a bunch of long range magic shows up too, but you'll get another before that point.
  2. My heart says that FFII is my favourite but I think I enjoyed FFV more overall.
  3. i know every tile won't be worth my while but seriously I have no idea, I have a save in chapter 21 but unggggggggg
  4. 1. Bravely Default - 145:06 2. Smash 3DS - 76:31 3. FE Awakening - 42:26 4. KI Uprising - 22:45 5. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire - 20:50 only game that was on my 2013 list was actually awakening at more hours than this list combined... edit - my 2015 leader is smash bros at 00:01, so good
  5. Ethlin's return staff! EDIT: And yeah I didn't really need Alec up top, Midir did it on his own. Need to find a way to get Dew some more exp though.
  6. The plan is to send Midir + Light Sword Alec up the top of the map and kill them over the cliff, I imagine that will work out. I might make a separate topic later so this topic stays on the topic of 0% if I run into issues or have questions, once I figure out what my benchmark turncount will be i'll post it here for reference. If I find something that may be relevent to 0% i'll definately post it though.
  7. Aideen and Dew actually run away from the fighters, I recruit Ayra really far over to the left, and she lures Jamka down south and Deirdre warps Aideen to Gandolf's castle, there's barely enough move to do it. Cuan also needs to survive a lot of shit up in the forest, (including a round of combat with Jamka) but oh well. Honestly i've only completed the prologue and chapter 1 so far, 9/17 turns respectively. I'm not bothering AAAA ranking though. I think i'm looking at 21 turns for Chapter 2, but that's just from looking at the map.
  8. I'm just doing regular LTC, nothing special. I actually just figured out how to recruit Jamka and clear chapter 1 in 17 turns, which was a total pain. I'm not recruiting everyone, and the killer bow probably won't do anything special, but if it's possible I figured i'd do it anyway. I don't think I'll be able to do Claude/Fury though, I don't think I have enough turns. I honestly think i'll only be able to pair Ayra, Aideen and Fury (but not with Claude...) I actually think the only units that cost turns are Hannibal, Altenna, and maybe Sety.
  9. do weapons other than the hero sword really need crit though? Like it'd be nice having a light sword with some crit, but then again, who can really use it well? I guess Elwind getting kills isn't the worst thing in the world though. If you reset you still can make a square with Ayra and Aideen in getting Claude/Fury to happen, unless the site is wrong. I hope it's not, because I really want Nanna instead of Janne for my run.
  10. Levin really is the best! I've been toying around with a playthrough with growths and I'm sure glad there are the in chapter saves more then ever, and i'm sure this is like ten times more useful on 0% growths.
  11. There used to be pictures on the FE4 Jealousy page depicting what's said in the T-Shaped formation and the Square formation, and they're gone now. http://serenesforest.net/genealogy-of-the-holy-war/characters/jealousy/
  12. I like how you were about to move Ardan out in chapter 1 then were like "NOPE JUST KIDDING" Really enjoying this so far, I think the background music is better than sped up music from the game too, glad you did that.
  13. dart is fun because overkill is the best kind of kill
  14. Oh its A rank in FE6, thought it was B rank. Hugh's actually the worst.
  15. never forget boots douglas Do you think Hugh could be useful at all with his best bases? He'd at least have 6 more MT with Bolting than Cecilia, but I guess other than that he's not doing a whole lot. I know its definately not worth the gold (since you'd essentially have to pay to promote him too) but was just curious if there were any other scenerios where a higher magic bolting user would be useful. Surprised you didn't talk about Zeiss's horrible weapon rank.
  16. pretty sure sonic is completely invincible with the chaos emeralds at least for a little while, on top of his ridiculous speed, which is probably worth more than whatever megaman can do. Probably mario/luigi too but I haven't played hardly any Mario games to know the reasoning there. ness could also probably be higher, since he at least suppressed giygas, who's capable of destroying the entire universe. also DK PUNCHES THE MOON YEAH
  17. man watching 6x made me realize how bad gaiden chapters are in general, not even in this game. also are you using Horace? I know if you don't you just acknowledge he's too high tier, just like Sheema. edit: he's even better without class A, totally top tier.
  18. only deirdre and cuan can reach the archers, right? Or can another mount make it? how are you killing Sandima, will the steel sword have 50 kills or something by then? also if you have some chapter saves at any point i'd be happy to help out... come new years I don't think i'm gonna have a lot of free time in the next few days.
  19. OH also, is it possible to actually get Lachesis paired? Charisma owns in gen 2, although it probably isn't required.
  20. man this game would suck with fe7/8 staff ranges...
  21. I actually haven't played fe4 quickly in quite some time, I'll look into things a bit later on today after some hockey games I'm watching are over. I'm actually surprised you can 12 turn chapter 5. Can you actually pair Claude and fury on time? I think Sety actually costs a turn if he's not Claude!Sety too. You're doing videos once you're done planning, right?
  22. Do you actually need Holsety? Hawk is pretty much better in every way and immune to staves.
  23. how can you blame anyone for assuming that though
  24. I used all my extra boxes to put presents in so I wouldn't have to actually clean them up, even if they were stuff like gift cards which was probably a waste of wrapping paper but OH WELL. I'm fairly certain I got a wine rack from my sister and a lot of wine from everyone else, but I may be SURPRISED. Merry Christmas, all.
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