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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Someone has to lure Pascal and I can't get anyone else in range but hector, but that leaves Ninian too far away to dance next turn for one of the Paladins to seize. I'll also probably swap Heaths and Fioras positions, a Pegasus that attacks florina will go for fiora but not Heath.
  2. I DID IT GUYS ITS REALLY UNRELIABLE BUT YOLO i'll get the video up after dinner hopefully. I'll just post screens in the meantime for those interested. so this is the crappy part. Ninian has to dodge Pascal, 2/3 ballista and a pegasus knight to survive, which isn't very good odds. Kent goes to the middle bridge tile and kills the guy on the fort with a hand axe, and is danced by Ninian. Marcus goes to the space above and kills the cavalier above with the hand axe and Kent seizes. isadora kills the bottom left pirate with a hand axe (the dude has a hammer so she doubles and orkos barely) and Rath kills the top middle guy with the longbow, allowing Fiora to seize. Hawkeye exists. Heath gets the village, Lowen kills the bishop with the short spear and Florina seizes. I could give Ninian a robe so she wouldn't be OHKO'd by the steel lance peg, but it doesn't increase her survivablity against the ballista (still 2hko'd) so I still might save it.
  3. if im playing just for fun the only time i'll reset is if someone dies bad levels are pretty hirlarious, or just irregularities are pretty funny in general. I once had a Gilliam with more Resistance and speed than defence!
  4. I'll probably get Limstella's Fimbulvetr since she'll probably have Bolting equipped when I kill her, and I obviously didn't go to Linus's chapter and won't get Jerme's chapter. Maybe I can rig things so I can get Limstella's so Pent can nuke things in endgame. Also, I was using Ninian to rescuedrop someone with Florina, but I don't think she can get in range for the village and the gate, since here's where Ninian can go: i need florina to go the extra space but I don't think it's gonna happen.
  5. ALSO I'm currently attempting to figure out a way to 2 turn chapter 25 with the Elysian whip, because otherwise Fiora isn't promoting till chapter 32, which may or may not be problematic for 28x and 29. This also means Heath isn't promoting till chapter 28 which is probably a bigger deal. I'm open to promoting Rath, but I don't think I can promote anyone else (other than Canas who won't really help) I need to lure the warrior boss away and kill two enemies in the way of seizing in the bottom right, have Ninian ready to dance the north group so they can seize Pascal's castle, and I need two fliers and one other unit to go towards the bishops castle, and one flier needs to get the elysian whip. If anyone has any ideas, let me know, if you want, I can give you my save as well. If I can't get it (im starting to think its not possible) i'll honestly probably just three turn and get a lot of exp on my weaker units (fiora, sain, maybe Eliwood) since having promoted Heath might be a big deal in chapter 27, and having better stats in Cog will be good too, since I think a max speed heath doubles every enemy on the map.
  6. forum is like dead still, but i'll post 23x and 24 here for now anyway. I'm going camping next week and then I have to go get my stuff and move it from my apartment to my house the week after, so time for this playthrough will be pretty much nonexistant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tsqFVQv7s8&list=UUcp11fr85Q1lEVSEHtv53pA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MrCMypvwdw&list=UUcp11fr85Q1lEVSEHtv53pA&index=1
  7. Well, that was annoying, but I managed to 4 turn Genesis with the berserk staff obtained within 4 turns with one door key. Also Heath: http://speedcap.net/sharing/screen.php?id=files/06/c4/06c4af964c297a18cbeacf1e54e41ab0.png
  8. im terrible at it and if i go any faster it causes me to fuck up and have to restart :(
  9. I don't expect her to do much combatwise anyway, so I don't think so. She's already surprised me by hitting level 10 this early!
  10. here it is! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl43AkgP9kA&feature=youtu.be Genesis might be an issue since I used one more door key than I expected in chapter 20... I'm sure i'll figure it out though.
  11. Welp, I did it, with 9 exp to spare. Unfourtunately it looks like the video is gonna take a while to upload though because of the blowing sand or something, idk. Now, for Genesis...
  12. i have barrier staves for ninain's survival later, and yeah, her avoid is good enough. I definately have rigged most of my levelups so far this run, yeah. I won't need the whip since I can get the chapter 28 earth seal, and the chapter 24 earth seal if i rig a crit on Lloyd, not sure if i'll do that yet though. I might be able to get the chapter 25 whip instead. I just picked my birthmonth, I didn't really think about the tactician bonuses. I guess Canas and Kent are getting bonuses! I MIGHT be able to two turn Living Legend and access Genesis. I just got 701 exp in a test run, where florina missed something on the last turn. I need to figure out some positioning issues, and see if i can get filla's might though. It does rely on Heath getting an axereaver crit, and Canas getting one luna crit though, although I'm ok with that.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sCx_oJPyiM Chapter 22 in 2 turns. Time to take a look at Living Legend and see what I can do there... ESPI UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS HECTOR 11.16 29 16 09 09 06 14 05 SAIN 13/07.24 33 22 10 23 10 16 03 MARCUS ??/08.12 37 19 20 12 12 12 10 ELIWOOD 09.39 25 12 07 13 13 11 02 LOWEN 12.17 31 12 10 13 06 14 02 FLORINA 11/01.37 34 14 14 17 13 11 07 KENT 09.92 28 12 12 10 03 06 06 PRISCILLA 05.62 16 08 07 08 09 04 07 ERK 08.17 22 10 07 13 04 03 07 FIORA 08.17 22 09 11 14 06 06 08 RATH 08.27 25 09 10 11 05 07 02 HEATH 07.55 32 13 09 09 07 12 02 ME UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS HECTOR 10.91 27 13 09 11 06 13 03 KENT 12/07.56 38 20 20 22 05 14 06 MARCUS ??/05.73 34 18 21 15 11 12 11 ELIWOOD 11.27 27 14 12 14 14 10 06 LOWEN 13/01.17 34 14 10 18 09 13 04 FLORINA 13/01.05 37 16 14 20 11 09 11 SAIN 09.32 25 14 07 10 09 09 00 PRISCILLA 05.80 16 08 06 10 08 03 07 CANAS 12.63 24 14 13 11 09 06 09 FIORA 09.38 21 10 12 15 07 06 07 RATH 08.49 26 09 09 11 06 07 02 HEATH 07.45 31 14 10 09 07 12 02
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8SHqLZMJZM Chapter 21 in 1 turn. Florina promotes. I'll have a exp comparison to Espinosa's run after the next chapter, I expect he'll pull ahead since he took an extra turn last chapter and the upcoming one. EDIT: YEAHHHH
  15. I actually liked the FE3 music for him better. But yeah 20x is a dumb chapter, considering you have no way to see farther in the fog of war.
  16. My favourite is chapter 10 from fe4 least favourite is sands of time from fe7, or chapter 23 (the pointless rout chapter on the mountain in awakening) for both being totally pointless and awful
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNdcoBEGTiE&feature=youtu.be Dragon's Gate in 4 turns. Credit to lapgne36 on youtube for pointing out the strat.
  18. i still haven't used my secret books tbh, I was saving them in case I spent too much money somewhere and I needed something to sell. Marcus is only level 4, and I think he's sitting at 16 skill, so two books would bring him up to 10 crit on Eubans, which isn't too bad really. I think I'll do that. I have to kill Eubans on the EP, so Isadora can't attack him with the hand axe. Thanks for the feedback guys. Someone one youtube posted something that might allow me to 4 turn chapter 20, so i'm gonna look into that first. EDIT: Successfully 4 turned chapter 20, with everything acquired except the blue gem. Thanks to lapogn36 on youtube for pointing out it was possible (also if you're an SF user say so too!)
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjQoRswKxEc chapter 20! I was going to give Marcus the bosskill here so he could have 3% more crit on the boss next chapter over Kent (since Kent doesn't have S Lances) but i decided it wasn't worth it. I'm also failing to see a way to do chapter 22 in 2 turns even if i rig florina javelin crits. And thats not even worrying about getting Rath. Also I went ahead and did the 1 turn clear of chapter 21. It took surprisingly little RN burning. EDIT: I'm actually 99% sure a 2 turn isn't possible, have to move too far. Also my Heath is screwed one point of skill, speed and res, and blessed in one point of Strength ;/ I might rig his stats to be better though. EDIT EDIT: HOLY SHIT EUBANS MOVES? I could rig another crit, but i'm not sure if I want to have to rig low% crits every chapter. Opinions? ok, so here's the lowdown If i rig a crit on Eubans, I'm able to visit the secret shop, recruit heath, and recruit rath Marcus can do it with 8% crit. I miss out on the braveaxe and 10000g though, the brave axe might be needed for genesis, but I doubt it honestly. Should I rig the crit? You guys seemed in favour of the Chapter 21 one, but i'm not sure if the opinion will be the same. There's also a chance that I can 2 turn living legend, but I doubt I'd be able to reach 700 exp,
  20. if you know where the warp tiles are its pretty painless is pretty much what he's saying I think. as for chapters that make me ragequit, Sands of Time in FE7 because its a defence chapter with a fuckton of poison weapons so and archers in HNM so the enemy phases take forever and I hate it. Also BBD because i'm always tempted to just kill Ursula immediately so I can mash end turn because 15 turns for a map where there are only really enemies in half the map is dumb. At least they're scattered in Vaida's chapter.
  21. Happy Birthday Boron, have a great day.

    1. Sunwoo


      Thanks Horita :P

  22. i was born in slovakia, and as a result ive been to the czech republic, hungary, poland, ukraine, russia, austria, germany, england, iceland (dont go there), norway, sweden, latvia, bosnia, and greece in europe, and elsewhere i've been to niceragua (definately butchered the spelling) mexico, usa, and currently live in canada its not really a big deal to me though, since I was born and lived in eastern europe for years, so naturally i've been to a lot of the surrounding area. I really still want to go to Spain and Italy though. EDIT: AND NEW ZEALAND
  23. looking ahead, what do you even need it for? Getting the speedwings in 28x maybe? The chests in 28 I can get with Legault or Matt anyway.
  24. its just stuff like getting canas to warp without extra staves, getting priscilla to promote without barrier/physic spam, and stuff like that. It also has chest keys, which may or may not be useful, and I'm pretty sure the unlock staff saves a turn in endgame anyway, and I didn't get the one in Chapter 17.
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