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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. to be fair, leaf's only really fantastic in 4/4x/5 then people get horses and haul his butt around it again depends on how people are playing the game, because if you're just casually strolling through both of the games, Ephraim is undoubtably the stronger unit efficiency wise even if you go Eph route, its the Seth and Cormag show anyway, although Ephraim does certainly help in like killing the chapter 10 boss and being pretty good at routing Selena's chapter since there's lots of Reginlief targets, He's also pretty much required for 1 turning the final boss too, and is a good candidate for endgame bosskiller since he's got the hardest hitting weapon in the game
  2. Areone and his crew are pretty good too, even if they generally show up too late to do much. Pent and Hawkeye are definately the best green units though. Oh and Duessel. PROTECT THIS GUY THAT CAN'T EVEN PHYSICALLY DIE AS A GREEN UNIT GUYS
  3. that I did! Chapter 14 in 4 turns should be up tonight, with possibility of chapter 15 since it's a defence chapter, and also possibility of chapter 16 since its short. Here's 14 now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpH3p0FoVOg&list=UUcp11fr85Q1lEVSEHtv53pA nothing new here, just more exp for Lowen. I'll do another exp comparison thingy with Espinosa's run to stroke my ego just compare the exp distribution after chapter 15.
  4. i'll also have a good lowen by that point, I mean, he already has 12? speed and is a pretty high level. Marcus might have to deal with a shitty level in chapter 14 though, the RN's aren't being kind.
  5. haha isadora is the TRAITOR
  6. i believe that all staves give 1 WExp in Fe6, but i'm only about 80% sure.
  7. Hector definitely crushes Eirika, in the early chapters he's actually one of your best units in difficult chapters, where Eirika (while still pretty decent) is worse than a good majority of the early game units. Eirikas mid game also sucks, she's not doubling mercs unless she's level 20 or something that only happens in drafts, and she's not very good against monsters because of swords and low strength.
  8. yeah i forget but i remember he needs 13 speed by some point too, i'm just winging it really. Like I said, I actually didn't burn any RN's in Chapter 12, so that level just kinda happened. I think Refa's right thought, i think 12 speed for Eric is cool.
  9. lyn is actually like one of the best units in her mode too if we take that into account then the real game happens...
  10. Well it's your list, so do whatever you're comfortable with! It doesn't change a whole lot honestly, its just in LTC play units are generally stuffed with good levels are are overlevelled to boot, and are generally only better because they have a horse or something. Eliwood has pretty mediocre averages and can struggle to get levels in any kind of play, but if he gets lots of good levels early on he becomes a lategame juggernaut. On the other hand, you could have an eliwood promoting in Night of Farewells (thats when you get the second heaven seal right?) with 12 strength and speed or something and be totally garbage. And yeah, i'll echo what Marty said above, it becomes more "hey you move far, top tier!" or "Hector has too much con, low tier" It so happens that most of the mounted lords are among the best statistically too, but the Eliwood thing still comes into play.
  11. i wasn't thinking straight dunno what i was saying lol should say this:
  12. i think this list needs a somewhat less vague criteria. Because if we're talking about just general everyday fire emblem play, units like Ephraim and even someone generally terrible like FE11 Marth (who's pretty much the same as an unmounted Abel, one of the best units in the game) have a much higher value, and dudes like Celice are much worse if "efficient" play isn't assumed. Some of the better lords statistically like Ephraim and Chrom aren't very useful in efficient play, while some lower guys like Eliwood and Leaf are a lot better.
  13. just assume their own route?
  14. Yeah, he can't do that, you're right. FE9 HM is pretty similar in difficulty to HNM though, and Hector can solo that.
  15. even after promotion he needs ragnell to do anything more than any other foot unit and he's your worst earlygame unit other than like, Rhys and Soren. If he doesn't get a few early points of speed he's pretty awful. And Ana, i'm pretty sure every lord (other than ones like Ephraim that aren't present in every chapter) can solo their respective games. Except Roy. Not saying FE9 Ike is bad, but he's pretty average, much like FE3/12 Marth.
  16. FE1 Marth is good because the enemies always target him if he's in range, and due to the way AS works he'll likely become overlevelled really fast since his start is actually not too bad unlike fe11 celica is pretty bad too, definately worse than FE3 Marth and Leaf. I agree about Ephraim being better than FE9 Ike and Chrom. He's never a liability unlike the other two. FE12 Marth is probably too high too. He's probably actually worse than someone like Leaf since he never really does anything other than accumulate exp to stab Medeus in endgame.
  17. dull defence chapter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbJ3rpUW7cM&list=UUcp11fr85Q1lEVSEHtv53pA killed everything but one nomad dorcas got speed yeah.
  18. cant you save like whenever you want anyway EDIT: google has shown me the light. IGNORE ME
  19. the first time i played fe (fe11) i lost literally my whole army but marth and two others (athena and horace) i thought units like Guy and Geitz were midchapter bosses the first time i played fe7 when i first started drafting i'd always wait for someone else to start so I could try to beat their turncounts so I could win, I'm actually a sore loser.
  20. im with cam i rarely wait for units to hit 20. I just promote them when I feel like they need the boost, or just generally when i feel like it
  21. I good way to get dew levels in future runs is to give him the lights sword and elite ring in chapter 3, he can actually solo the cross knights pretty easily
  22. Its generally a better idea to not give Fin as much exp as you did here in Gen 1, since he can catch up in Gen 2 pretty easily. Other starved units like Azel and Dew and usually the Chalphy Cavs need the exp quite a bit. I think he can still hit level 11 or so with minimal exp and arenas.
  23. Just gonna post my thoughts on The lords similar to the OP that I'm familiar with. Not gonna comment on fe1 Marth because I know he's good, but I've only played FE1 once, and he was screwed beyond belief. Alm - his only weakness is movement really. He gets the overpowered bow when he's about to fall off a bit and that ruins the rest of the game. Marth FE3 - he's pretty average. Not fantastic, but pretty solid. Sigurd - obviously broken Celice - broken if given the proper inheritance. Leaf - he's kinda like FE3 Marth. He's pretty weak in the first few chapters, then you lose all your good units and he's the star Roy - Awful but really good for 25 attacks. Eliwood - Bad on his own mode, Pretty ok on Hector's if he gets the first Heaven Seal. His stats are pretty similar to Kent's except he can rescue Hector! Hector - Really good in the first 10 chapters or so, then his lack of move hurts. Never really a liability until he ironically promotes and has huge con, making him harder to move around. Lyn - She's actually really good in her own mode, but her beyond useless durability coupled with swords and mediocre strength make her pretty weak in Hector mode when not using the Mani Katti. Eirika - 3x effective might makes her Rapier OP, and she's pretty good in her own right until chapter 10 or so. She can still smack things hard with Sieglinde lategame at least. Ephraim - Fantastic on his own route, and his stats are so good that he's almost like FE8's Gotoh in a way lategame on Eirika route. He's pretty much a failsafe to beat the final boss if you somehow broke all the holy weapons and Eirika gets oneshotted. On his own route he's fantastic since even his bases are some of the best in the series for a level 4 unit. 11 speed on a lance user? The fuck IS? Reginleif is definately the best PRF in a game i've played because Wolf Beil only has 2x effective MT. FE9 Ike - Pretty similar to FE3 Marth with a worse start and a better finish. If he got Axes in FE9 he'd be fantastic. FE11 Marth - dear god i honestly think he's worse than Roy on H5 on easier modes he's pretty good though. FE12 Marth - Pretty solid throughout, never great, never awful. Chrom - I actually think he's pretty awesome if he gets a cavalier reclass early. I've never really had him fall off like other people say he does before, although I think a large reason why is I don't really use Lucina a whole lot, or many of the kids in general because effort
  24. Well in chapter 3, he has 12 move! And psych, I understand what you're saying, when I don't stack Celice I've had him promote on like chapter 9 before, so outdated does a lot more in those situations
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