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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. A lot of the things people have been making sense, but a lot of the things are also pretty dependant on the units you're using. Obviously you're not warpskipping the stupid OATS chapter if you're not using Saul, and you're not likely to care about getting Roy super far ahead (or at least closer to the main group) if you're not using Miledy. It also applies to what Baldrick is saying too. If you want to use like, Tate and Geese, you're probably not gonna just full move Tate and whatever other mounts you have since Geese will get little to no exp and suck (more than usual). I'm personally a pretty big Fe6 hater though, I only like Murdocks. Zephiels, and endgame (although it's probably my favourite endgame chapter asides from maybe FE11's).
  2. Dammit I wanted Josh. Dozla an Saleh. Is the last round reversed?
  3. if only fe11 had one in chapter 1.... but yeah i liked them, although i wish that you could just have a set number at the chapters start and didn't have to step on a tile.
  4. Not quite, she has a chapter less to work with (and a big one on both routes). Her bases are pretty good though. Forde and Neimi Her defence is really bad early though
  5. percival doesn't need to be free he'll have similar or slightly better stats than alan/lance at that point and they'd have done stuff the whole game.
  6. Honestly asides from the people who don't emulate, I'd be surprised if most of the people who said no were jus white knighting themselves. Savestates are just way too convienet to not use, a huge timesaver. Unless they're like PKL who said they use them but answered no anyway, because of some exception or something. Fe4, 10, and kind of 11/12 essentially have them anyway.
  7. Sirius really needs a lot of exp to stay relevant. The other units don't have as much of a problem as they'll generally be able to get kills easier, and gain more exp for a long time. Massaging his stats doesn't hurt either. use Yubello
  8. I'm bad so I use savestates But really it's just so I don't miss 70s on bosses and stuff, and try out different unit placements. Oh also for Fe4 bosses and great shield. Fuck that skill.
  9. He's good in chapter 12 too if you don't have a flier since he can walk on mountains.
  10. Trainees are still 10/1 and ewan is 10/5 right? The dte rules are outdated man
  11. i think that's 4? I'd make a topic but I'm on my phone and copypasting is the worst.
  12. yeah marisa is easily recruited on eph route unfourtunately she's about as good on Eph route as she is unrecruited on Eirika route tower marisa to level 10 rule plz honestly an eph route draft is almost more balanced than normal. Cormag is honestly probably just as good as Franz, but Vanessa is still pretty broken. I'd doit.
  13. i think this has happened before because i remember posting mine was DKC2 good times.
  14. He can use the longbow. I'm not sure if he'd b better than Forde/Kyle though overall. Sure his stats are pretty great but rangers have less movement and by going ranger he loses some other utility like routing the bottom of the desert and being generally better in chapter 11/12 as a hero (depending on your team)
  15. Fe11 was my first fe game and I care very little about the story (although when I played it, I saw no problem with it) and reclassing was a fun new feature to play around with. As far as character balance goes, it's honestly not too bad if you're not warpskipping, (better than 4, 7, 8, 9, 12 and 13 anyway) but fe games aren't really designed to be balanced in the first place so I don't really have an issue with that. As silly as this sounds, I get more nostalgia playing this than any other entry in the series and I still find it fun to play. I do wish there were alternative Gaiden requirements (get all the chests on chapter 6, save the prisoners in chapter 12, etc)
  16. What do Kyle and Forde actually have to kill? Neither of them have very good offence in chapter 9 unless Forde promotes, and that's still mediocre, chapter 10 they're both pretty useless, chapter 11 they can both kill zombies, and chapter 12 is monsters that are either ORKO'd or probably not doubled. Lute's level isn't much lower than Arturs since she comes at a low level and gets quite a bit more exp in the following chapters since she's level1 whereas Artur is 4/5. Regardless, they both get to a high enough level to promote to spam torch in that one zombie chapter. Arturs still better, but what does Saleh do that Lute doesn't?
  17. Considering lockstep drafts and drafts in general don't finish it would change anything, people still wouldn't finish. If you blacklisted people everyone would just get blacklisted.
  18. She's pretty much Artur without chapter 4 access anyway. I agree. She has access to mageknight I guess too in case you get something dumb like lute/saleh
  19. If I'm playing without something in mind, I just kinda go and use whoever turns out well/I feel like. It usually ends up being chumps because I never use them when drafting/ltcing etc
  20. If you're making Caeda a dracoknight, it's probably better to give her one sooner rather than later since she'll likely be speed capped and her growths in other stats are so bad you might as well just get the huge strength boost now. Otherwise, you can probably wait to be honest. Just promote somebody if you start having issues.
  21. you definately don't need rennac to use torch. you could deploy undrafted colm and he'd give enough vision without using torch to warp somebody in range of riev even something horrible like 14 magic moulder can 1 turn the chapter without the use of a torch staff or a torch itself. duessel doesn't really do anything either, but at least you can warp him somewhere and he can not die and kill stuff reasonably well. He's honestly not very good on Ephraim route aside from Phantom ship either. I'd say he's worse than Eirika route Gerik. You have no buisness going Eph route anyway without Cormag. im not sure why we're arguing over the the last round picks anyway lol forde should probably be over kyle since his base level is higher
  22. lute > saleh easily innes can easily get the chapter 14 items too, if not easier than dozla. all the mages but one will suicide on him at 2 range, dozla isn't doubled and actually has hit issues but neither of them really do anything honestly, dozla is probably slightly more useful just because of his class joshua is better than Innes and Dozla in rout chapters, he should probably be above them since he can help in the chapter 9 rout pretty well even at base level. His offence is either slightly worse (on a team with Franz/Nessie) or slightly better (on a team without) than Innes's, and he can actually counter. He's one of the better Caellach killers too, and he requires pretty much zero investment to do so, a lot of underleveled units struggle to double him (which is kinda sad...) and Joshua will have Audhulma access. I still think Rennac is totally worthless. Sure he "helps" with the chapter 15 rout, but so does every non Syrene unit in the game, and almost everyone else (even somebody with awful combat like Colm) does it better. Nobody uses theives to get the boots/warp anyway, and while someone said he could be a torch in chapter 19. you have torch staves anyway, and if you don't well, you're doing it wrong. At least put him under Duessel. Syrene is probably better too just because she has more movement to kill eggs. He's probably not even recruited in Ephraim route either, getting L'Arachel through all those enemies is nigh impossible.
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