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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. I'm actually inclined to agree with Baldrick. If you're playing something like FE11 H5 and you miss an 85% ridersbane, chances are you've lost a unit on the next enemy phase. If you wait and miss that 85% ridersbane on the enemy phase, chances are you can work around it on your turn. There are definately some exceptions where you can just get totally wrecked by reinforcements if you're turtling too much (like the FE5 prison chapter with the endless reinforcements and you get pincer'd between Dalshin's room and the Soldiers) but more often than not you'll be ok.
  2. weapon ranks just rise way too slowly, so he'll never get to be one and you have the option of Bartre anyway
  3. his stats are generally just 2-3 points too weak in all areas at like every point of the game. Like even a 20/1 Lott is just Klein with a buttload of HP and a crappy bow rank. The game already gives you a unit with a buttload of HP and a crappy bow rank, except his strength is a lot better and his skill only marginally worse. Lott isn't really even that durable. Sure he might have a 40% def growth (I think?) but his base is pretty horrible so it takes a long time to get going. also an average Lott never even reaches Bartre's base strength. That's pretty sad for a warrior.
  4. On escape maps, make sure you leave with all your units before you leave with Leaf, otherwise they'll be gone until a lategame chapter. Thracia really isn't too hard (the generic enemies are downright pathetic) but a lot of the bosses buff them up and have pretty good stats themselves. Playing on Elite mode is fine for a first playthrough, since it allows you to use whoever you like without much trouble really. It does make the game a lot easier though. Not gonna say a whole lot on the units, I find it more fun to discover what units are good and terrible while you play!
  5. see the number after "showtopic="? That's the topic number. So in your case, it's uh... one sec. 48352
  6. it sounded like he was busy yesterday. But I don't think so (also in case people haven't noticed i'm just picking the unit at the top of the remaining unit list and will continue to do so until the end of time, so if i'm holding things up go for it)
  7. I'm working on uploading the rest of Lyn mode now, so here's Chapter 8! Espinosa complained about hitrates on reaver weapon enemies, but the lowest hitrate Kent had here was an 86% on an Iron Axe Brigand (the one that attacked from the fort had a swordreaver, and kent had a lance equipped) but again, my Kent had a 7 skill advantage and was dropped in a place on turn 1 that killed 2 reaver weapon enemies without exposing Florina to archers on turn 1, so this is one of the places I saved a turn on his run (the other chapters being Chapter 1 somehow, and Chapter 7x) https://www.youtuhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hmSdX2MiRg&index=13&list=PLHhXqU1iGb01IHXQEsSD2CrHBLiqkQ-R-be.com/watch?v=G9iagk-9FK8 also Chapter 9 and 10 are uploaded on my channel, and I added a playlist link in the OP. Here it is if you're lazy. WAIT HOLY SHIT I CAN POST MULTIPLE VIDEOS IN ONE POST? EDIT turns out its just 2. Oh well. Here's a playlist that I put in the OP anyway: http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HqaLFwUdZI&list=PLHhXqU1iGb01IHXQEsSD2CrHBLiqkQ-R- CHAPTER 9: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7szkw-czeI&list=PLHhXqU1iGb01IHXQEsSD2CrHBLiqkQ-R-&index=12 CHAPTER 10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hmSdX2MiRg&index=13&list=PLHhXqU1iGb01IHXQEsSD2CrHBLiqkQ-R- i'm gonna post a comparison in unit levels and stuff to Espinosa's run, since it's really the only one I can find that has similar objectives, but first I have to mow the lawn. Here it is: MY UNITS UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS LYN 05.00 19 06 10 12 09 02 02 SAIN 05.65 22 10 05 08 07 07 00 FLORINA 08.24 30 09 11 16 08 06 08 KENT 12/01.98 32 15 16 16 05 12 05 RATH 08.22 26 09 09 11 06 07 02 ESPINOSA'S UNITS UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS LYN 04.51 19 06 10 10 07 03 01 SAIN 13/01.98 29 18 08 18 08 13 02 FLORINA 06.40 26 09 11 12 11 06 05 KENT 07.00 26 11 11 10 03 05 05 RATH 08.00 25 09 10 11 05 07 02 He got his secondary cav an extra level and a half, which might make a difference in chapter 17, but I think they'll pretty much function the same (Sain will hit level 6 in the chapter before so it'll only really be a one level deficit and they'll have equal strength more than likely. My Kent got one level less and hits not quite as hard and isn't as fast (i think his sain only missed speed once) but Kent has much higher hit (+14 hit is enormous). But I think the biggest thing is my Florina got two extra levels and is that much closer to promotion. She had a couple subpar levels, but her speed is ridiculously good which should help get her more levels in Hector mode. He gave Matthew and Lucius levels as well, (and I don't think he even recruited Lucius, and exp is wasted on Matt) so everywhere else is pretty moot. I'll probably do comparison's like these every once in a while to see how i'm managing exp (and how much i'm rigging stats) comparitively.
  8. just sitting and waiting for the enemies to come to you, I think.
  9. to be fair, an average Sain is quite a bit better than the average Kent, but neither of them are gonna be average in these runs so really it's pretty close. I don't think i'll get any more videos done tonight though, i'm too lazy. I've finished the recording of Lyn mode though.
  10. Are Bishops/Sages considered different? If so, Archer->Sage Catria (abel can be the bishop) If not, Mage ->Paladin I choose hang on... DARROS
  11. I had a reverse recruitment almost done for FE11 before I lost my hardrive, but I really don't want to put in the effort to remake everything anymore so I doubt I'm gonna finish that, since remaking all the chapter unit editors would be a pain.
  12. ha, now you won't be able to give me dark mage darros! WORTH
  13. this is way too confusing caeda will be a myrmidon->Swordmaster
  14. you probably just have to slow down, or have most of the units just follow ward up north.
  15. all chapters through 7x are up on my channel, i'll leave 7x here and you guys can find the others if you're interested. Lyn mode isn't very interesting, otherwise i'd link all the videos (this will happen once i reach Hector mode) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmbLQ3XDVwU I'll tidy up the OP with turncounts and all that jazz tomorrow or wednesday. Too tired right now.
  16. knight General barst I choose the almighty GORDON he's bad no matter what! Screw him up if you dare!
  17. abel is a cleric bro i pick the almighty DOGA i dare you to make him a sorceror.
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