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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. I dunno if i'll get around to doing annotations and stuff tonight, but I thought i'd post this here, since it's kind of funny and won't happen on the playthrough normally (since there won't be a turn 3 for Beyard to talk on) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amU0lfzgLAQ&feature=youtu.be
  2. yeah fair enough, it was pretty long ago. My sister gradded this past week so it's been a pretty busy time. I'll have a lot of free time until the 15th (then i'm going on holidays for two weeks) so hopefully I get stuff done then.
  3. without any rn burns lyn always dies to my knowledge or she doesn't get speed, and i need her to get speed every level, i forget also I ran into a snag in 7x that's gonna cause me to have to redo all chapters starting in chapter 4, shouldn't be a huge deal though, since 5/6/7 will all be exactly the same, Kent just needs another strength point to oneshot walls.
  4. i forgot if i said it or not but im gonna add annotations to the videos that will more often than not just be my pointless thoughts and sometimes insightful information (lol who am I kidding) about units/chapters/why im doing seemingly odd things instead of putting a huge blarb down in the video description. Whatever I did this time around ended up in Kent getting a bit more defence somehow, so that's a plus at least.
  5. dude its a soyo draft with stupid reclasses i care about this* much about turns *i still kind of care but not enough to try super hard
  6. im in because its a soyo! You should put a limit on classes though, otherwise everyone will have a team of mages, curates, and archers.
  7. did nobody notice the part where i lost my hard drive nobody? I've (re) recorded up to chapter 6 so far. there i uploaded the prologue: everyone should be happy now but really I should have all of lyn mode up by tonight unless something catastrophic happens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HqaLFwUdZI&feature=youtu.be
  8. or something like 1-2-3-4-4-3-4-3-2-1-and normal like after the third player picks their second unit it bounces back to player 4 and they pick a third unit and it continues like normal? i'll probably try using your team next zm, since i actually have some free time this week. I probably won't post logs until its completely done though.
  9. I've thought about doing a run with everyone's team in this draft here just to see how much of a dispersity there is between 1st and 4th pick. I might be too lazy, but I think it might be useful to see just how much stronger they are.
  10. CHAPTER 19 - 1/106 TURNS Warped Dozla to the boss and he Garm'd him. CHAPTER 20 - 1/107 TURNS Warped Dozla to the boss and he Garm'd him. CHAPTER FINAL PART 1 - 1/108 TURNS Warped Cormag to the boss and he killed him CHAPTER FINAL PART 2 - 1/109 TURNS Ephraim. Cormag, and Dozla combined for the kill. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EPHRAIM 20/04.54 40 22 23 23 20 18 11 S LANCE Like the best non Sigurd/Alm lord in drafts. Hector is pretty good, but there are a lot more good units in FE7 than FE8. He's also pretty much guarenteed to be good lategame with Siegmund since his stats will be ridiculous. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EIRIKA 20/02.83 36 15 19 22 19 12 14 S SWORD Early game hero, lategame zero. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL ARTUR 15/13.52 34 27 21 17 09 12 25 B LIGHT A ANIMA S STAFF barely got requisite magic to warp people. it's a lot harder to get enough magic on Ephraim route, although I could have definately given him more exp in some of the rout maps like Phantom Ship and Selena's Chapter. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL NEIMI 10/10.39 35 16 18 22 15 11 12 A BOW C SWORD She was helpful in Chapter 3, than was more or less used for her mount in chapters 8/9/10 and then Cormag showed up and she did very little. She helped Forde kill stuff in Selena's chapter I guess, and ORKO'd the phantom ship boss. I just had to pick her because if you're 4th pick you get screwed because you have no earlygame units, or any god units. I really think 4th pick should get to pick 3 units on their first pick phase, its way to horrible otherwise if you have to resort to 4th picking a terrible unit like Neimi. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL FORDE 16/05.54 37 14 18 15 11 13 06 S LANCE C SWORD His stats left much to be desired, but he still killed unpromoted dudes pretty well and stayed alive and had 8 movement. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CORMAG 14/15.00 49 25 19 23 08 19 08 S LANCE He's awesome man Too bad Vanessa will have better stats than him at every point of the game since her strength growth is 70% in drafts, which really devalues Cormag and even someone like Duessel. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL DOZLA ??/12.12 51 25 16 14 08 14 12 S AXE he was actually pretty clutch in Selena's Chapter with water walk, and pretty clutch in the desert since none of my non-Cormag mounts could kill Valter and his desert move is still pretty good. Fed him a bunch of bosskills for shits and giggles. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL MARISA 10/02.70 30 10 18 19 10 06 06 C SWORD gave Artur someone to heal UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL SALEH ??/07.29 32 17 20 16 14 09 15 A ANIMA B LIGHT B STAFF Definately helped a ton in the desert since some of the pegasi had 1-2 range, and Cormag wouldn't be able to get over to deal with them on time since he needs 3 turns to kill Caellach without a pierce or something. He also got the Dragon Axe that killed Valter. Other than the desert, he did very little. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL MYRRH 05.42 20 19 16 09 05 22 28 DRAGON GIRL Forgot to deploy her after chapter 16 lol. I think 4th pick should get buffed somehow, it seems really weak.
  11. There are MALE Pegasus knights in fe3. But yeah it doesn't really bug me.
  12. Thracia because their dracoknights are cooler than Bern's and Trabant is infinately cooler than Zepheil or his dad that I forget the name of because he was a huge chump. Macedon is pretty cool too. I wish they made Michalis a moving boss like he should have been and stuck some chump on the throne so you couldn't just warp marth there on turn 2. Would have made that chapter waaaay cooler.
  13. im getting RECKED CHAPTER 11 - 6/81 TURNS Cormag not having a speedwing turned out to be not that big of a deal. Ephraim went on the north part of the ship, and killed everything, while Forde sat around on the bottom and didn't kill things. Neimi sniped at stuff when it came up, and she killed the boss on turn 5 EP with the steel bow. Artur spammed torch, and DOZLA got TWO kills. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EPHRAIM 18.85 33 17 19 17 15 13 06 A LANCE EIRIKA i dunno ARTUR 15/03.98 29 18 13 12 07 09 18 B LIGHT B ANIMA C STAFF NEIMI 10/06.07 31 13 16 19 11 10 11 B BOW D SWORD FORDE 14.66 30 10 12 12 09 10 03 B LANCE D SWORD CORMAG 14/01.00 36 19 13 15 05 14 05 B LANCE DOZLA ??/01.07 43 16 11 09 04 11 06 B AXE CHAPTER 12 - 4/85 TURN Dumped Eph up by boss and he Axereavered him. MARISA GET YOU'RE ALL GOING DOWN NOW UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EPHRAIM 20.00 34 17 19 19 17 13 06 A LANCE EIRIKA i dunno ARTUR 15/04.16 30 18 14 13 07 10 19 B LIGHT B ANIMA C STAFF NEIMI 10/06.29 31 13 16 19 11 10 11 B BOW D SWORD FORDE 16/01.00 34 13 14 14 10 12 05 B LANCE C SWORD CORMAG 14/01.52 36 19 13 15 05 16 05 B LANCE DOZLA ??/01.29 43 16 11 09 04 11 06 B AXE MARISA 05.00 23 07 12 13 09 04 03 D SWORD Gave Cormag Ewan's Dragonshield. CHAPTER 13 - 4/89 TURNS this is where my team owns Cormag rescued Ephraim and Dozla took him and dropped him, and headed for Selena, whom he owned (and doubled) with the killer axe. Cormag went south and got the Barrier Village, and killed all the pegasus reinforcements, while Forde rescued Neimi and was danced by tethys on turn 1 so they could handle the southeast portion of the map. Marisa and Artur killed the northwest part. Eph killed dudes in the middle that Dozla left hanging around. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EPHRAIM 20.00 34 17 19 19 17 13 06 A LANCE EIRIKA i dunno ARTUR 15/04.64 30 18 14 13 07 10 19 B LIGHT B ANIMA C STAFF NEIMI 10/06.63 31 13 16 19 11 10 11 B BOW C SWORD FORDE 16/02.17 35 13 15 15 11 12 05 A LANCE C SWORD CORMAG 14/02.76 37 20 13 16 05 16 05 A LANCE DOZLA ??/02.91 43 17 12 10 05 11 06 B AXE MARISA 07.62 25 08 14 15 09 04 04 D SWORD CHAPTER 14 - 4/93 TURNS I didn't think this was a thing but it is. Forde rescued Eph and was danced ahead, with killing edge equipped. Neimi and Cormag rescue dropped Tethys ahead, and Artur barriered Neimi (before she moved). Neimi killed the thwom in the way of the door, Forde opened it with the door key, and swithched to silver lance. Cormag was barrier'd and got danced ahead and killed the bishop. He opened the door on turn 3, allowing Forde to drop Ephraim in range to seize next turn. Cormag Heavy spear'd Vigarde twice (at pretty bad hit) and Neimi finished him with the armourslayer after Forde Rescued Cormag out of the way. Neimi so good! Dozla ran to the hammerne staff and got it with the help (hinderance?) of Marisa. Finally gave Tethys's icon and the chapter 5 secret book and the chapter 13 talisman to cormag. Didn't get Rennac, so no more barrier staves for me! Thankfully I still have an almost full one, but I'm doubting Saleh's ability to get to warp. I'm glad I have him though, Eirika sucks at routing the top half by herself. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EPHRAIM 20.00 34 17 19 19 17 13 06 A LANCE EIRIKA i dunno ARTUR 15/05.64 30 19 15 13 07 10 19 B LIGHT A ANIMA B STAFF NEIMI 10/08.03 32 13 16 21 12 10 12 A BOW C SWORD FORDE 16/02.61 35 13 15 15 11 12 05 A LANCE C SWORD CORMAG 14/04.16 39 22 17 18 07 17 08 S LANCE DOZLA ??/03.64 43 18 13 10 05 11 07 B AXE MARISA 10.47 28 09 16 17 10 04 05 D SWORD CHAPTER 15 - 4/97 TURNS Cormag went up to get Caellach and Warp, Eirika had Natasha's Mend staff for Saleh to start working on his staff rank. Innes went south and got the Swiftsoles once it was safe. Saleh sent the dragon axe to the convoy allowing Dozla to WRECK Valter after Neimi chipped him (he seriously almost OHKO'd) and then he killed the dragons above Valter with the same weapon the EP. Artur hit A Staves on the last turn, its a lot harder to get people to Warp on Ephraim route! And there's one less energy ring! And less dancing/Barrier time! Marisa ASSASSINATED an archer. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EPHRAIM 20.00 34 17 19 19 17 13 06 A LANCE EIRIKA 20.00 31 12 17 20 19 09 08 A SWORD ARTUR 15/06.80 30 20 16 14 07 11 19 B LIGHT A ANIMA A STAFF NEIMI 10/08.03 32 13 16 21 12 10 12 A BOW C SWORD FORDE 16/03.85 36 13 16 15 11 12 06 A LANCE C SWORD CORMAG 14/06.49 41 22 17 19 07 17 08 S LANCE DOZLA ??/05.57 45 19 13 10 06 11 08 B AXE MARISA 10/01.70 30 10 17 18 10 06 06 C SWORD SALEH ??/04.93 31 16 19 15 12 08 14 A ANIMA B LIGHT C STAFF CHAPTER 16 - 2/99 TURNS Artur warped Boots!Cormag carrying Ephraim and he dropped him in the throne room. Cormag killer lance'd Orson. Saleh used Barrier three times, apparently it's buyable in chapter 15 shop! Rad. Dozla also used the Devil axe effectively : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNKOvNuWIkw&feature=youtu.be UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EPHRAIM 20/01.00 38 19 22 21 17 15 11 A LANCE EIRIKA 20/10.00 35 14 19 21 19 12 13 A SWORD ARTUR 15/07.42 31 22 17 14 08 11 19 B LIGHT A ANIMA A STAFF NEIMI 10/08.03 32 13 16 21 12 10 12 A BOW C SWORD FORDE 16/03.85 36 13 16 15 11 12 06 A LANCE C SWORD CORMAG 14/07.79 42 23 17 20 07 17 08 S LANCE DOZLA ??/05.90 45 19 13 10 06 11 08 A AXE MARISA 10/01.70 30 10 17 18 10 06 06 C SWORD SALEH ??/05.17 31 17 19 16 12 09 14 A ANIMA B LIGHT C STAFF MYRRH 04.04 19 18 15 08 05 21 28 DRAGON GIRL (spoilers, I redid it when Dozla died) CHAPTER 17 - 1/100 TURNS Cormag speared Lyon. Thanks Rennac. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EPHRAIM 20/01.00 38 19 22 21 17 15 11 A LANCE EIRIKA 20/10.00 35 14 19 21 19 12 13 A SWORD ARTUR 15/07.84 31 22 17 14 08 11 19 B LIGHT A ANIMA A STAFF NEIMI 10/08.03 32 13 16 21 12 10 12 A BOW C SWORD FORDE 16/03.85 36 13 16 15 11 12 06 A LANCE C SWORD CORMAG 14/09.43 44 25 17 21 07 18 08 S LANCE DOZLA ??/06.06 46 20 13 11 06 11 08 A AXE MARISA 10/01.70 30 10 17 18 10 06 06 C SWORD SALEH ??/05.25 31 17 19 16 12 09 14 A ANIMA B LIGHT C STAFF MYRRH 04.04 19 18 15 08 05 21 28 DRAGON GIRL CHAPTER 18 - 5/105 TURNS Warped people places, repaired warp and all that jazz. Unfourtunately Saleh hit B Staves too late to make use of Rescue. Oh well. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EPHRAIM 20/02.83 39 20 23 22 18 16 11 A LANCE EIRIKA 20/02.83 36 15 19 22 19 12 14 S SWORD ARTUR 15/10.84 33 25 20 16 08 12 22 B LIGHT A ANIMA A STAFF NEIMI 10/10.39 35 16 18 22 15 11 12 A BOW C SWORD FORDE 16/05.54 37 14 18 15 11 13 06 S LANCE C SWORD CORMAG 14/11.70 45 25 17 22 08 18 08 S LANCE DOZLA ??/08.71 48 22 13 11 07 12 10 S AXE MARISA 10/02.70 30 10 18 19 10 06 06 C SWORD SALEH ??/06.77 31 17 19 16 13 09 15 A ANIMA B LIGHT B STAFF MYRRH 04.04 19 18 15 08 05 21 28 DRAGON GIRL
  14. She's almost negative utility other than chapter 3 until she promotes too. Even with a dragonshield, a robe and a promotion she's no tankier than Forde, unpromoted. CHAPTER 10 - 5/73 TURNS Neimi and Forde carried Ephraim, Tana recruited Cormag, and Artur did stuff I guess? Artur hit the boss once, Forde horseslayerd him, was rescued by Neimi, and then Eprhaim finished with Reginlief. Phantom ship time GO!
  15. well she's garbage if you have a unit that just eats up a ton of exp like vanessa and franz since she'll be like level 4 in chapter 8 but i was 4th pick and have like no earlygame so she's not too bad. I just picked her to break walls in chapter 3 and be a horse, her combat is actually pretty good, although she's pretty blessed.
  16. I did draft her 4th for a reason! I honestly wasn't expecting to promote her for chapter 8 though, I wanted her for chapter 9. CHAPTER 8 - 6/57 TURNS gave Neimi the dracoshield so thwomps would try to thwomp artur instead of her. She also got the robe post chapter because her hp SUCKS She carried eirika to the throne, and finished Tirado with the Armourslayer after Eirika weakened him. Also promoted Artur for chapter 9. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EPHRAIM 11.19 27 13 14 16 12 10 05 B LANCE EIRIKA i dunno ARTUR 15/01.00 29 16 12 12 06 09 18 B LIGHT C ANIMA D STAFF NEIMI 10/03.40 30 13 14 17 08 10 09 B BOW D SWORD FORDE 10.00 28 08 10 11 08 10 03 C LANCE D SWORD CHAPTER 9 - 11/68 TURNS Maaaaan Fort Rigwald is gay. I really wish I had a lancereaver for Neimi too, she'd be so much better. People ran and did stuff I guess. Neimi and Forde rescuedropped Ephraim pretty much every turn because he's much better at killing stuff then they are. Artur used Mend effectively and killed stuff I guess. He's kinda slow. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EPHRAIM 15.35 30 16 17 17 13 13 05 A LANCE EIRIKA i dunno ARTUR 15/01.97 29 16 12 12 06 09 18 B LIGHT C ANIMA D STAFF NEIMI 10/04.10 30 13 15 18 09 10 10 B BOW D SWORD FORDE 11.48 29 08 11 12 08 10 03 B LANCE D SWORD Ephraim is like, the best lord ever. Seriously.
  17. suspend was in fe3 and fe5 for sure. i forget about fe1/2.
  18. People use savestates as a safety net in case they get unlucky or make a mistake. I know a few times I've done stuff like accidentally made a unit rescue instead of heal, or heal the wrong unit because I accidently pushed a once too many times. I mostly use them to see how the AI will react in certain scenarios, like while trying to figure out chapter 11 in my fe 8 ltc run, I tried giving Franz a steel lance instead of a javelin because I needed Artur to have more health the next turn, and more enemies went after Franz because he'd get doubled now. Chapter 11 isn't a hard chapter by any means either.
  19. 1 Jeff - Lance 2 Vorena - Thany 3 Riona - Alan 4 MarMar - Miredy 5 jedisupersonic put that in the first post and keep track~
  20. PROLOGUE 2/2 TURNS EIRIKA GO CHAPTER 1 - 5/7 TURNS ^^ CHAPTER 2 - 5/12 TURNS Eirika is pretty good now, hopefully NEIMI doesn't suck. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EIRIKA 07.61 21 08 11 13 09 07 02 C SWORD CHAPTER 3 - 7/19 TURNS im glad i picked Neimi Eirika would have taked FOREVER otherwise. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EIRIKA 09.94 23 09 12 14 10 08 04 C SWORD NEIMI 02.51 17 04 06 07 05 04 02 D BOW next chapter is gonna blow CHAPTER 4 - 6/25 TURNS Actually not too bad Eirika went south and dealt with the boss area while Neimi poked the passive dude then ran for her life towards Artur and they teamed up on stuff. Artur's tome has 8 uses left! Thank god for base shop. Next chapter is gonna suck because I need to get all the villages with three foot units! Might take a Vanessa penalty. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EIRIKA 12.44 25 10 15 15 13 08 05 B SWORD ARTUR 05.98 21 08 06 09 03 02 09 D LIGHT NEIMI 03.93 18 05 06 08 06 04 02 D BOW CHAPTER 5 - 7/32 TURNS You don't get a guiding ring until chapter 12 in Ephraim route, so Artur really wants this so he can torch spam in chapter 12, and you get Tethys later too, so you have less turns to hit A staves, and Artur is probably going to go sage since i'm not sure Saleh will have requisite magic to do endgame warping. Anyway Artur charged north and did stuff with Eirika, while Neimi fetched the dracoshield and killed one dude. no stats 5x happened. CHAPTER 5X - 7/39 TURNS Standard CHAPTER 6 - 5/44 TURNS Artur rescued Eirika ahead and dropped her on turn two. She ran to the boss and killing edge'd him. CHAPTER 7 - 7/51 TURNS SO GOOD Eirika ran across the river and eventually made it to the boss. Man my team sucks. on the plus side, Neimi hit level 10 and promoted! Last pick really sucks. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EIRIKA 18.22 30 11 17 19 18 09 07 A SWORD ARTUR 13.33 25 14 11 12 06 04 13 C LIGHT NEIMI 10/01.00 21 11 13 15 08 08 09 C BOW D SWORD
  21. She autorecruits if you get ewan and she doesn't die
  22. Yeah I was gonna start here anyway, Marisa/Syrene/Rennac won't be very useful anyway I feel :(
  23. probably not. Its getting like innes or marisa, I doubt it'll make a big difference. I always forget what games typically have reversed final round. Just pick your second dudes, all the people left are scrubs anyway
  24. You could make them free alternatively, but the Gaiden requirements are really slack, and Zealot is free (I'm pretty sure he's required for an ilia Gaiden) so that shouldn't be an issue because ive totally forgot to recruit him once I'm a draft and it fucked me over :(
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