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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. I don't care either way The REGIS learn explosion they're important to my team
  2. Yeah. I honestly didn't look at the chapter a whole lot and I'm lazy. I'm not gonna do the 4 turn anyway I think, I can get Eliwood and Lowen a lot more exp with 5 anyway.
  3. I actually never got far enough into the chapter to see the hit. Fsr I thought it would be better. In other news, my laptop picked a fantastic time to shit itself, had to bring it in to get fixed today, hopefully I don't lose anything.
  4. I still don't understand what the difference is. The only difference in Espinosa's and my spawns were the positioning of Matthew and Dorcas, so I still have no idea. There will be videos, they're all recorded, I'm just currently trying to resolve some computer issues. and yeah hector getting dropped across the river only lets him get to the throne by turn 5. Bartre can't even rescue him anyway!
  5. im gonna need help on cog with growths man I did only get Kent to 12/1 is another thing I failed to mention, as opposed to the usual 13/1, due to Florina getting the 7x bosskill. I forget what level she left lyn mode at, but hopefully it was higher than normal!
  6. PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HqaLFwUdZI&list=PLHhXqU1iGb01IHXQEsSD2CrHBLiqkQ-R- I've been meaning to finish an FE7 ltc run for years now and as of today (note this could change next week) i'm pretty commited to actually finishing it. I've been telling myself not to make topics until I've got substantial progress done already but WHATEVER MAN. But really i'd like some opinions and the like before I get too far into the game, as I don't know this game as well as i'd like, and want to make sure i'm not making some big mistakes somewhere. I'm on Chapter 13 currently, I think i'll have to 5 turn due to unfortunate Marcus spawn, but we'll see. I'll post my current turncounts now, I have videos that i'll get up uh, when I feel like it! (probably later today or tomorrow). [spoiler=Turncounts] Chapter P - 5 turns Chapter 1 - 3 turns Chapter 2 - 4 turns Chapter 3 - 3 turns Chapter 4 - 8 turns Chapter 5 - 3 turns Chapter 6 - 3 turns Chapter 7 - 1 turn Chapter 7x - 2 turns Chapter 8 - 2 turns Chapter 9 - 3 turns Chapter 10 - 3 turns Chapter 11 - 6 turns Chapter 12 - 4 turns Chapter 13 - 5 turns Chapter 13x - 8 turns Chapter 14 - 4 turns Chapter 15 - 8 Turns Chapter 16 - 3 turns Chapter 17 - 6 turns Chapter 17x - 2 turns Chapter 18 - 3 turns Chapter 19 - 3 turns Chapter 19x - 3 turns Chapter 20 - 4 turns Chapter 21 - 1 turn Chapter 22 - 2 turns Chapter 23 - 2 turns Chapter 23x - 4 turns Chapter 24 - 1 turn Chapter 25 - 2 turns Chapter 26 - 12 turns Chapter 27 - 5 turns Chapter 28 - 16 turns Chapter 28x - 3 turns Chapter 29 - 4 turns Chapter 30 - 3 turns Chapter 31 - 12 turns Chapter 31x - 6 turns Chapter 32 - 3 turns Chapter 32x - 1 turn Final - 3 turns Total - 179 turns Lyn mode improved upon Espinosa's 43 turn clear here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=39214 by three turns (one in chapter 1, one in 7x, one in 8) without any unreliable stuff, and uses Kent as the main Paladin instead of Sain, due to a few things: - I'd have made sure Sain had requisite speed anyway, but Kent reaches the bosskilling benchmarks easier in Lyn mode - Kent can solo the top part of chapter 3 (Sain won't have the speed) for more exp, allowing Florina to get more exp overall later on (mostly in chapter 8) - Sain can catch up easier in Hector mode to become a real unit there. Kent struggles due to his mediocre strength. Other units I plan on using: - Marcus, obviously - Eliwood, there are lots of defence chapters to get him exp, he can rescue Hector while both are promoted, and is forced in some chapters (and the more units that can actually do stuff the better!) I don't expect him to do a whole lot, but having an extra dude around for endgame is pretty nice I guess. Probably not needed, opinions? - Lowen, depending on how he turns out. I'll probably massage his early levels so he does turn out well. His bases are really good too. - Priscilla, mounted warper. I think i'll be able to get her enough exp to promote at least for chapter 28 or something. - Kent, promoted in Lyn mode - Florina. I think I'll need her to be able to 1 turn chapter 24, depending on how the AI works. - Sain, mounted dude - Canas, as a lategame warper. He has a high base level and can get exp really easily, and will be fantastic in the desert. Luna helps rout the endgame morphs too. - Fiora, obligatory flier. I dunno how much exp she'll be able to get though. - Heath. He'll have to be pretty clutch lategame since Florina's durability won't be able to handle rescuing Hector all the time. He's pretty good regardless. - Rath, another guy who can rescue hector and the early brave bow is pretty cool too. He helps smash walls in Genesis, and hopefully he'll do more lategame too. - Pent, lategame warping etc There will be other liberal uses of prepremotes like Isadora and Hawkeye, I'm not recruiting everyone either, so i'll probably miss out on Lucius, Legault, Wallace, Farina, Harken, Karla and maybe Renault. I'd only really miss Harken and Farina, but they probably aren't worth the turns anyway. If you have any comments or questions throw them my way and I'll probably try to answer them. Maybe. Regardless with this starting position in chapter 13: I don't see a way to 4 turn. If anyone else does, or wants the save, give me a yell. Other than with a Marcus Silver Lance crit. But that's lame. If someone can figure a way to recruit Guy and get Marcus the killing edge, i'd rig two KE crits though probably. Oh another thing, i'm not using the mine/torch glitch at any point.
  7. the jokes on you bbm there's an EXPLOSION move tutor plus some dudes learn it by breeding
  8. from an observers standpoint, it'd be cool to know where you used your staves if you're not gonna upload the whole thing. I'm horrible at fe12 so I have no suggestions on chapters to be uploaded though. EDIT: just read the OP to find that they're there now... Ignore this post.
  9. im just drafting all the things in the game that can learn selfdestruct or explosion i think only voltorb comes after the 5th gym for me anyway, so it works out
  10. i could have waited for zm to post my pick for me since he's next anyway but my brilliant strat requires the selection of BALTOY
  11. Honestly when I played it, I found myself losing a unit just because of brainfarts. "OH Sheema can totally finish off that guy OH CRAP HE ATTACKED FIRST". It makes you think a lot more, and archers/snipers are even better then they are already on Lunatic. I never finished though. I ragequit on Chapter 20.
  12. i thought we all had to do the same route and it was Eirika... I dont think i've actually got to the route split though. So if we're doing Eph it doesn';t matter to me!
  13. I thought you could only recruit Cormag with Tana on Ephraim route?
  14. if we set a time beforehand i could do it, although I work during the day monday-friday and timezones might not cooperate. although since this is purely for fun i wouldn't be against leaving a massive list for my team anyway.
  15. I (and most people I think) play FE4 with the assistance of frameskipping to speed up the slow enemy phases, so that might be hard to judge (I'm done up to chapter 2 currently, so I wouldn't have that). I can say how long I took WITH speeding up the enemy phases, and how long/many tries it took to put people through the arena (if they made it), but I dunno if I could stomach playing FE4 at normal speeds :( I could definately post how long it took in real time with the sped up phases though. I guess I could also estimate it by seeing how much longer one enemy phase is normally without speeding through it and just multiply it by the number of turns to get a rough estimation I guess. I've tracked unit stats too, I don't think there are too many outliers in being blessed statistically aside from Noish who got an obscene amount of defence. So the arena should theoretically be replicateable.
  16. This topic got me to start a ranked playthrough as well, in a more "standard" fashion (like no slim sword). Would you think i'd be good to note my levels/turns/arena clears and all that jazz to have a playthrough to compare with? If you're uninterested, that's fine too, its just something i'm doing on my own time.
  17. gen 3 is the best! ill join if it gets enough people, pm me if it starts!
  18. CHAPTER 3 6?/18 TURNS I loaded up my game and I was on chapter 4 and I have no idea how long I took. CHAPTER 4 - 4/22 TURNS NO I hope Colm lives to steal the energy ring also i didn't notice i had him in chapter 3 because i didn't use him -.- UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EIRIKA 08.21 22 06 11 14 09 06 02 C SWORD ARTUR 03.91 19 06 06 09 02 02 06 E LIGHT GILLIAM 07.30 27 11 07 05 04 12 03 C LANCE VANESSA 08.22 20 08 13 16 08 08 07 C LANCE MOULDER 04.24 20 04 06 09 02 02 06 C STAFF COLM 02.37 18 04 04 10 08 03 01 E SWORD DEATH LIST ROSS EATEN BY ZOMBIES CHAPTER 5 - 5/27 TURNS could have done in less but lazy got all the villages at least. CHAPTER 6 - 4/31 TURNS If vanessa had one more point of strength she would have orko'd the boss but she didn't and I didn't care enough to restart. also :(((((((((((((( THE REST OF THE WARPING DUTIES ARE YOURS BOULDER UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EIRIKA 09.92 23 07 12 15 09 06 03 B SWORD GILLIAM 09.51 29 13 08 06 04 14 03 B LANCE VANESSA 13.14 21 09 16 20 12 08 08 B LANCE MOULDER 05.20 21 05 06 09 02 02 06 C STAFF COLM 05.32 21 07 05 13 09 05 01 E SWORD DEATH LIST ROSS EATEN BY ZOMBIES ARTUR CRITTED BY A MERC CHAPTER 7 - 4/35 TURNS Vanessa drop. Broke the rapier, whoops. CHAPTER 8 - 7/42 TURNS Didn't get the whip, i'm gambling on Vanessa dying before the turns are saved. Gilliam promoted, and Ross died with my steel axe, but thankfully his strength is high enough above average that he could still orko knights and could actually OHKO mages which was ridiculously rad. Eirika armourslayer'd Tirado after eating the angelic robe mid chapter. I think she wants it anyway in case i'm left with Marisa and Ewan to kill the Demon King so she doesn't get OHKO'd. oh yeah, thanks for that Colm... UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EIRIKA 12.40 32 08 13 17 11 06 04 B SWORD GILLIAM 11/02.66 34 17 10 09 05 17 04 B LANCE D AXE E SWORD VANESSA 15.53 22 10 18 20 13 08 08 B LANCE MOULDER 05.47 21 05 06 09 02 02 06 B STAFF KYLE 08.80 28 10 08 09 07 10 02 C LANCE D SWORD DEATH LIST ROSS EATEN BY ZOMBIES ARTUR CRITTED BY A MERC COLM TRIED TO 1V1 A KNIGHT...
  19. This should work, hopefully. http://www.sendspace.com/file/mgxdzb
  20. Clearing the arena with every unit isn't required. If noish gets to level 7 and doesn't clear it, it's not a big deal. Once the hero sword shows up the crit slim sword is pretty useless too. I guess it's cheaper to pass around, but that's about it.
  21. he's definately been around and posting the last few days, my guess is he didn't read the "finish a chapter a day" or w/e it is when he signed up though, being on his phone and all.
  22. honestly i think he's better than Knoll and Rennac. an average ewan at 10/10/1 has 12 magic and 13 speed though. So your unpromoted dude is shattering those benchmarks. His growths are actually really terrible. actually knoll might be better since he can summon phantoms to kill eggs and tank gorgons in chapter 18.
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