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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. honestly i think my team is pretty op in general, im kind of glad I got seth so I can show how op he actually is. Chapter 7 will suck, but otherwise it'll be smooth sailing I think.
  2. cormag confirmed worse than ewan that's all everyone go play the game or something, you cant beat my PROLOGUE
  3. also this is the point where I realize that there will be two undrafted units WHY ARE THE QUOTE AND EDIT BUTTON SO SIMILAR
  4. I edited my post further up which hopefully clears things up. PKL brought it to my attention that the last pick could use their free Seth/Nessie/Franz and just use it as a last pick, so if they pick one of them, they have to pick it in the first round. If they choose not to, there's still enough units to round out the draft since we have one extra.
  5. OK THINGS I THINK ARE SETTLED OUT I DIDN'T THINK OF POSSIBLE EXPLOITS The fourth person in the first round has a choice of Franz/Vanessa/Seth. If they don't take them then, they lose their opportunity. If one of Franz/Vanessa/Seth hasn't been drafted by the time their turn rolls around, they can take whichever one hasn't been picked (like if ZM wanted Tana, Mar Mar could take Franz and one of Seth/Vanessa).
  6. stop making me think >.< I'd say that if you didn't take Franz, it'd leave the 4th pick open to take Franz and either Seth and Vanessa. Seth's avaliable for the whole game PKL. It's probably broken, but I expected him to go first so that the rest of your team would be worse.
  7. I'll take the one and only (?) Silver Knight.
  8. I should have been more clear on the double seth/vanessa/franz rule they all must be drafted once before the second one can be drafted, so more or less 4th pick gets a choice of who they want.
  9. We could allow the 4th person to have a choice of Franz/Vanessa/Seth, I think that might be a little too strong to have though. It is a test draft though, lets allow it! you totally said that because you're 4th pick
  10. So everyone's cool with the rules? I forgot to include the trainee training, Amelia to 10/1, Ewan to 10/5. Cool? if anyone has any complaints, yell! (man this draft filled up fast like the old days)
  11. I'd keep trying to use Rebecca, if only for helping route enemies in the final chapter lol. You won't have enough units with good enough stats, and she's capable of getting them,
  12. he could probably kill Franz novala's a bit late in the order for AI anyway.
  13. So there was some discussion in this draft: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=47891 about a draft that would include Seth in some shape or form. Honestly, as broken as he is, Franz and Vanessa get so many levels they become his equal (or better in Vanessa's case) in a relatively short amount of time, so it might be fair? Idk. Here's some stuff that was said for easy of access: If you have any suggestions, throw them out there.
  14. it is, but requires vanessa to dodge two archers, so you might be around for a while i might try to host a draft with two draftable franz/vanessa and seth, idk.
  15. I doubt it, Franz and Vanessa have significantly less avoid and durability, plus they wouldn't kill any enemies, I think Vanessa's path would get blocked even if they did survive.
  16. nah it isnt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PnhBDivyp4 franz and vanessa are pretty ridic tho, vanessa needed the dragonshield too (although i think that was from last chapter) i should really get back to finishing my fe8 ltc run but being lazy it much more appealing.
  17. my guess is they got her oneshotted by the ballista so ross would appear in front of the boss, which would otherwise be impossible. It'd be on the enemy phase though, which would be why it worked out
  18. I think the suiciding with someone rescued thing only works in FE6, I tried doing it with Tana in 5x in reverse recruitment since she'd come back anyway, but the unit she was carrying lost her move. you can technically two turn if Vanessa survives like 6 enemies including an archer while carrying Seth, but the odds are pretty much less than zero, especially in 0% actually you might be able to use the torch glitch, but that's pretty lame. edit: apparently I did it in my last playthough, maybe I found something different, idk if I still have the videos after my computer crashed though edit edit: Its definately possible and kind of reliable actually, Vanessa with some levels isn't oneshotted by the archer, and she only gets attacked by two enemies. In 0% it might be possible, but I think people would get clogged up and Vanessa wouldn't be able to dump Seth by the boss due to enemies in the way. I guess its kind of reliable when Franz and Vanessa have really good stats.
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