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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. oh holy shit neimi mvp regardless I can't find anything with better odds without resetting to get more favourable enemy stats. Super helpful, I know. Out of curiosity, what did you get on the chapters leading up to this, and do you have a projected TC?
  2. is vanessa critkilling the slim lance soldier?
  3. yeah was using a rom I had hacked, it was in the wrong folder How are you getting Franz and Joshua to where they are? I can't figure it out -_-
  4. oh my god you promoted ross I can't think of another way but i'll see what I can do for some reason Seth has 12 con too, he has 11 normally EDIT: was using a hacked rom rofl
  5. The Rex Hasta still does more damage with higher hit, use that instead of the Uber Spear. You might want to burn uber spear uses when you actually need 1-2 range You won't need the Rex Hasta for anything ever. And I forgot that bit about the Member card.
  6. There are also Chest keys in the Kinship's Bond secret shop, you might want to buy some for stuff like the rescue staff. Honestly it might be worthwhile training Priscilla pretty heavily once she promotes, the Pegasus knights are too weak to ORKO at 1-2 range lategame, and Priscilla should be able to at 1-2 range. Remeber to get Filla's might in the desert too, It will take a year to beat the dragon otherwise. Florina with max strength, the Rex Hasta and an A Support with Lyn (shouldn't be hard to get with all the defence chapters) should nearly ORKO, (102 damage). You should be able to scround up the other 18 damage from somewhere.
  7. I suppose drafting Seth means that you get a non Saleh/Artur/Lute warper, and no flier (maybe Cormag I guess). Maybe a test is in order? Although 4th pick still gets boned.
  8. Honestly Pent is pretty useless in drafts unless you don't have a warper.
  9. The problem with having free Seth for the first 10 chapters is it's like half the game where people are going to have similar turn counts, and it doesn't prevent Franz and Vanessa from stomping, they do even better with Seth.
  10. I think having Seth as a draftable unit that can start being used in chapter 9 would be fair, because whoever doesn't have Franz/Vanessa just gets slaughtered in that chapter. Joshua is really good against the sniper too, but I guess he can't lure him very well. He wouldn't be any stronger than Franz at that point and would be worse than Vanessa. Maybe even usable in chapter 8. That still shafts the 4th pick though, although if you're 4th pick in a standard FE8 draft, you're pretty much SOL anyway.
  11. math is hard + 2 - 1 = 100 TURNS I doubt there's a reliable way to three turn chapter 10 with your team Baldrick, you'd probably need an OP Vanessa to do it in a draft honestly. DOUBLE EDIT: I added 6 turns in chapter 18, actually TC is 100. wow that was acutally kind of good for a draft looking at past results, apparently it's my best! Well Played, myself, especially considering my warper was L'Arachel and I went Eph route.
  12. 1: FE13 - 95 hours 2: Pokemon X - 32 hours 3: OoT 3D - 20 hours 4: Link Between Worlds: 7 hours 5: FFIV DS - 5 hours i honestly thought i'd have more hours, huh.
  13. your whole team is almost faster than ross :( also lol Neimi in other news, father in son is being a bitch because L'Arachel keeps getting silenced and Cormag keeps getting berserked. I hate this chapter in drafts. It's pretty cool design wise. DID IT CHAPTER 14 - 5/80 TURNS Franz and Cormag lead the charge, after being barriered up by L'Arachel. Ross escorted Colm to the chest room, where he got the goods there (hammerne, 10000g, guiding ring). The boss was a major issue though: like WTF FE8 you're supposed to have easy bosses! He has S Lances too, so he actually had 9 crit on Franz, who sat in front of him with the armourslayer. Cormag finished him with the Heavy spear after being unberserked by L'Arachel. Franz got a talisman and Cormag got a dragonshield. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK EIRIKA 11.47 24 08 14 17 11 04 05 B SWORD EPHRAIM 18.92 36 15 17 20 13 12 03 A LANCE FRANZ 15/09.63 39 20 13 18 08 14 09 S LANCE C SWORD ROSS 16/03.47 35 23 14 13 16 12 07 S AXE GARCIA 15/01.65 40 18 16 11 06 13 05 A AXE C SWORD COLM 15.24 27 09 08 17 17 09 05 C SWORD CORMAG 12/04.39 39 19 14 18 07 17 03 A LANCE L'ARACHEL 06.69 19 09 08 10 14 06 09 C STAFF EWAN 11/01.00 31 12 13 16 13 06 16 A ANIMA D STAFF CHAPTER 15 - 5/85 TURNS Eirika killing Edged the Mercs and Berserker to the north, and Cormag arrived to help her out with the pegasus knights. Ross went north and Garmed Caellach and retrieved warp, while everyone else charged at Valter, with Franz getting the kill with a dragonspear. Yeah, that's about it really. I wish L'Arachel could promote so she could warp, she's at B and a half. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK EIRIKA 15.41 28 09 16 19 15 06 06 B SWORD EPHRAIM 19.86 37 15 18 20 14 12 04 A LANCE FRANZ 15/11.05 41 22 14 20 09 15 09 S LANCE C SWORD ROSS 16/04.89 35 23 14 13 17 12 08 S AXE GARCIA 15/02.34 41 19 16 11 06 13 05 A AXE C SWORD COLM 15/01.67 30 10 08 17 17 11 07 B SWORD CORMAG 12/05.29 39 20 15 18 07 17 03 S LANCE L'ARACHEL 08.49 20 13 09 11 16 06 10 B STAFF EWAN 11/03.13 33 12 14 17 14 07 17 A ANIMA D STAFF Gave L'Arachel 2 energy rings, i have a plan. CHAPTER 16 - 4/89 TURNS L'Arachel used two uses of hammerne on random shit, I think Garm (which had 2 uses gone) and a killer lance, so she hit warp. She went north, and Warped Franz over the wall, and he ran into the throne room, where he killed Orson with the killer lance. Ephraim promoted! As did Eirika, but she's pretty bad comparitively. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK EIRIKA 15.41 28 09 16 19 15 06 06 B SWORD EPHRAIM 20/01.00 41 18 22 22 14 14 09 A LANCE FRANZ 15/11.86 41 22 14 20 09 15 09 S LANCE C SWORD ROSS 16/04.89 35 23 14 13 17 12 08 S AXE GARCIA 15/02.34 41 19 16 11 06 13 05 A AXE C SWORD COLM 15/01.67 30 10 08 17 17 11 07 B SWORD CORMAG 12/05.47 39 20 15 18 07 17 03 S LANCE L'ARACHEL 11.17 20 15 11 14 18 06 11 A STAFF EWAN 11/03.20 33 12 14 17 14 07 17 A ANIMA D STAFF MYRRH 05.21 19 19 15 08 04 23 30 DRAGON CHAPTER 17 - 1/90 TURNS Warped Cormag and he owned him with Rennac's spear. CHAPTER 18 - 5/95 TURNS Ewan hit C Staves here. L'Arachel, who got the boots, rescued and warped people places, and used the last charge of Hammerne to repair warp once again. That's it really, just routed the enemy. CHAPTER 19 - 1/96 TURNS Warped Cormag to the boss, and he did the job. CHAPTER 20 - 2/98 TURNS Unfourtunately didn't have enough warp range, so had to warp Cormag hauling Ephraim. Eph killed the boss without issue. CHAPTER FINAL - 2/100 TURNS L'Arachel warped Ross to in front of Lyon, and he killed him with Garm on the enemy phase. as for the final boss, a combination of Ephraim, Eirika, Ross, and Myrrh did the job. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK EIRIKA 15/04.23 32 14 21 24 18 11 14 A SWORD EPHRAIM 20/13.45 50 25 24 24 19 16 12 S LANCE FRANZ 15/16.89 47 24 16 22 11 15 12 S LANCE B SWORD ROSS 16/17.75 48 30 20 16 22 16 09 S AXE GARCIA 15/06.45 45 22 20 12 09 15 07 S AXE B SWORD COLM 15/03.12 31 10 08 17 19 13 08 A SWORD CORMAG 12/14.55 45 24 18 21 10 18 05 S LANCE L'ARACHEL 11/18.14 34 24 19 21 30 15 19 S STAFF A ANIMA EWAN 11/11.19 39 17 17 22 20 08 22 S ANIMA C STAFF Well, this turned out better than expected, I was a little worried when Franz had kind of a lame start, but even a mediocre Franz is pretty OP early on, and he ended up turning out OK (although he actually missed doubling some bosses almost). Ephraim is like the best lord to rescue drop ever since you can drop him and he won't die, Ross was pretty slow but he hit like a truck so all was well, and Garm fixed up his issues lategame. Garcia did very little but exist and help in the early chapters, Colm stole that one energy ring and existed and had oddly high defence and really bad skill, Cormag was totally hax for his entire life, L'Arachel managed to start warping juuuust on time, and Ewan contributed actually quite a bit by having a pony and pretty good offence! So much better than Neimi! Take that Baldo. it's been a really long time since i've done Ephraim route, so that's cool too.
  14. Depends how you're playing really. If you're just playing for fun, I'd say hero is better for the things Elie mentioned. Garm is pretty much made for him too.
  15. CHAPTER 13 - 4/75 TURNS Franz charged left and was danced by Tethys, and he took care of business in the right half of the map. Ross and Cormag rescue-dropped Ephraim across the river, and Cormag killed Selena on turn 2 with the killer lance while she had bolting equipped. He flew south to take out the pegasi reinforcements, while Ewan, Garcia and Colm killed the right portion of the map. L'Arachel hit C Staves, so she can spam barrier next chapter, thank god. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK EIRIKA 11.47 24 08 14 17 11 04 05 B SWORD EPHRAIM 18.47 36 15 17 20 13 12 03 A LANCE FRANZ 15/08.29 38 19 13 18 08 14 06 S LANCE C SWORD ROSS 16/02.64 34 22 14 12 16 12 07 S AXE GARCIA 15.87 36 17 14 09 06 11 03 A AXE COLM 15.05 27 09 08 17 17 09 05 C SWORD CORMAG 12/03.96 38 18 14 18 07 14 03 A LANCE L'ARACHEL 04.69 18 07 08 10 13 06 09 C STAFF EWAN 08.74 26 10 13 15 13 03 13 B ANIMA
  16. Well, you knocked my Nihilist below half health, and it's pretty likely he was running resolve. You just have to be creative when attacking when in fear of wrath/resolve. Like, I was afraid Tormod had wrath earlier when I attacked him with the wishblade, if I had hit him with silver things would have been different (he might have had vantage though). I'm on my phone now though, I'll look at the match more when I hop on my comp after the hockey game.
  17. Gg, I knew the 23 man strat would work!
  18. Same thing until DEVDAN dies or tibarn dies
  19. CHAPTER 10 5/61 TURNS Franz charged to the boss, picking up the horseslayer on turn 3, countering Beran with the Javelin. Cormag charged towards him on turn 4, allowing Tana to recruit him. Franz horselayer'd the boss while he had the bow equipped, then Cormag then rescued him, allowing Ephraim to steal the bosskill. Everyone else hung out up top, and unfourtunately the hero crest would have costed turns, so i'll wait for the next one (sorry Garcia) UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK EIRIKA 11.47 24 08 14 17 11 04 05 B SWORD EPHRAIM 15.19 34 15 16 17 12 11 03 A LANCE FRANZ 15/05.71 35 17 12 17 08 13 05 A LANCE C SWORD ROSS 11.28 29 19 10 08 14 09 05 B AXE GARCIA 13.68 35 15 13 08 06 09 03 B AXE COLM 09.91 23 07 07 13 15 06 02 D SWORD CORMAG 09.54 30 14 09 10 04 12 02 C LANCE CHAPTER 11 - 6/67 TURNS Gave Cormag the speedwing. He took Ross and dumped him on the second ship early, where he cleared out a majority of the monsters on the bottom, while Cormag killed the gargoyles. Ephraim killed the eyes attacking from the north, and at some point, Garcia and Ross reached their C support. Recruited L'Arachel on turn 4? I think (whatever turn she shows up on) and she used torch a couple of times, which actually helped a lot. Colm sucessfully used lancereaver to survive and give vision. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK EIRIKA 11.47 24 08 14 17 11 04 05 B SWORD EPHRAIM 17.10 35 15 16 19 13 11 03 A LANCE FRANZ 15/06.07 36 17 13 17 08 14 06 A LANCE C SWORD ROSS 16.28 29 20 13 10 15 10 05 A AXE GARCIA 14.59 36 16 13 09 06 10 03 A AXE COLM 12.58 25 08 08 15 16 07 03 C SWORD CORMAG 12.40 33 16 11 14 05 13 02 C LANCE L'ARACHEL 03.27 18 06 06 10 12 05 08 D STAFF CHAPTER 12 - 4/71 TURNS Cormag flew Franz to the boss area, dropping him near Marisa on turn 3. Everyone else gathered exp, and Cormag got Ewan. I'll post stats after the trainee traning. edit: Holy shit Ewan gets to go to 10/5? I've never actually picked him before rofl. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK EIRIKA 11.47 24 08 14 17 11 04 05 B SWORD EPHRAIM 17.51 35 15 16 19 13 11 03 A LANCE FRANZ 15/07.36 37 18 13 18 08 14 06 S LANCE C SWORD ROSS 16/01.65 33 21 14 11 15 12 07 A AXE GARCIA 15.40 36 17 14 09 06 11 03 A AXE COLM 13.59 26 09 08 15 17 08 04 C SWORD CORMAG 12/01.66 36 17 13 17 05 13 03 B LANCE L'ARACHEL 03.69 18 06 06 10 12 05 08 D STAFF EWAN 05.34 23 09 11 13 11 03 12 C ANIMA
  20. ACTUALLY I'll Roar Lethe. Complete with LAGUZ BAND
  21. uh, i'll try to rexflame tibarn I guess. also whoops on the HP thing, i dunno how i fucked that up.
  22. i'll bolting TIbarn or rather tormod will.
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