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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Berserkers still both have a potential 59 crit without weapon crit (but including supports)... I'm posting turn 1 lazily from my phone because the wifi died so I decided to make dinner. Did all the calc beforehand, just didn't get to post it. TURN 1 VS Ross @Garm is attacked by Neimi @Brave Bow! Ross activates NIHIL! 13x2 damage, 23% hit, 0% crit (67, 89) Neimi misses! (69, 97) Twice! ESPI ANON ROSS 60/60 EIRIKA 60/60 AMELIA 60/60 L'ARACHEL 60/60 EWAN 60/60 DOZLA 60/60 NEIMI 60/60 NEIMI 60/60 GARCIA 60/60 GARCIA 60/60
  2. I actually totally forgot about that lol, just finished posting draft stats. I'll put them in when Anon makes his move.
  3. PROLOGUE - 2/2 TURNS Go Eirika go. CHAPTER 1 - 5/7 TURNS Eirika went LEFT and Franz killed the reinforcements. CHAPTER 2 - 5/12 TURNS Is possible in 4 with my team but Eirika's stats were too lame, and Franz's hitrates aren't that swell regardless. Ross got quite a bit of exp as a result. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK EIRIKA 05.84 19 05 09 12 07 03 02 D SWORD FRANZ 03.74 21 07 05 09 02 06 01 D LANCE E SWORD ROSS -02.55 16 06 02 03 08 04 00 E AXE GARCIA 04.00 28 08 07 07 03 05 01 C AXE CHAPTER 3 - 5/17 TURNS Wanted to get Franz more exp but iazy. All my units busted down walls, and Franz carried Eirika ahead a little farther than normal. She stole the bosskill from him with a crit, the jerk. Colm collected loot up north and killed the one bandit. Ross is growing strangely, dat defence. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK EIRIKA 07.41 20 07 11 13 09 03 02 C SWORD FRANZ 04.19 22 08 06 09 03 06 01 D LANCE E SWORD ROSS -04.42 17 06 03 03 08 06 01 E AXE GARCIA 05.45 28 08 08 07 03 06 01 C AXE COLM 02.57 18 04 04 10 08 03 01 E SWORD CHAPTER 4 - 4/21 TURNS Franz charged down south, while Garcia hung out to take out the Skeleton reinforcements from the east. Ross stayed near the start and sat on a forest to kill the dudes that spawn near the start. Eirika and Colm smashed the snag, allowing Eirika to kill the enemies down there so Franz could focus on the boss area. Ross and Garcia both got speed but Colm didn't... UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK EIRIKA 08.23 21 07 11 14 10 03 02 C SWORD FRANZ 07.83 25 09 07 10 03 07 01 C LANCE E SWORD ROSS -08.52 18 09 03 07 10 06 01 D AXE GARCIA 06.52 29 09 09 08 03 06 01 C AXE COLM 03.62 19 05 04 10 09 03 01 E SWORD CHAPTER 5 - 4/25 TURNS Deployed Seth, he's like the best banned unit ever. Seth rescue dropped Natasha ahead with Franz while Eirika trailed behind. Colm headed for the dragonshield village, while Garcia and Ross tried to get exp on the left half of the map. Franz sat on the bush on turn 2, with Seth next to him with his silver lance equipped (so he wouldn't be attacked, all the enemies attacked Franz) and Natasha hung behind Seth, out of range of all enemies. Joshua attacked Franz, and was recruited on turn 3. Eirika killed the archer, allowing Franz to run ahead to take care of the soldiers and fighter near the boss. Eirika nabbed the armourslayer on turn 4, and Seth brought it up to Franz with the help of Joshua, and Franz vulneraried (is that even a word) and sat next to the boss with the Armourslayer, and he ORKO'd him on the enemy phase. Ross hit level 10 too, so he'll become a pirate in chapter 6! No stats because 5x happened :( Didn't both with the Guiding ring, my magic users come late and low levelled. CHAPTER 5X - 7/32 TURNS Enemies actually attacked Orson instead of Ephraim in the throne room if he's shoved on a piller, haha, Standard 5x with Eph Orson happened, I guess. No chests were gotten obviously. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEAPON RANK EIRIKA 09.32 22 07 12 15 11 04 03 C SWORD EPHRAIM 08.20 27 10 12 14 11 09 02 C LANCE FRANZ 10.28 27 11 09 12 05 08 01 C LANCE D SWORD ROSS 01.00 22 13 05 08 10 07 01 C AXE GARCIA 07.73 30 10 10 08 03 07 01 C AXE COLM 04.25 19 06 04 10 10 04 02 E SWORD
  4. with awakening and fe9 skills TEAM ESPINOSA vs TEAM ANON I'm severely disappointed that there weren't any double Zerker teams. UNIT CLASS HP ST SK SP LC DF RS ACC AVO CRIT ROSS ZER 60 30 29 28 30 23 21 73 86 29 AMELIA GEN 60 27 28 25 30 29 26 71 80 14 EWAN PUP 60 29 28 27 30 21 26 71 84 14 NEIMI RAN 60 23 28 30 30 22 25 71 90 14 GARCIA WAR 60 30 28 26 30 26 22 71 82 14 ------------------------------ UNIT CLASS HP ST SK SP LC DF RS ACC AVO CRIT EIRIKA LRD 60 24 29 30 30 22 25 73 90 14 L'ARACHEL MK! 60 25 24 25 30 24 28 63 80 12 DOZLA ZER 60 30 29 28 30 23 21 73 86 29 NEIMI SNI 60 24 30 29 30 24 24 75 88 15 GARCIA WAR 60 30 28 26 30 26 22 71 82 14 (90) Anon is first to act! Espinosa's Neimi is Shady though.
  5. I like the draft structure, it somewhat changed the order of the picks (and made franz slightly worse) as for 5x, an easy way to 7 turn is for kyle to kill the archer and shaman over the wall like in the picture below, because otherwise I think they block Orson. You might have to drop Ephraim on turn 3 when he's at the top of the narrow corridor, I think otherwise Orson gets blocked off. Eph does need some luck to survive on the last turn in the throne room though.
  6. gonna be at work all day tomorrow so my picks are Neimi > Ewan > Amelia in that order don't really care if people know, they're all horrible but neimi gets me the OP COLM NEIMI SUPPORT
  7. tiers are usually geared towards efficiency or ranked or something, and are usually not agreed upon either, so its probably not the best way to conclude this but ti's interesting regardless. And like you said, the horrible units drag things down quite a bit, so stuff like Marisa being ranked horribly in FE8 since she's not recruited or if she's recruited she's a benchwarmer, shouldn't really affect how well the units are in general.
  8. I don't have any objections, its not like getting like uh, Amelia instead of Ewan is that much of a bonus
  9. i'll host but not play because I don't want to use Awakening skills
  10. I've already given up on Ewan getting warp by chapter 16, i'm going to try to get Artur there though. THere's just not a lot of time, with the short chapter 12 clear, and chapter 13 will be 1 turn, allowing for not very much stuff as well. edit: holy crap you're ZM
  11. That's still not very durable, Vanessa is likely to be just as if not more durable at that point, with higher avoid, and she's better against the Mercs and stuff. I haven't sent Saleh down south in a while, since he's your best unit to kill Caellach anyway, so I might not be remembering things as well. I just remember in my old LTC run he had some massive issues surviving, and he had quite a few levels under his belt, 4-5?
  12. Nah, Lute made sense in a way, he needed early units and there was still Duessel hanging around at the time too, but its the next pick on his list that confuses me. actually it makes sense now, if you had taken lute, selecting another affinity makes a lot more sense since he wouldn't have had anima
  13. I had issues with Grunty from Banjo-Kazooie. A lot of issues
  14. I don't think he doubted Saleh could kill the enemies, it's the surviving them that's questionable.
  15. Bumping Cattleya's con by one might like a con as well would help that too, so she doens't lose AS from killing edges. But yeah for a Myrm, her speed was pretty bad. She beat an equally levelled Christoph by 2 speed for me, (although i get the impression that he's supposed to be a glass cannon anyway).
  16. He does his best. I've worked out a 4 turn of chapter 12, I just need to do it without units dying or missing, so maybe i'll have it uploaded sometime soon? Probably not. I'm actually kind of worried for hitting warp on time for chapter 16 haha.
  17. the list baldrick PM'd me still has some units on it, but he did say it was for the next round, so I don't think i'll pick for him. the pick he has listed also confuses me to thinking he got the affinity wrong or something so i'll just leave it for now.
  18. It's been so long since i've done an FE8 draft, but I think the last round is reversed because being firstpick is already such an advantage in these drafts. But really it's up to you, you're the host! (and you're last so it'd help you the most :P)
  19. In fe3 book one wendall is a better warper than Lena (and can actually fight pretty well) in fe4 leaf crushes all the staff users really hard although FE4 male units are so much better than female units its not even funny in fe5 I won't deny that Safy is more key, but Sleuf is way better when both exist later on due to have lots more move stars. There's also Salem and Sety in fe6 Saul warps before Niime exists, Yodel isn't much worse than her either in fe7 pent is the best by a lot in fe8 artur and saleh crush everyone it's a lot closer than you probably think. Lena is only really good in fe11, where Wendally doesn't immediately have the rank.
  20. I'd hate it, call it stupid, but then buy it regardless. The remake if it ever comes is likely to have some twist on it anyway.
  21. OH Baldrick PM'd me a short list again! For this round only (im pretty sure) He takes Lute! I'll take CORMAG EPHRAIM ROUTE IS TOTALLY FASTER I KNOW IT the jokes on you guys Eirika and Ephraim are light and fire respectively
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