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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. TURN 9 GEOFFREY HEALS 6 HP (45/60) VS Ena breathes on Makalov @Vague Katti! Makalov activates PARITY! 13 damage, 94% hit, 0% crit (78, 66) Makalov takes 13 damage! (45/58) Makalov counters! 7 damage, 67% hit, 28% crit (16, 86, 88) Ena takes 7 damage! (60/67) Ena attacks again! (32, 11) Makalov takes 13 damage! (32/58) Elie's turn. RIN ELIE ENA 60/60 [14] IKE 52/52 GEOFFREY 45/60 ELINCIA 52/52 BROM 00/55 TAUROENO 28/52 MAKALOV 00/58 MAKALOV 32/58 TIBARN 66/66 [05] GIFFCA 39/68 [06]
  2. hes the best in 0% growths because he can two shot the final boss!
  3. TURN 8 VS Geoffrey @SIlver Lance is attacked by Giffca! 21 damage, 100% hit, 2% crit (83) Geoffrey takes 21 damage! (39/60) Geoffrey counters! 15 damage, 82% hit, 0% crit (43, 0) Giffca takes 15 damage! (39/68) Espinosa's turn. RIN ELIE ENA 67/67 [16] IKE 52/52 GEOFFREY 39/60 ELINCIA 52/52 BROM 00/55 TAUROENO 28/52 MAKALOV 00/58 MAKALOV 58/58 TIBARN 66/66 [08] GIFFCA 39/68 [06]
  4. TURN 7 Geoffrey is back up to 60/60 HP! VS Makalov @Silver Sword attacks Elincia @Runesword! Elincia activates NIHIL! 23 damage, 72% hit, 0% crit (49, 96) (72.5) Makalov misses! Elincia counters! 29 damage, 98% hit, 0% crit (63, 33) Makalov is KO'd! Elincia heals 29 hp! (52/52) Espinosa's luck sucks. Although none of this would have happened if Elincia had not missed her 86 earlier. Elie's turn. RIN ELIE ENA 67/67 [16] IKE 52/52 GEOFFREY 60/60 ELINCIA 52/52 BROM 00/55 TAUROENO 28/52 MAKALOV 00/58 MAKALOV 58/58 TIBARN 66/66 [08] GIFFCA 54/68 [10]
  5. Yeah, you're right, i both added and subtracted ena's gauge, my bad. Fixed Geoff too. Turn to come.
  6. TURN 6 VS Makalov @Silver Axe is attacked by Elincia @Runesword! Elincia activates NIHIL! 29 damage, 98% hit, 0% crit (17, 76) Makalov takes 29 damage! (29/58) Elincia heals 29 HP (49/52) Makalov counters! 26 damage, 62% hit, 0% crit (29, 43) Elincia takes 26 damage! (23/52) Espinosa's turn. RIN ELIE ENA 67/67 [19] IKE 52/52 GEOFFREY 59/60 ELINCIA 23/52 BROM 00/55 TAUROENO 28/52 MAKALOV 29/58 MAKALOV 58/58 TIBARN 66/66 [11] GIFFCA 54/68 [10]
  7. TURN 5 Geoffrey heals 6 hp with Renewal (59/60) Ena Transforms! VS Ena breathes at Elincia @Runesword! Elincia activates NIHIL! 10 damage, 63% hit, 0% crit (42, 73) Elincia takes 10 damage! (20/52) Elincia counters! 11 damage, 86% hit, 0% crit (94, 82) Elincia misses! Elieson's turn. RIN ELIE ENA 67/67 [16] IKE 52/52 GEOFFREY 53/60 ELINCIA 20/52 BROM 00/55 TAUROENO 28/52 MAKALOV 58/58 MAKALOV 58/58 TIBARN 66/66 [11] GIFFCA 54/68 [13]
  8. TURN 4 VS Brom @Silver Lance is attacked by Elincia @Runesword! Both units activate NIHIL! 20 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit Brom takes 20 damage! (9/55) Brom counters! 31 damage, 75% hit, 0% crit (91, 58) Elincia takes 31 damage! (21/52) Elincia attacks again! Brom is KO'd! Elincia heals 9 hp (30/52) Espinosa's turn. RIN ELIE ENA 67/67 [17] IKE 52/52 GEOFFREY 53/60 ELINCIA 30/52 BROM 00/55 TAUROENO 28/52 MAKALOV 58/58 MAKALOV 58/58 TIBARN 66/66 [14] GIFFCA 54/68 [13] Shade/provoke are over!
  9. Made an error, brom now does one less damage! Makalov doesn't give attack, silly Horace!
  10. my team will get owned hard by cut weapons but YOLO cut supports is fine yeah.
  11. TURN 3 Geoffrey heals 6 (!) HP with Renewal. (53/60) VS Brom @Silver Lance attacks Tauroneo @Silver Lance! Brom activates NIHIL! 24 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit Tauroneo takes 24 damage! (28/52) Tauroneo counters! 12 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit Brom takes 12 damage! (29/55) Elieson's turn. RIN ELIE ENA 67/67 [17] IKE 52/52 GEOFFREY 53/60 ELINCIA 52/52 BROM 29/55 TAUROENO 28/52 MAKALOV 58/58 MAKALOV 58/58 TIBARN 66/66 [14] GIFFCA 54/68 [16] lol @ Brom doing 13 12 more damage
  12. TURN 2 VS Brom @Vague Katti is attacked by Giffca! Brom activates NIHIL! 7 damage, 100% hit, 2% crit (33) No crit! Brom takes 7 damage! (48/55) Brom counters! 14 damage, 73% hit, 0% crit (14, 98) Giffca takes 14 damage! (54/68) Giffca attacks again! (8) No crit again. Brom takes 7 more damage! (41/55) Espinosa's turn. RIN ELIE ENA 67/67 [13] IKE 52/52 GEOFFREY 47/60 ELINCIA 52/52 BROM 41/55 TAUROENO 52/52 MAKALOV 58/58 MAKALOV 58/58 TIBARN 66/66 [17] GIFFCA 54/68 [16]
  13. PKL you should be a bro and host i can guarentee Elie's team won't be as bad as mine
  14. TURN 1 VS Geoffrey @Silver Lance attacks Ike @Silver Sword! 25 damage, 93% hit, 0% crit (95, 94) Welp, hopefully that didn't ruin the match. Geoffrey misses! Ike counters! 13 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit Geoffrey takes 13 damage! (47/60) Elieson's turn. RIN ELIE ENA 67/67 [13] IKE 52/52 GEOFFREY 47/60 ELINCIA 52/52 BROM 55/55 TAUROENO 52/52 MAKALOV 58/58 MAKALOV 58/58 TIBARN 66/66 [17] GIFFCA 68/68 [20]
  15. WELL i'm not surprised that we're seeing Ena now. TEAM RIN NAKAI vs TEAM ELIESON Unit HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res acc avo crt sk% Ena 67 26 10 23 27 19 27 24 0 73 0 19 Ena 67 29 10 25 29 19 29 27 69 77 12 19 39 159 Ena 67 31 10 27 31 19 31 29 73 81 13 19 41 163 Geoffrey 60 25 11 24 26 14 27 13 62 66 12 24 Brom 55 27 6 27 18 14 30 17 68 50 13 27 Makalov 58 26 8 26 27 15 27 11 67 69 11 26 Tibarn 66 39 13 37 28 26 30 21 100 82 18 37 47 195 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ike 52 26 15 27 28 20 24 18 74 76 13 27 Elincia 52 20 25 25 28 27 20 22 77 83 12 12 Tauroneo 52 25 11 25 21 19 26 17 69 61 12 25 Makalov 58 26 8 24 27 15 25 15 63 69 12 24 Giffca 68 32 10 28 25 22 25 16 0 72 0 -- Giffca-T 68 40 10 32 29 22 30 19 86 80 16 -- 50 181 Ena activates SHADE! Ike activates PROVOKE! Tauroneo activates SHADE! (19) Espinosa goes first! oh yeah, Giffca and Tibarn transform.
  16. If we could find a host I think I could throw something together. I have both of your teams now too, so I'll be able to get the match up and running. I've made an absolutely awful team with the mid and below tier. However, it is hilarious.
  17. I could host your FE9 game if you want. I don't have any mega scrub teams in mind yet, but honestly I don't mind using them against good teams. Bad units with the right skills can still take out good units.
  18. I just think if Ena was a good unit people would want to use her more in teams. In the tournament there was no inscentive to use her because of Nasir, but post tourney she hasn't been used ever except that one time I was forced to. This might be attributed to trying out all the new support combos thoguh.
  19. Man, these hitrates were rage inducing. There were times where I pretty much had no move that would have potential to backfire, although my team was more meant to troll with Gilliam more than anything else. I also had no + hit supports on my actual good units, so that didn't help. But GarmAmelia has 115 avoid with supports.... Yeah.
  20. Gilliam has Nihil and can't be ko'd this turn...
  21. FE4's weird because Jamka's more of a "Navarre" archetype since he has the whole "softspot for the cleric while having high stats and a killer weapon" thing for him but Ayra's the swordfighter... Archetypes in general don't usually work very well though. In my opinion, Midir's bases are too good for him to be a "Gordin"
  22. see above, i read hit as avoid. haha didn't matter anyway, 51<52 even if it were the case on fordes support also lol anon hasn't missed yet
  23. I CANT READ was reading the accuracy from a support as AVO
  24. Forde Swordslayer Gerik. Last hitrate should have been 52, but it doesn't matter.
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