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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. I still think using Nihil on Ena is a bad idea. If the opponent knocks his resolver into resolve range, and your Nihilist is stuck untransformed unable to do anything, You're in for a bad time. Perhaps I didn't use her very well in my match vs PKL, but I found her really underwhelming. She was just a massive lump that you don't wanna attack because there are more threatening enemies romping around. I did make a big misplay there where I should have killed Giffca instead of Oscar but oh well. I won't deny she's pretty good against the common 27 speed tier but only if they don't have Laguzguards. also ena doesn't shut down armours very well if they're running Laguzguards (which isn't exactly uncommon) Even with VK + Knight ward Ena's doing 6x2 with an energy ring, and that's supportless.
  2. do the 4 slots count for shields? and even the +20 defence shield seems pretty strong. I don't really know how the mechanics work totally though, but a unit with like, uh, 40 defence or so seems kinda invincible, although you did say crits ignored defence, so maybe not. and one more question, the skill Blazing Wind it says when activates, it KO's the enemy but only if they have "low" hp. Is there a certain % or value or something for that? How much does Charisma affect Acc/avo (doesn't say in the skill description onsite). Does charge always go 5 rounds if possible when activated? Now looking through the weapons... does the sword breaker actually break the weapon (i assume so, but just checking lol) is effective damage = a critical hit like FE4? The shield sword says it raises defence by 1~20. What value is it? AoE magic apparently has 2 or 2-3 range. I assume it's uncounterable though since eating counters from 3-5 units sounds like a bad time. sorry about all the questions, actually looking at all the weapons and stuff it actually seems like it could be an interesting meta. EDIT; can you proc skills on AoE Magic?
  3. what are the * Weapons in the list? Some of them are PRF's but some of them aren't, what do? is crit avo just = to luck? SF doesn't have a calculations page... I also see one shield that increases defence and resistance by 40, isn't that broken? For Aoe Magic its usually in some sort of pattern or 3x3 block, would that only hit three units? The + pattern would hit how many units? Are there any statboosters? I assume the things called "X STAT PLUS" in the item locations are statboosters... How many inventory slots? i'll probably think about other things eventually...
  4. she needs three speedwings to not suck, with two she's still useless. but I agree, I think she's awful, definately not high tier worthy.
  5. He's good for a few chapters, then he can't get enough exp to keep up. Even with a speedwing he's not doubling most of the time. But yeah, he's not dumpster tier like people seem to think
  6. its becoming less and less effective but bidoof Tana. 80% = 50% truefax
  7. vidoof, except hit 67 hit isn't actually that bad
  8. Dozla honestly isn't too bad and Syrene can be deployed as filler (even if her stats are pretty much as good as Seth's in chapter 1) The trainees not named Ross are pretty bad though. a lot of people say "game x isn't balanced because unit x does the same thing unit y is supposed to do better" but that honestly applies to most all the games. There's always going to be units that crush the game, and units that are worthless. FE isn't supposed to be balanced. FE6's cast is honestly not too bad. Wendy and Sophia are totally useless, but your strongest units come halfway through the game, and still have their own weaknessess (Miledy is bad against all he magic around, Percival has some hit issues) but there aren't any units like Seth or FE7 Marcus that just steamroll without help.
  9. actually wait. commence the vidoofing of Tana.
  10. im sad that he doesn't have 40 defence anymore :(
  11. i'd be more interested if I knew how the Attack speed and doubling worked, as i've never played the game.
  12. God, SF has been slow the last few days I'll Bidoof Tana with Gilliam
  13. if you have him buy the Light Sword (it's C Rank!) and the Elite ring, he generally has enough evasion to fight the cross knights due to his high speed and luck, and if you're lucky, he'll even heal himself with Sol every once in a while. you can just run past her with Celice even if he doesn't have the leg ring. Manfloy and his cronies are no problem for him either. Silence shouldn't be a problem if you have Claude!Sety anyway. never heard about that. Maybe you're thinking about the duplicate Lightning tome glitch? -I really want to get the bargain ring in chapter 2 on this run (i was not fast enough on my previous runs). Are there any good methods to use?honestly all you can really do is bumrush with your mounts. If you're still having issues, you can ignore lachesis and recruit her later. sounds pretty reliable to me. Shouldn't be hard to pass Sety the sleep staff. as for the AI, i've never noticed a difference. I've had Ayra attack me after Genoa on "normal" mode too, so that's not totally unusual.
  14. Actually, swordslayer her, should kill exactly Doesn't matter how much luck Moulder has with those Rn's
  15. bands are really just more statboosters, and there are plenty of those already.
  16. its ok, Gilliam with THWOMP his way to victory, i'm sure of it.... maybe...
  17. No, Anon has a predictable and high tier team! They're way too hard to hit, I need some LUCK I think.
  18. I was looking at the onsite averages when trying to see what bands would accomplish, and I noticed a lot of discrepancies with the listed averages in the other topic... Where did you get yours from? In the onsite ones Oscar averages 24 strength and 25 speed....
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