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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. i'll definately have to rig some misses, but hopefully the hitrates won't be too bad. My team as a whole's resistance hovers around 7-12 in general, so some rigging will be required. I only have one restore staff too.
  2. Yeah, I'm not gonna do it, since I'll likely need Ninian for dancing without rings to clear the chapter, I think Silver Lance!Heath or something will kill him. Luna has really high hit though, and Canas's skill is pretty good, I expect he'd still theoretically have around 70-75 hit.
  3. dunno yet, tbh. I want to say I think I can 4 turn, but you never know until you do the chapter. There are only about 40 enemies, half of which are unpromoted scrubs, and I can probably avoid all the reinforcement trigger zones. The only problem will be the status staves. Also I might employ a hilarious strat where filla's might!Canas oneshots Valkyries with Luna on the EP, but I think too many of them have staves for it to work. Might do a bonus video of it though for fun. A speed capped Filla's Might Canas with 21 magic also ORKO's Linus.
  4. lowen had to promote too early to be useful lategame I'd rather have a good Fiora than a good Lowen anyhow. He still has to compete with Heath, Florina and Marcus to an extent as far as exp goes for promoted mounts, and all of them have a higher demand for it than Lowen. He might have had 18 speed, but his strength is still lower than Marcus had at base. Also Harken costs 5 turns so he didn't get recruited lol. Not much point anyway, Kent and Heath (and probably Sain soon) have better combat than him anyway, although I guess they don't have his axe rank. Lloyd/Linus will get berserk staved anyway so I'll really only have to kill one of them. If I recruited him, he wouldn't need exp anyway, his base strength is already huge and his speed is good enough.
  5. Thanks dude! It's always good knowing that people out there appreciate these playthroughs, they (sometimes) take quite a while to figure out, so these kinds of comments make it worth it. I might get chapter 28 up tonight as well too, although its a royal PITA since its 15 turns and my internet is pretty terrible, depends if I manage to find a path that gets me good levels before I go to the gym so I can upload it while i'm there. Canas hits about B.5 in staves here, and Heath gains another three and a half-four levels, so that's always nice. Ursula is way faster than I remember her being, although I usually just instagib her with Bravesword Harken when I play this chapter normally, she's a lot harder to kill with unpromoted Eliwood for some reason.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SWzP7wIW-s&feature=youtu.be chapter 27 in 5 turns got the talisman for cog yeah, not a lot to say about this chapter really. Who do you guys think I should pour exp into in Battle before dawn? My team right now is Eliwood, Hector, Ninian, Canas, Pent, Heath, Fiora, Sain, Legault (required) and Priscilla. If you guys think I could make a change that would benefit longterm, yell now. EDIT: fml just 7 more exp
  7. are you using some patch of some kind? because bors' and wolt's bases are both better than normal
  8. ive played all of them, and beaten all but fe10 because i hated it
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLXKuOhPqMk its really not worth watching fuck defence chapters i did rout it though (except Vaida) Chapter 27 is looking like a 5 turn clear with talisman. I might even keep Heath unpromoted, but it might be worth promoting him and giving him the bosskill instead, and I can use a heal staff with Canas on turn 1 if i promote him too (since he's still E staves.)
  10. im with the fe4/5 crowd for the reasons refa listed. Just taking a skill that made a unit unique and giving it to someone else just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
  11. I remember hearing somewhere that the hard mode AI will attack units they can't hit or do no (well I guess 1) damage to no matter what, but I've honestly never used it because I never noticed any change.
  12. I'd say he's only better than Kent because of his contributions in the early chapters, but better than Sain might be stretching it, its really easy to get Sain exp even when he comes underlevelled, and his growths absolutely crush lowens everywhere where it matters. Even his bad skill is only very slightly worse than Lowen's. Kent catches up to his offence pretty quickly since he's a lower level, and then precedes to beat him for the rest of the game. Lowen is just too slow and weak to be a strong lategame unit.
  13. oh, I actually have no idea how to do that, I assume you need a certain version of vba? Mine's 1.8.0 beta-3 which may or may not be really old.
  14. there's a slight delay if I use the vba recorder on my computer, and it really bugs me, so I don't use it, its good to know though.
  15. I went to record chapter 26 today, and on the last turn I accidently used physic on Eliwood instead of Hector, and he needed the healing to survive a hit from Vaida and I really didn't want to restart the half hour recording again. so maybe i'll attempt to do it again tomorrow.
  16. I don't think they could have done that with Julius, even if he just had a mook guarding the castle, odds are Celice could just ride up and whack him with the hero sword and seize and just make Julius disappear. At least when he shows up in chapter 10 he's nearly invincible.
  17. It happened to me in a draft after Celice somehow amassed 8 items in his inventory (he's supposed to only have 7) I also got this screen at the same time:
  18. I honestly stopped caring about winning a long time ago, and just tried to draft girl around teams. But yeah they were just played so much interest died I guess. I still find them fun!
  19. What people are trying to say is that Marcus is good in casual playthroughs too. Even if you base it on raw stats, base Marcus has better strength than a 20/1 Kent and Lowen, and they're not hitting that mark like 10-15 chapters after Marcus has the same stats
  20. I know this is pretty insignificant, but what did you do about Merlinus and his growths above 100%?
  21. because he didn't crit and i was too lazy to rig it. He doesn't really need it anyway honestly. At the end of unfulfilled heart I'm looking at Level 17 Hector Level 13 Eliwood Level 13 Fiora Level 13 Sain Level 10 Priscilla aaand Canas got level 15 and promoted on turn 3 so he could spam heal. I think Sain and Fiora might turn into real units! Not gonna have time to record it for a week or two unfourtunately though, going camping then finishing my move.
  22. Here's the video. Time to slave away at figuring out what to do in the defence chapter... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_6uni6eXzs
  23. honestly I think it was just because of reclassing. Same deal with Merric and Excalibur no longer being his PRF. Excalibur is males only too right? I forget.
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