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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. TURN 4 VS Naesala pecks at Tormod@....Rexflame! Tormod's VANTAGE activates! 27 damage, 71% hit, 0% crit (26, 46) Naesala takes 27 damage! (35/62) (60) And counters! 12 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit Tormod takes 12 damage! (34/46) Twice! (22/46) BALDO ESPI IKE 12/52 IKE 52/52 BOYD 60/60 BOYD 00/60 MIST 53/53 MIST 53/53 TORMOD 22/46 TORMOD 46/46 TIBARN 66/66 [14] NAESALA 35/62 [13] Baldo's turn.
  2. I did edit turn 3 into an above post incase people missed it. Somewhat unrelated, but what else do you guys think needs testing in the FE9 Meta?
  3. HE COULD HAVE REXBOLT FOR ONE MORE MIGHT AND CRITHAX Or a weaker weapon so he doesn't trigger Resolve or something with Rexflame. But yeah you may or may not be right.
  4. TURN 3 Baldrick's Ike heals 5 hp with renewal! (17/52) VS BOYDS ATTACK EACH OTHER, THEY BOTH HAVE BRAVE BOWS AND NIHIL 25x2 damage, 71% hit, 0% crit (59, 17) Espinosa's Boyd takes 25 damage! (13/60) (31, 36) Espinosa's Boyd is KO'd! Espinosa's turn. BALDO ESPI IKE 17/52 IKE 52/52 BOYD 60/60 BOYD 00/60 MIST 53/53 MIST 53/53 TORMOD 46/46 TORMOD 46/46 TIBARN 66/66 [14] NAESALA 62/62 [17]
  5. TURN 2 VS Boyd @Brave Bow attacks Ike @Vague Katti! Boyd's NIHIL activates! 15x2 damage, 66% hit, 0% crit (79, 70) Ike dodges! (31, 98) Ike takes 15 damage! (12/52) It's Baldo's turn. BALDO ESPI IKE 12/52 IKE 52/52 BOYD 60/60 BOYD 38/60 MIST 53/53 MIST 53/53 TORMOD 46/46 TORMOD 46/46 TIBARN 66/66 [17] NAESALA 62/62 [17]
  6. TURN 1 VS Ike @Vague Katti attacks Boyd @Silver Axe Boyd's NIHIL activates! 22 damage, 98% hit, 41% crit (51, 26, 57) Boyd takes 22 damage! (38/60) Boyd counters! 25 damage, 81% hit, 0% crit (99, 2) Ike takes 25 damage! (27/52) Espinosa's turn. BALDO ESPI IKE 27/52 IKE 52/52 BOYD 60/60 BOYD 38/60 MIST 53/53 MIST 53/53 TORMOD 46/46 TORMOD 46/46 TIBARN 66/66 [17] NAESALA 62/62 [20] Also fixed some minor things, namely Tormod's acc/avo, and removed the book of Espi's Tormod.
  7. at least you didn't actually use Naesala. oh yeah. the birdkings transform and stuff
  8. Includes cut weapons and supports, YEAH TEAM BALDRICK VS TEAM ESPINOSA STATS Baldrick's stats Unit HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res acc avo crt sk% Ike 52 26 11 27 28 20 24 22 74 76 13 27 Boyd 60 30 3 25 27 17 16 11 67 71 12 25 Mist 53 19 26 19 26 33 13 25 71 85 9 33/19 Tormod 47 12 30 26 28 19 16 25 71 75 13 26 Tibarn 66 32 12 32 25 26 27 20 0 76 0 32 Tibarn 66 39 13 37 28 26 30 21 100 82 18 37 47 195 Espinosa's Stats Unit HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res acc avo crt sk% Ike 52 26 11 27 28 24 24 22 78 80 13 27 Boyd 60 30 3 25 27 17 16 11 67 71 12 25 Mist 53 19 26 21 26 29 13 25 71 81 9 33/19 Tormod 47 12 30 24 28 19 16 25 67 75 13 26 Naesala 62 27 16 29 33 20 23 17 0 86 0 - Naesala 62 33 18 33 36 20 26 20 86 92 16 - 41 181 Wow I hope you guys picked all the same skills otherwise this is gonna confuse the heck out of me. Baldrick's Tormod activates PROVOKE! Everyone loves attacking the squishy mages! Espinosa's Ike activates PROVOKE! We haven't seen this one before. (9) Baldrick goes first. EDIT: It appears that Espinosa has used one too many secret books, knocking one of Mist or Tormod is required Baldrick you can still make your move, if the 2 skill actually affects something i'll stop and wait.
  9. CHAPTER 3 - 14 TURN CLEAR I thought this was gonna be worse but I forgot Levin could use Warp when he promotes... Sigurd and Fin ran north and got the top castle. Levin went to meet the cross knights, whom he DESTROYED! Sigurd ran south and was danced by Sylvia and killed Eltshan, Sylvia danced Levin back to the home castle to promote, while Sigurd killed Shagaal again. He used the return ring home, and Levin warped him to the top place where he killed stuff and got the leg ring temperarily, we could have made a rule where sigurd had to have a full inventory when he got it but TWO YEARS LATE FOR THAT
  10. tibarn is dodging 87's and cancelling everything so this match is pretty much STOOPID anyway that's all you need to know.
  11. realtalk he's probably the worst unit in the pool
  12. CHAPTER 2 - 26 TURN CLEAR I actually like this chapter. Sigurd and Fin ran to Lachesis, saving the knight ring is pretty important for celice. He ran and stuff and then killed the boss on turn 9 or 8 I can't remember. Then he ran north with Fin who was warped by Deirdre, Fin killed all Beowulf's chumps and the boss with his hero lance, and used the return ring home. Deirdre warped Sigurd back home the turn after he seized (it costed Sigurd's movement though unfourtunately). Levin in the meantime got a village and headed north to kill the knights around shagaal for later. I seized the second castle before the bargain ring died, and Sylvia nabbed that... eventually. Deirdre and Sylvia spent the rest of the chapter looting villages, Levin killed most of the guys with 1-2 range up by Shagaal, allowing Sigurd to run through unobstructed. Fin cleared his way to the second to last castle with the hero lance (except the mages and archers, but Light sword Sigurd can't be hit by mages very well) and then Sigurd just ran north and blicked Shagaal with the Silver which has had 50 kills on it for a long time now and seized. The light sword got some kills on it too. 11 of them in fact! Fin is gonna get wrecked in gen 2 :( such low speed. In other news, Sylvia will TOTALLY have the Leg ring funds because BARGAIN RING OP
  13. I have no objections only if i can take ulki though
  14. I DON'T CARE IF THIS WAS A TAG TEAM I WANTED TO DO AN FE4 DRAFT BUT NOONE WOULD PROBABLY JOIN AND THIS IS LIKE MY ONLY ONE THAT I NEVER FINISHED I AM NOW SB PROLOGUE - 11 TURN CLEAR Sigurd ran SOUTH and didn't proc strength so he had to IRON LANCE the dudes around the castle to kill them. Fin defended the main castle, and got exp around the main area. Midir spawned and saved the speed ring, which I wish Fin had, but he doesn't really need it to totally rock next chapter. Sigurd healed at the church after buying Cuan's Steel lance, and he used it to kill the dude on the bridge with the hand axe, since he was one strength short with Silver Sword. He killed the boss and finished the chapter. I forgot Ardan was free in drafts so he got 0 exp, godammit woaahhh don't remember pictures being that big CHAPTER 1 - 21 TURN CLEAR Man isn't this supposed to be like 19 or 18 or something? I forget. Sigurd pretty much soloed the first half of the chapter, while Fin ran ahead to deal with the axe brigade with the power of prayer, allowing sigurd to have an unobstructed path to the second castle. The third castle was dumb because sigurd got hit by FENRIR because deirdre has negative move, and didn't get silence off until the last turn, which looked like this: Man I'm good. Stats after some chapter 2 arena, saving some for mid chapter healing.
  15. all the subs are worse than the children in every way for link arena, the only reason Linda is any where near competant ingame is because she has elite. Hawk might be better than some sety's, but that's probably it. Actually looking at them Amid's averages are honestly pretty good
  16. I'm gonna bump this one more time to see if the participants actually want to do this.
  17. I just assume its 20% twice because when a sibling critical hit is scored, you get the little animation showing which unit gave said unit the critical. I don't know 100% if it is the case, but I think it's safe to assume so. If a unit with critical I assume its just skill + 20% twice as well, but I'm actually not sure if there's any way to actually test it. As for the event boosts, they're all right here: http://serenesforest.net/fe4/event.html so they're not really all that hard to find, and it means a little more with who you pair with who (since lovers often give each other boosts) but if you want to go without it's fine as well. I personally think they're fine and don't want to redo the stats of my team but it really doesn't matter either way, see what Psych says I guess. I just find there's a difference in the amount of hassle in saying "Nanna gets +5 speed because Fin's her dad" as opposed to adding 5% to x growth over x number of levels. I don't think a mini resource is even necessary with the link above, it's pretty easy to CTRL+F stuff, and I think all the hidden events are for subs anyway. and I agree on ring boosts.
  18. rings don't stack. Charge is rolled at the start of every new round, it's activation really isn't very high unless you're facing someone that's REALLY bad in which case they're likely dead after the second round anyway. I think it's also 7? slots for inventory+weaponry too. and just so we're on the same page, we can use lovers as supports to get said bonuses, right? Also I think that the ring stat boosts should be visable since when you attack someone in the gba link arena you see the accuracy and avoid and actually see their weapon too which is inconsistant with what we've been doing in fe9 so maybe not. I just think it might be a good idea in fe4 since the stat changes are so drastic compared to other metas. aaand one more thing, if there arises a scenerio where a sibling and lover crit have a chance to happen, it's not a 40% chance, its two separate 20% chances. aaand one more thing, did you take into account events into the average stats? Or do we add those ourselves? (like if we use Levin!Sety do we get +3 luck from that conversation?) Personally I think the conversations should be added, but only if you're using BOTH units in the event, so like Celice doesn't get the +3 res if you're not using Julia. This is unless you took all that stuff into account.
  19. swordskills are astra>luna>sol charge is up to 20 rounds and prayer only really activates once so yeah. also you get two of each stat rings, 1 pursuit ring, two life rings, one prayer ring, and Julia's circlet for items I guess. all the weapons and stuff are here though http://www.serenesforest.net/fe4/location.html also, what are we donig about status swords?
  20. i'll take you up on the fe4 game if there are no other takers
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