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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. in my opinion the fe4 version is far more broken, but the number of units its on is lacking. Fin can solo the chapter 1 axe dudes pretty easily with it, which is pretty neat, and once he gets the hero lance, its pretty ridiculous. Unfourtunately there aren't really any units with 1-2 range that are orko machines with Fin as a father, and there's stuff like Light sword Celice and Holsety users that do it better. The big thing it has is an 100% activation rate, in my opinion. If it was in any other game, it'd be ridiculous.
  2. well refa you didn't say uhhh nothing YEAH the joy of being a silent protagonist
  3. honestly i was like TIBARN COULD CANCEL HAX KIERAN but I forgot he had nihil. also I didn't really pay attention to Tibarn's Gauge, its at a bad time for you too
  4. hence worse in every other way but lol he actually supports the three worst units in link arena haha
  5. i really wish tormod had good supports because his affinity is pretty good for a sage and his stats really aren't that bad. Calill probably got the most out of cut supports for a sage again since she got like the only good support (shinon) there also you obviously need to run more wrath killer bow rolf with max bonds for 100% crit
  6. 67 displayed is still 80 true, which is still pretty decent odds your calill is set up more defensively than offensively which kinda makes sense, but I think it'd be better to just instagib someone instead near the start although honestly my team is pretty fast. regardless I think you win anyway, and I don't think Rexflame is bannable. 1 nihil seems better too, I would have pretty much instalost if you had two nihils.
  7. your team is lucky I didn't have rexflame but honestly I don't think it's as broken as I thought it was going to be, but PKL could have used it better imo.
  8. its the 57 above mia's attack if only marcia was alive, then Kieran could kill Brom but I thought Brom had a Laguzguard from the start of the match, which really screwed me over.
  9. mia should do 17 damage, not 13. (31-14) I think you're used to seeing the 18 def calill's.
  10. well uh I think i'm never putting tibarn in my team again because all my cancel hax has been used in this game Nolan try to finish Fiona, who should have healed 4hp last turn from renewal.
  11. i might do it sometime this week, my guess is ike due to his popularity, but who knows?
  12. should be 27 damage, 47 attack to 20 defence. Oscar Silver lance Brom. jk its 77 hit
  13. you could just use the headshot portraits from onsite here if you're concerned about room:
  14. I edited my post up at the top saying i'd host. I also used old character names too, because the new ones are lame but honestly unless someone REALLY wants to put the effort into changing things, it's probably fine.
  15. I agree, I'd be kinda sad that her innate nihil would be gone, but she's the best sage anyway even without it, so it's probably fine, and sages in general needed a buff regardless, and rexflame does that pretty well. I'd be up for hosting a game with all the added stuff from fe9 (weapons/supports) if two other people are interested.
  16. what does the winner get other than the satisfaction of being the first to be the best at something?
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