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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. So, he's doing stuff that any other unit could do, sans some really scrubby unit like Maria. Cain/Frey/Abel/Hardin are all better at tanking the killer bow guy, becuase they will have better durability, and will probably double the sniper. When Midia shows up, she has C Lances, and a good speed growth to get her doubling at least cavaliers, something Radd won't do for a very long time. By the time Radd gets Ridersbanes, Midia may be doubling with Silvers. And Radd with Javelins is kinda awful, as he has bad base strength and awful speed. And Personally, I never need a fortify user for endgame in normal mode, as I literally only use my gradivus Paladin, and everyone else sits around.
  2. Right, forgot about that Elite book. Makes her even more broken than she already was.
  3. Makes sense, as she's the only flier until Chapter 14.
  4. Screw winning, I'm just picking characters I like now. Tanya.
  5. Oops, deleted Radd by accident. I don't really know where to put him, he's one unit I have never used, ever. He's kinda slow though.
  6. I have no idea what I'm doing now. Shiva.
  7. I'm going to propose a list of changes here, in bold. I'll explain them at the bottom. [spoiler=Changes]Upper Mid: Barst Hardin Ogma Jagen Navarre Bord Cord Wolf Sedgar Mid: Draug Athena Gordin Castor Horace Lower Mid: Matthis Roshea Norne Julian Roger Caesar Jake Vyland Lena Midia Etzel Rickard Low: Astram Boah Dolph Tomas Elice Macellan Ymir Lorenz Not Recruited: Samson Arran Jeorge Wrys Bantu Tiki Merric Wendall Palla Catria Darros Minerva Beck Est Linde Hardin to above Ogma - Instant Silver Lance and Ridersbane use, with decent bases and growths to back it up. Ogma has a couple chapters in hand, but Hardin's lategame is better than Ogma's contributions early on, IMO. Jeigan to above Navarre - Seriously, this guy could be even higher. He saves quite a few turns early on, and Navarre never really outshines him until Navarre promotes, and even then, it is close. Bord and Cord to below Navarre - Both are fairly solid statwise, a speedwing (which has little competition) and a promotion to Hero makes Bord a wrecking ball. He also will be able to use the chapter 7 Silver Axe as soon as you get it too. Cord is a mini Barst with an E in axes. Wolf and Sedgar swap places - Wolf has a better start, and Sedgar's slight defensive win is pretty negligable in Normal Mode. Castor and Horace to the bottom of Mid - Castor has a decent set of growths, and makes a good hero upon promotion. His lack of weapon ranks hurt him though. Horace, who was below Radd and Caeser before, comes well before their promotion, and ORKO's enemies for all of Midgame (providing you throw him an arms scroll for D in axes as a Hero). Matthis and Roshea to the top of lower Mid - Their jointime is nice, and can hit C in lances pretty early on. A speedwing alleviates some of their speed issues, but having Javelin and Ridersbane useage and 9 movement is more than Roger, Darros, Caeser or Radd can say. Vyland to below Jake - His bases are pretty bad, but he has a nice speed growth, and D in lances. Has strength issues, so he's about half a tier down from Roshea and Matthis. He's far better than Dolph/Macellan/Tomas. Midia to above Etzel - Has a decent base lance rank, and can instantly reclass to dracoknight. Unlike Jeigan, she actually has alright growths to keep her somewhat viable. She might even double for a while if she gets lucky! Astram and Boah to the top of Low - Astram can use Silver Swords, and occasionally double, and Boah will have lategame fortify and a good tome rank. Lorenz to the bottom of Low - He might as well sit on the bench. Can use silver bows I guess. At least Ymir has decent offence. All the people in not recruited - Merric is not solid enough in any other class to save turns, and Mages have poor movement. Wendall is decent, but Jeigan can do anything Wendall can in any class other than Sage, which also have low movement. Palla and Catria will not make up the turn they take to recruit, Darros will not either, and is not impressive anyhow. Minerva takes far too many turns to recruit, and her offence without Hautclere is unimpressive. Beck costs two turns, and Linde is awful and costs 4 or 5.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF6JYXI0r30&feature=channel_video_title Here's chapter 20. [spoiler=Unit Stats]UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LEVEL SUPPORT Hector 16.24 33 15 11 11 13 16 2 A Axe C Eliwood Eliwood 13.88 26 10 10 14 13 8 4 A Sword C Hector Lyn 13.22 27 8 14 17 11 7 4 A Sword C Florina Marcus ??/06.47 35 18 16 11 10 10 9 S Lance A Sword A Axe Bartre 09.97 36 13 8 7 8 8 2 C Axe Dorcas 08.27 32 9 9 7 5 3 2 B Axe Lowen 11.27 31 10 7 11 6 8 3 C Lance D Sword Rebecca 09.64 22 8 10 11 6 5 2 C Bow Oswin 13.46 31 14 9 7 4 16 4 A Lance Matthew 15.55 27 10 7 20 6 7 5 B Sword Serra 16.85 25 10 9 11 14 5 13 A Staff Guy 10.85 31 9 17 17 6 7 5 B Sword Erk 09.93 20 10 9 10 5 2 6 B Anima Priscilla 10.23 20 9 9 11 11 5 8 A Staff Kent 13.14 30 11 14 14 6 7 4 B Lance D Sword Sain 13.21 29 15 8 11 10 7 3 C Lance D Sword Wil 08.16 24 9 7 7 8 6 0 C Bow Florina 09.80 22 12 8 13 11 5 7 B Lance C Lyn Raven 12.82 36 15 16 19 5 8 4 B Sword Lucius 10.59 23 13 10 12 3 1 9 C Light Canas 10.48 22 10 11 9 8 6 9 B Dark Fiora 10.06 22 8 14 13 8 6 9 C Lance Dart 10.90 35 13 9 9 3 7 2 B Axe Legault 13.03 29 8 13 17 10 9 4 C Sword EXP Gained: 2084/2100 Turns Taken: 12/16 EXP Gained: 14295/11400 Turns Taken: 118/119 5* in everything.
  9. I know you love him Clipsey, but Tomas is pretty useless. C Bows is kind of Nice, but Archer/Sniper isn't a very good class for normal mode drafts. He just has terrible base stats. His growths aren't too bad, but there nothing too special either.
  10. Why are Vyland and Roshea so low? They aren't too bad on normal mode (Roshea was my gradivus wielder in a H2 draft). The game gives you lots of speedwings to fix Roshea.
  11. Thanks Integ, I got it from here. Fergus.
  12. I can't get away from these damn things. I'm in.
  13. FE4 Draft ZI in 241 Turns. LightSword! Celice is amazing, if it gets over 50 kills. Now to plug away at the last 3 chapters of H5, then I'm done drafts for a while. Unless an intriguing one comes up, that is.
  14. I think the knight ring saves two turns in chapter 6, and I think sacrificing Nodion saves around 3, but idk, I've never had the knight ring on Celice.
  15. Chapter 6 - 19/19 Turns LIGHT SWORD HAS 48 KILLS Celice ran and killed a lot of stuff. Julia was warped to get her Resire tome. Chapter 7 - 22/41 Turns Arthur Holsety'd the shit out of the south castle, then recruited Tinny with the help of meatshield Oifaye. Celice is critting stuff with the light sword. Stats in a sec. OH GOD I LOVE CHAPTER 8'S MUSIC Chapter 8 - 11/53 Turns Celice rushes, kills NPC Ishtar again, and Arthur gets enough exp to promote (he was 33 exp off). Julia kills some dragon knights, Tinny eats children with Lester because a few of them would have gone to waste otherwise. Ok, I'll get stats in a sec for sure this time. Chapter 9 - 14/67 Turns How do you guys get Celice to seize Hannibal's caslte on turn 2? There's always something blocking Celice that no other unit can get out of the way without a dancer. Celice was 14 HP off killing Arion, (theoretically). Prayer ring would have been nice. Julia hit level 20, but didn't have time to promote. She doesn't need too anyway. Chapter 10 - 23/90 Turns Arthur took a barrier ring so he could run ahead and Holsety shit without getting slept. Lana will promote next chapter due to the children. Tinny promoted at the chapter's start. Screw stats till endgame. Alvis was Holsety'd a few times (Arthur had like 8 attacks, and hit 2-3 times, then Celice finished). Epilogue - 25/115 Turns After a series of rescues by Lana, I managed to speed this up quite a bit. 126 + 115 for a total of... 241 Turns! Stats in a sec. Actully screw that, stats tomorrow.
  16. It's possible to S-Rank LHM and access 19xx, it's just kind of... not optimal. 19xx is usually a nice boost to the funds and exp rank, as the enemy levels there are oddly high for some reason.
  17. Chapter 5 - 20/126 Turns I couldn't physically get Sigurd there any faster than this, and I had to wait a turn waiting for Levin and Tiltyu to fall in love. Stats in a sec. Sigurd, 167 Kills He was just as amazing as always. That Light Sword might hit 50 kills in gen 2, which would give Celice 1-2 range. Alec, 46 Wins He was slightly worse than last time. Still, he has a horse. Levin, 31 Kills Glued to Tiltyu again. Still good, he still killed every single cross knight. Azel, 33 Kills He was pretty meh this time around for some reason. Tiltyu, 17 Kills Useless 5 move turd. Aideen, 1 Kill I don't remember her actually killing anything, but w/e Cuan did a lot more this time around. CELICE HAS 13 LUCK.
  18. Chapter 4 - 29/106 Turns Doku, curse you and LegRing!Dew. Thove was a 15 turn capture, then I had to delay another turn or 2 for Holsety. Got the rescue staff again. I'll actually post stats this time. Promise. Siggy's Light Sword has 34 kills. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF MDF ITEMS Siglud 30.00 62 25 2 22 19 19 18 3 Silv. Sword, Magic/Shield/Power, Light Swd, Elite Ring Alec 28.37 45 19 0 24 19 10 14 0 Hero Lance, Javelin, Cutter Cuan 22.11 52 25 2 15 16 5 17 3 Hero Lance, Javelin, Horseslayer Azel 24.92 42 7 18 13 21 8 10 10 Wind, ElFire Aideen 25.11 43 0 24 13 20 23 9 11 Lots of staves Levin 25.41 50 2 27 21 30 15 12 18 Holsety, Elwind, Skill Ring, Pursuit Ring, Bargain Ring Tiltyu 18.35 40 2 14 24 15 16 2 11 Tron Deirdre About to be Manfloy'd In case you're wondering about Tiltyu's HP, it's +5 from her conversation with Azel that I didn't get earlier on.
  19. Chapter 3 - 15/77 Turns That's right, 15 turns. The first two castles were 4 and 6 turns each. Here's Eltshan: Next few turns were kinda important, so I'll describe them a little more. Alec killed most of the Pirates on the bridge with the Hero Sword. He finished the boss the next turn, and started to head back to Madino. Sigurd was at 5HP, so he killed the Great Knight with the hero axe that I left alive in the Arena to heal himself (he actually never got hit anyhow, but w/e) then returned to the castle. End Turn 11. Alec sold the leg ring, and Cuan plowed through the remaining pirates, heading for the castle. Sigurd bought the leg ring and ran. Cuan killed the one Pirate blocking Sigurd from the boss with the Gae Borg (Ethlin had been warped to Madino beforehand to give it to him) and Sigurd critblicked the boss on turn 15. Stats after arena. Everyone but Tiltyu will be promoted.
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