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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Looks like I'm done now. I like how half of this topic was a Wendy vs Ewan debate. Final, Part 1: Units Deployed: Ephraim, Eirika, Seth, Duessel, Gerik, Joshua, Tethys, Franz, Cormag, Moulder, Saleh, Knoll Moulder warped Ephraim across the gap, and he took out one of the Wights in front of Lyon. He got his ass kicked around a bit, but lived with ~11 HP left. Moulder then Warped Joshua across the gap, then with the aid of Tethys, used Latona, Ephraim attacked Lyon, was rescued by Cormag, and Joshua finished Lyon with an Audhulma crit. Final Part 2: Ephraim doubled the DK with Siegmund, Seth used Vidofnir, and Joshua suprised me with a Audhulma crit, although Cormag was in range to finish with a spear, if he could do 3 damage with it. The first part was completed in 2 turns, the second in one. [spoiler=Final Unit Stats] UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Ephraim 20/11.32 50 23 26 24 23 21 12 S Lance Eirika 14/02.23 29 12 17 18 17 10 10 B Sword Seth ??/16.21 43 22 21 18 17 17 12 S Lance A Sword Franz 19/05.06 39 18 17 24 9 13 2 A Lance C Sword Gilliam 06.85 27 11 7 3 4 10 3 C Lance Vanessa 06.02 20 7 11 16 7 8 6 C Lance Moulder 10/11.48 33 16 15 19 8 8 9 S Staff B Light Ross -06.11 16 6 4 4 10 3 1 E Axe Garcia 18/03.06 44 19 14 13 10 10 3 A Axe C Sword Niemi 01.00 Base D Bow C Colm Colm 06.47 22 6 4 13 11 5 1 D Sword C Niemi Artur 10.92 26 9 10 10 2 3 10 C Light Lute 01.00 Base C Anima Natasha 10/02.10 24 10 9 13 14 6 15 A Staves D Light C Joshua Joshua 20/09.91 51 22 25 26 14 12 5 S Sword C Natasha Forde 13.24 30 10 11 9 9 10 2 B Lance D Sword Kyle 12.51 32 13 9 9 6 11 2 B Lance D Sword Amelia -10.00 Base Tana 12.29 27 9 12 18 14 7 10 C Lance Cormag 16/07.11 47 25 18 15 8 23 5 S Lance D Sword Duessel ??/15.69 47 22 15 16 8 22 11 S Axe A Sword A Lance L'Arachel 04.91 18 6 7 11 13 5 9 D Staff Dolza ??/01.03 Base Ewan -10.00 Base Marisa 05.00 Base Gerik 16/08.17 49 21 19 21 14 17 8 A Sword B Axe Tethys 07.02 28 1 2 16 15 8 8 Dancer Rennac ??/01.28 Base Knoll 10/02.32 25 13 11 12 0 3 13 C Dark E Staves Innes ??/04.04 32 16 14 17 15 10 10 A Bow Saleh ??/08.58 33 18 21 18 12 11 15 S Anima B Light B Staff Myrrh 04.00 19 6 3 7 4 7 9 Manakete Syrene ??/04.59 28 14 14 18 13 11 13 A Lance C Sword MVP of this run was easily Seth in the first half, and Ephraim in the second half. Honourable Mention to Duessel, and to a lesser extent, Joshua, as his strength was waaay above average. Props to Moulder for lategame warping. Total turncount was 155 Turns. Thanks to anyone who followed this, especially Anouleth for making comments.
  2. To the second one, the chapter ends when you kill Lyon. Ephraim one rounded. To the first one, I placed Joshua badly, so one hero didn't suicide on Joshua because he was out of range, and the brave axe dude ran away to heal on the fort. As I said, I could have redone it if I really wanted, but meh.
  3. I always thought it was D'oh, I missed
  4. Chapter 19: Units Fielded: Ephraim, Seth, Duessel, Garcia, Cormag, Syrene, Franz, Natasha, Tethys, Gerik, Innes, Colm, Rennac, Moulder, Saleh, Joshua, Knoll Note that killing Riev ends the chapter, and enemies have droppable Brave Lance, Brave Bow, and Brave Sword. Moulder Warped my two thieves into the tresure rooms, and they looted them. Everyone else except Garcia, Joshua, Cormag, and Innes went south, the other 4 went north to get the brave bow that i'll never use. Also, promoted Knoll because I could, and have over 50000 in excess money, so I could do it anyway. On turn 3, after the tresure was grabbed, Ephraim killed Riev with Siegmund. No stats, forgot to get them. 3 Turns. Chapter 20: Units Fielded: Ephraim, Cormag, Tethys, Moulder, Joshua, Syrene, Natasha, the rest were filler. Moulder warped Ephraim across the mountain on turn 1, Natasha repaired the Warp staff. Cormag, with the help of Tethys, dropped Moulder on the other side of the mountain. Syrene picked up Joshua, and flew across the mountain. All the enemies targeted Moulder over Ephraim, but Slayer killed everything. He warped Ephraim across, and Ephraim killed Riev. Syrene dropped Joshua across the gap, but not in range of Morva. Ephraim and Josh killed some shit on the enemy phase, Josh ORKO'd Morva with Audulama, and Ephraim seized. [spoiler=Unit Stats] UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Ephraim 20/10.08 49 23 26 24 22 21 12 S Lance Eirika 14/01.37 28 12 16 17 16 9 9 B Sword Seth ??/16.03 43 22 21 18 17 17 12 S Lance A Sword Franz 19/04.63 38 17 17 24 9 13 2 A Lance C Sword Gilliam 06.85 27 11 7 3 4 10 3 C Lance Vanessa 06.02 20 7 11 16 7 8 6 C Lance Moulder 10/10.59 32 16 15 19 8 7 9 S Staff B Light Ross -06.11 16 6 4 4 10 3 1 E Axe Garcia 18/03.06 44 19 14 13 10 10 3 A Axe C Sword Niemi 01.00 Base D Bow C Colm Colm 06.47 22 6 4 13 11 5 1 D Sword C Niemi Artur 10.92 26 9 10 10 2 3 10 C Light Lute 01.00 Base C Anima Natasha 10/02.10 24 10 9 13 14 6 15 A Staves D Light C Joshua Joshua 20/08.95 49 21 25 25 14 12 5 S Sword C Natasha Forde 13.24 30 10 11 9 9 10 2 B Lance D Sword Kyle 12.51 32 13 9 9 6 11 2 B Lance D Sword Amelia -10.00 Base Tana 12.29 27 9 12 18 14 7 10 C Lance Cormag 16/05.31 45 23 18 15 8 21 5 S Lance D Sword Duessel ??/15.52 47 22 15 16 8 22 11 S Axe A Sword A Lance L'Arachel 04.91 18 6 7 11 13 5 9 D Staff Dolza ??/01.03 Base Ewan -10.00 Base Marisa 05.00 Base Gerik 16/07.94 48 20 18 21 13 16 8 A Sword B Axe Tethys 06.62 27 1 2 15 15 8 7 Dancer Rennac ??/01.28 Base Knoll 10/02.02 25 13 11 12 0 3 13 C Dark E Staves Innes ??/04.04 32 16 14 17 15 10 10 A Bow Saleh ??/08.29 33 18 21 18 12 11 15 S Anima B Light B Staff Myrrh 04.00 19 6 3 7 4 7 9 Manakete Syrene ??/04.59 28 14 14 18 13 11 13 A Lance C Sword 3 Turns
  5. Chapter 18: Units Fielded: Ephraim, Seth, Duessel, Franz, Gerik, Cormag, Syrene, Tethys, Joshua, Moulder, Saleh, Garcia Seth ran towards the boss, while Franz followed behind him a little, as he couldn't go north too far, as he was OHKO'd by Shadowshot, and Tethys was my first barrier staff priority. Syrene and Cormag took out the southeast corner, while Duessel took out the Bael reinforcements slightly north of there. Moulder followed Seth, and killed the eggs he missed (because Franz was petrified, and I didn't pack a restore staff) Gerik, Garcia, Saleh, and Ephraim went along the west side of the map to mop up the cluster of eggs to the north. You generally want to use high movement units in this chapter, as if the Gorgon eggs hatch, they will rain death down on your units. Also be aware of the Shadowshots on low HP units, it packs a huge punch. 7 Turns. [spoiler=Unit Stats] UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Ephraim 20/05.26 45 20 23 22 19 19 10 A Lance Eirika 14/01.00 28 12 16 17 16 9 9 B Sword Seth ??/15.35 43 21 21 18 17 17 12 S Lance A Sword Franz 19/03.62 37 17 17 23 9 13 2 A Lance C Sword Gilliam 06.85 27 11 7 3 4 10 3 C Lance Vanessa 06.02 20 7 11 16 7 8 6 C Lance Moulder 10/06.81 30 16 12 17 6 6 9 S Staff C Light Ross -06.11 16 6 4 4 10 3 1 E Axe Garcia 18/02.48 43 19 14 13 10 10 3 A Axe C Sword Niemi 01.00 Base D Bow C Colm Colm 06.47 22 6 4 13 11 5 1 D Sword C Niemi Artur 10.92 26 9 10 10 2 3 10 C Light Lute 01.00 Base C Anima Natasha 10/01.81 24 9 9 13 13 6 15 A Staves D Light C Joshua Joshua 20/08.04 49 21 25 25 14 12 5 S Sword C Natasha Forde 13.24 30 10 11 9 9 10 2 B Lance D Sword Kyle 12.51 32 13 9 9 6 11 2 B Lance D Sword Amelia -10.00 Base Tana 12.29 27 9 12 18 14 7 10 C Lance Cormag 16/04.38 44 22 17 14 7 20 5 A Lance D Sword Duessel ??/15.30 47 22 15 14 8 22 11 S Axe A Sword A Lance L'Arachel 04.91 18 6 7 11 13 5 9 D Staff Dolza ??/01.03 Base Ewan -10.00 Base Marisa 05.00 Base Gerik 16/07.27 48 20 18 21 13 16 8 A Sword B Axe Tethys 06.02 27 1 2 15 15 8 7 Dancer Rennac ??/01.28 Base Knoll 10.00 Base Innes ??/03.46 32 15 14 16 15 10 10 A Bow Saleh ??/07.14 33 18 21 18 11 11 14 A Anima B Light B Staff Myrrh 01.00 Base Syrene ??/03.48 27 13 13 17 13 11 13 A Lance C Sword
  6. I have a video on the FE7 board going the south route, it only involves burning 1 RN. It makes Wire miss on the 7th turn EP. As Bal said, the north route is a go too, you just need to position your units well. I prefer the south though, more exp. And my pick... One sec... Pent
  7. It's pretty easy to complete chapter 11 in 7 turns with only Hector. The person who drafts Matt can 6 turn, but get less exp in turn.
  8. I could have got it on turn 2 if he one of the heroes had not proc'd HP, as all were one rounded by Josh with a silver sword, except the brave axe guy, who had 41 HP, instead of 40 like the others. I could have got 1 turn if I really wanted, Saleh could have chipped the hero with Purge while Cormag finished him, while Moulder warped Ephraim to Lyon, and he dodged either his player phase attack or EP attack.
  9. I could see her moving above L'Arachel, as by the time we have L'Arachel, we already have Natasha and Moulder doing her job, if either of them are promoted, they equal or better her movement. Artur/Lute will be nearing promotion, and Lute has more movement and Artur has C staves, while both have average combat. L'Arachel also starts level 3, with D staves, and the only spammable staff she can use is the torch staff (no FoW maps aside from the map she is recruited on). Syrene is useful in chapter 18 in taking out the eggs, and she can ferry someone to Morva in chapter 20, or carry Ephraim there the seize. She can rescue drop people across gaps in final as well, although you should still have some warp charges left.
  10. FE7 Marcus is your best unit wayyy longer than FE6 Marcus.
  11. One of my friends actually got footage of a car bursting up in flames and blowing up. It's kinda sad really. Typical 'Nucks fans.
  12. Chapter 17: New Units: Syrene - Decent enough filler unit, decent offence with silvers. Low durability however. Will help out taking out the Gorgon eggs. Units Fielded: Ephraim, Seth, Duessel, Cormag, Moulder, Saleh, Innes, Franz, Garcia, Joshua. Deployed Innes to recruit Syrene. Ephraim was warped over on turn 2, and could have ended the chapter on the turn 2 enemy phase, but I wanted the brave axe and some exp. Syrene helped kill the druids to the North, Joshua soloed all the south heroes, while everyone else went north. Bought some Elfire tomes at the shop. Various stat boosters were used prior to this chapter. Two energy rings went to Moulder to improve his staff range (So I could use Saleh for combat) and I didn't really need them on anyone else, secret book on Cormag, Speedwings on Seth, and Body Ring on Saleh. 3 Turns. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Ephraim 20/02.97 42 19 22 20 17 19 10 A Lance Eirika 14/01.00 28 12 16 17 16 9 9 B Sword Seth ??/12.86 41 18 19 14 16 15 11 S Lance A Sword Franz 19/03.23 37 17 17 23 9 13 2 A Lance C Sword Gilliam 06.85 27 11 7 3 4 10 3 C Lance Vanessa 06.02 20 7 11 16 7 8 6 C Lance Moulder 10/05.40 29 16 12 17 6 6 8 S Staff C Light Ross -06.11 16 6 4 4 10 3 1 E Axe Garcia 18/01.72 42 18 14 13 10 10 3 A Axe C Sword Niemi 01.00 Base D Bow C Colm Colm 06.47 22 6 4 13 11 5 1 D Sword C Niemi Artur 10.92 26 9 10 10 2 3 10 C Light Lute 01.00 Base C Anima Natasha 10/01.81 24 9 9 13 13 6 15 A Staves D Light C Joshua Joshua 20/07.54 48 20 24 24 13 12 5 S Sword C Natasha Forde 13.24 30 10 11 9 9 10 2 B Lance D Sword Kyle 12.51 32 13 9 9 6 11 2 B Lance D Sword Amelia -10.00 Base Tana 12.29 27 9 12 18 14 7 10 C Lance Cormag 16/03.29 43 21 13 13 7 19 5 A Lance D Sword Duessel ??/13.68 45 20 14 14 8 21 9 S Axe A Sword A Lance L'Arachel 04.91 18 6 7 11 13 5 9 D Staff Dolza ??/01.03 Base Ewan -10.00 Base Marisa 05.00 Base Gerik 16/04.28 45 18 18 21 12 14 7 A Sword C Axe Tethys 05.32 26 1 2 15 14 8 6 Dancer Rennac ??/01.28 Base Knoll 10.00 Base Innes ??/03.46 32 15 14 16 15 10 10 A Bow Saleh ??/06.11 33 18 20 18 11 11 14 A Anima B Light C Staff Myrrh 01.00 Base
  13. I think it'll result in quicker, more frequent updates, so I think it should be a go. Drafts are no fun when you're the only one updating.
  14. Rutgar. And I'm flexible with savestates, I don't usually use them myself, with the exception of the start of every chapter, so if I fail, I don't have to push control-R. But if others are cool with it, i'll oblige.
  15. Well, I guess I still get Lance RFoF would pick Prissy Also, You mean savestates for the more dodgy bosses that are luck based when playing efficiently, correct? I don't agree with using them with the completion of the chapter up to the boss. And there better not be any I'm pretty sure there are no savestates for FE7.
  16. I ended up just using Tethys to get Seth to kill the purge guy, and Garcia dodged the sleep staff, but both Moulder and Natasha were in range just in case. And tbh, I forgot I had the warp staff from last chapter
  17. Thanks for the correction. I never use her, so I don't pay attention :p

  18. It's been a while. Chapter 16 (Ephraim): New Units: Myrrh - I've never been a fan of dragonkin, and Myrhh is no exception. She does a huge dent to the demon king however, even at base level. Units Deployed: Ephraim, Seth, Duessel, Gerik, Saleh, Garcia, Joshua, Natasha, Moulder, Franz, Cormag, Tethys Gerik and Duessel hung back to deal with the reinforcements that appeared near the starting point. Cormag and Seth took the west side of the map, whereas everyone else went to the east. Saleh spammed barrier staff so he could raise his staff level. All the druids in the throne room had eclipse equipped when I attacked them, so they didn't pose a problem. Be cautious of a Purge sage and sleep staff sage that spawn in the top right corner of the map, they can catch you off guard. Joshua killed Orson, while Cormag retrieved all the tresure except the talisman, and the tomahawk was lifted of the enemy thief. 12 Turns. Also, Tethys got the switfsoles. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Ephraim 20/01.00 41 19 21 20 17 18 10 A Lance Eirika 14/01.00 28 12 16 17 16 9 9 B Sword Seth ??/12.72 41 18 19 14 16 15 11 S Lance A Sword Franz 19/03.00 37 17 17 23 9 13 2 A Lance C Sword Gilliam 06.85 27 11 7 3 4 10 3 C Lance Vanessa 06.02 20 7 11 16 7 8 6 C Lance Moulder 10/04.98 28 12 11 17 3 5 8 S Staff C Light Ross -06.11 16 6 4 4 10 3 1 E Axe Garcia 18.01 38 17 12 11 10 8 1 A Axe Niemi 01.00 Base D Bow C Colm Colm 06.47 22 6 4 13 11 5 1 D Sword C Niemi Artur 10.92 26 9 10 10 2 3 10 C Light Lute 01.00 Base C Anima Natasha 10/01.81 24 9 9 13 13 6 15 A Staves D Light C Joshua Joshua 20/06.59 47 20 23 23 13 10 5 S Sword C Natasha Forde 13.24 30 10 11 9 9 10 2 B Lance D Sword Kyle 12.51 32 13 9 9 6 11 2 B Lance D Sword Amelia -10.00 Base Tana 12.29 27 9 12 18 14 7 10 C Lance Cormag 16/03.11 43 21 13 13 7 19 5 A Lance D Sword Duessel ??/13.68 45 20 14 14 8 19 9 S Axe A Sword A Lance L'Arachel 04.91 18 6 7 11 13 5 9 D Staff Dolza ??/01.03 Base Ewan -10.00 Base Marisa 05.00 Base Gerik 16/03.35 44 17 18 20 12 14 7 A Sword C Axe Tethys 05.02 26 1 2 15 14 8 6 Dancer Rennac ??/01.28 Base Knoll 10.00 Base Innes ??/03.46 32 15 14 16 15 10 10 A Bow Saleh ??/05.88 32 17 20 17 11 10 14 A Anima B Light C Staff Myrrh 01.00 Base
  19. For some reason, I always seem to be first OR last. I prefer the latter.
  20. I'm first, dammit. I might not be here later, so i'll leave my pick here. Lance.
  21. Yeah, I was talking about Marcus. Matt shouldn't be free.
  22. If it's HHM, he should be allowed the whole game.
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