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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. There's also an option to use efficiency tierlists, where say, if you wanted to draft Sain (who IIRC is on top of FE7 excluding Marcus), you would also get Wendy from FE6. Just a thought, although it would tough to work out, as IIRC FE6 has more characters.
  2. I agree with you on chapter 23, however, in chapter 25, you generally don't need the extra speed on the drop, as it is usually doesn't happen due to the fact that the flier is taking out the right side of the map anyhow. If you don't have Florina/Fiora/Heath, you can't do a rescue drop without taking penalties in the first place.
  3. Chapter 23 is a desert chapter, you are relying on fliers to drop a capable unit close to one boss, then have Pent take out the other. Although if you're lucky, she could save a turn here. If you have a promoted Erk/Canas, (Lucius likely won't be strong enough to promote at this time) you won't even need the flier. Chapter 24, Marcus lures Lloyd on turn 1, and finishes on turn two with help of another unit. For some reason, I thought 25 was a defend chapter, but Ninian still can't go anywhere due to the ballistae/steel lance cavs OHKOing her.
  4. I can see what you are saying for Athos, but for Lalum/Elphin being free, they come earlier than Ninian/Tethys, I can't speak for the Tellius series as I haven't played any of them. In an FE6 draft, most of the game requires Marcus/Flier/other high movement unit to haul Roy around while Alan/Lance/Miredy blast though enemies, unlike FE7/8 where either you need Marcus more for combat purposes, or FE 8 where Seth is banned. Dancers in FE6 save at least a turn per chapter, for a longer amount of time. Tethys doesn't exist long enough, and more than half of Ninian's existance, she isn't needed to save any turns at all. (Ch. 23, Ch. 24, Ch. 25, Ch. 26, Ch. 28)
  5. Yeah, probably. XD

    I've considered changing it in the past, but I'm just too lazy to find something else to put there.

  6. Also, make Elphin/Lalum free. They make that much of a difference.
  7. Athos saves you a turn or two on the dragon, and maybe another in the final chapter. It's your draft though, do as you see fit. I also counted Ninian and Nils individually, but it's up to your discretion, I personally don't have a problem with it.
  8. If I counted correctly, between the two games, there are 97 characters, minus Marcus, Old Marcus, Athos, Roy, Hector, Lalum, Elphin, and Fa, Bartre, Karel, Nils and Ninian leaves 85 84 units. (Assuming if you pick Bartre/Karel you get them in both games, and the rest are free) Leaves 14 + Free units for 6 people between the two games, or remove a freebie and have 17 per team with 5 people, or 21 per team for 4. You might want to check my math though. I would be up for it however. EDIT: Hold on, I think I failed at math. Fix'd
  9. Chapter 9 - 14/84 Turns To Hannibal - 3 Turns Celice ran and killed shit, while the others tried to do something productive. To The castle with Sharlow in it - 3 Turns Celice ran, and then crit blicked the dude there before the reinforcements could even reach him. Amid ORKO'd Altenna O.O Julia took out all of Trabant's troops, while Shanan Balmung'd Trabant himself. To the Fenrir and ballistae castle - 4 Turns Celice ran, dodged the dark magic, then crit blicked the boss. Skasaha almost died to the tornado dude. To Thracia - 4 Turns Ignored Arion, and just seized the castle before he could kill Celice. Celice had 1 HP left. Amid dodgetanked on the north mountains. Almost everyone except lolTristain is ready to promote. ASDF Celice is one Res short of being put to sleep by the sleep staves. Fuck you, RNG.
  10. Chapter 8 - 18/70 Turns I'm an idiot, for some reason I didn't get the warp staff in gen 1. Just realized To Blume - 11 Turns Celice promoted, and shitstomped everything in his path. Vampa and co. decided to attack him at close range, so that helped. Crit blicked Ishtar and Blume. Lakche solo'd the lance knights, and has an extremely hax hero sword, that crits as much as Celice's silver sword. To The dude that drops the killer bow - 7 Turns All of the thracian dragon knights ignored my units and suicided on Hawk Celice crit blicked the boss again. Skasaha got the thief ring.
  11. Chapter 7 - 28/52 Turns To Yied - 11 Turns Shanan killed everything surrounding Yied, and then hung out near the castle. Celice ran towards the castle, while everyone else took out the dark mages in the area, then headed south, and sat around. To Ishtor - 7 Turns Celice ran in a straight line, and by the time he got to the castle, Lakche had already killed Ishtor, and Liza. To Alster - 10 Turns Lakche lived Blume's TorHammer with 1 HP left, so she killed him with a hero sword sibling crit. Janne died, as Vampa and co. went after Leaf. Shannan took out Jabarro's entire army, and Jabarro himself. Tristin got the shield ring village.
  12. Chapter 6 - 24/24 Turns To Genenshire - 9 Turns Celice blitzed down there, and killed Harold. The rest of my squad cleaned up. To Rivough - 15 Turns Slowed up so Julia could get her resire tome. Amid ran over the mountain to attack Dannan, and Lana ran to the villages by Sophara, because she was left in the dust. Got Brohalva. Also, Lester has my elite ring x.x UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES ITEMS Celice 07.89 38 13 3 10 14 12 9 7 Barrier Ring, Speed Ring, Return, Leg Ring Oifaye 17.55 42 18 10 19 17 10 17 8 Skasaha 04.38 34 12 0 15 14 14 15 1 Shield Ring Lakche 07.64 37 18 0 16 17 14 12 1 Power Ring Lana 04.15 31 2 9 10 10 18 2 7 Lester 06.08 33 13 2 11 13 11 8 0 Elite Tristan 04.13 31 11 0 15 11 5 10 0 Skill Ring Brohalva 12.30 42 16 0 7 16 5 14 1 Julia 01.60 24 0 11 8 11 5 3 14 Amid 02.62 29 1 11 10 14 6 4 9
  13. Chapter 5 - 27/160 Turns For some reason, the emulator is not saving the screen shots. WTF. Anyway, Siggy ran to Langbart, and double critted him with his silver sword, then seized the next turn. He repaired his Holy Sword, and lost out on Celice's Elite ring, because EVERY MEMBER OF MY DRAFTED PARTY COULD GET SILENCED BY THE SLEEP STAFF BITCHES AT THE NEXT CASTLE. 7 Turns there. Ahem. Siggy ran to the next castle, and killed 57854 dragon knights with Tyrfing. He killed the boss, and seized. 6 turns here. Siggy, Lex and Ayra killed Reptor, and he was just in range to talk to Ida on turn 27. 27-13 = 14 turns. Forgot to get stats, but Sigurd, Lex, Ayra, and Midir all were level 30, while Noish was ~28 and Aideen was 22.
  14. Chapter 4: 34/133 Turns The Castle Sigurd is in to the castle way the hell in the north pole - 19/118 Turns Midir premoted before the chapter after buying the elite ring. Ayra also promoted. Midir, Lex, Ayra, and Sigurd plowed through the enemies, Sigurd got sleeped, but was restored by Aideen. Then I waited for Dew to get his fat ass to the bridge, then got trolled by 4 consecutive Great Shields, followed by two silver sword crits. To Silesia - 8/126 Turns Mahnya and her sqaud died rather quickly. Sigurd used the return button, and Aideen used the return staff to send everyone back to the home castle, Except Midir, who hung around to snipe Pamala's squad. Siggy and Lex plowed through the enemies, while Ayra killed the Blizzard mage, and Noish got free exp by saving the civilians. He ran back and promoted, and cleared the arena. To Zaxon - 7/133 Lex was hurting, so I never really engaged Lamia. Ayra sat on Silesia castle, and Lex ran away, while Sigurd ran south of her troops, and killed the bro there. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Rings Sigurd 28.94 59 25 00 22 22 17 16 09 Barrier, Speed Noish 25.39 51 22 05 16 13 07 20 06 Pursuit Lex 30.00 55 25 01 16 18 11 25 03 Shield Cuan 16.41 In Lenster Midir 26.67 46 24 05 17 23 05 11 04 Elite Ayra 25.70 44 25 01 30 30 08 10 04 Leg, Power Deirdre 09.65 Manfloy'd Aideen 17.20 40 01 16 09 15 19 02 10
  15. I'm Canadian, and I hate the Canucks with a passion. I'm a Leafs fan. I hate to say it though, I think that this is gonna be a short series.
  16. Odd for a SD draft tourney to be this desolate... Update! Chapter 4 - 6/20 Turns Cain and Jeigan blasted through the cavaliers, with Marth in tow. Jeigan ORKO'd the boss, and Marth seized. Draug and Bord killed the fighters up north. Chapter 5 - 4/24 Turns Reclassed Bord to Pirate. Draug took care of the cavaliers by Wendall, while the Wolfguard drew out the archers on the left side. Hardin and Roshea charged north, and got a couple kills. Bord OHKO'd the boss with a hammer. Chapter 6 - 6/30 Turns Reclassed Jeigan to Sniper. Jeigan drew the throne room mage and archers on turn 1, and killed them with a steel bow. Cain ran to the throne and killed the boss with the armourslayer. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 08.87 23 8 5 10 12 10 1 C Sword Kain Cavalier 12.94 28 12 13 13 8 11 0 D Lance C Sword Jeigan Sniper ??/04.60 25 7 13 11 1 8 3 B Lance E Axe Draug Fighter 05.44 24 6 3 13 1 3 0 E Axe Bord Fighter 06.00 24 11 6 8 2 6 0 C Axe Hardin Cavalier 08.32 25 9 8 9 4 8 1 B Lance D Sword Roshea Cavalier 04.30 23 6 6 7 4 7 0 D Lance E Sword
  17. Ok, so I didn't recruit Lachesis. Killing Eltoshan was a bucket of laughs. Chapter 3: 23/99 Turns Agusty to Madino - 6/82 Turns Prior to the sortieing, I gave Sigurd the speed ring, so he would double Jacobson. Lex promoted before sortieing. He and Sigurd shitstomped their way to the castle, and Sigurd killed the boss on turn 5 EP. Midir tried to kill the armours on the right, while Cuan killed the lance knights on the left. Noish and Ayra killed the axe armours in the middle. Madino to Silvail - 8/90 Turns Oh boy. Ran south, Sigurd whacked Elty twice with his silver sword on an EP, then chucked a javelin, and Cuan hit a 39 displayed hit with the horseslayer to finish him. Ayra dodged 6785 Javelins on a forest while Cuan cleaned up the cross knights, Noish and Midir made sure the villages were still in tact. Midir ended up getting the +3 strength village. Lex and Sigurd ran to Shagaal, Lex hero axed the hell out of his knights, and Sigurd killed him and seized on the 14th turn, while Lex used the return button. Silvail to Orgahill - 9/99 Turns Lex sold the return button, so Sigurd could buy it and use it. Noish attracted the pirates, and Ayra got the leg ring, after Noish retreated because of low health. Cuan got the GAEBORG and went and OHKO'd shit. Sigurd was healed by Aideen (who spammed the Libro staff earlier) and ran to the gate. Brigid died, but Claude and Tiltyu lived. Lex killed the boss. Aideen got the restore staff village. Thanks for the help bro. You were a monster with the hero lance. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Rings Sigurd 25.35 56 24 00 22 21 14 21 09 Barrier, Shield, Speed Noish 15.99 43 14 00 12 09 05 13 01 Pursuit Lex 26.54 51 29 01 16 18 11 25 03 Power Cuan 16.41 In Lenster Midir 17.49 42 19 03 12 18 04 07 00 Ayra 20.47 41 14 01 24 23 07 08 01 Leg Deirdre 09.65 Manfloy'd Aideen 12.40 36 01 15 08 11 15 02 10
  18. I sleep on top of my bedsheet with no comforter/blanket, and no pillows. I could sleep through a thunderstorm.
  19. Serra's base magic is 2, so she's gained 3 magic.
  20. Two chapters in one day, what is this madness? Chapter 15 (Ephraim): New Units: Eirika returns, gaining 8 levels. I'll have to see how she levelled... Saleh - Prepremoted sage with good weapon levels and bases. Very similar to Pent. He only lacks Pent's auto A support with Louise, and the A rank in staves. Innes - Prepremoted sniper with good bases. Has almost no competition for Nidhogg. Still, he is still locked to bows, which sucks. I think i'll still use him because I like him for some reason. Units Deployed: Ephraim, Seth, Duessel, Joshua, Gerik, Natasha, Moulder, Rennac, Tana, Tethys, Garcia, Cormag asdf desert. Note that Gerik, Franz, and Cormag promoted before the chapter. Natasha promoted at the chapter's end. Tana ferried Rennac around to get all the items. Eirika kept trying to get the silver card before eventually getting it around turn 8. Joshua went north with Garcia and Moulder, he soloed the entire area around Caellach, then killed him with a Silver Sword. He then went south to help with the other reinforcements. Garcia and Moulder teamed up on the mage reinforcement. Duessel, Seth, Natasha, Cormag, Ephraim, and Gerik headed toward Valter. There is a berserk staff Troubador here, but it has lol 3 magic, so it's almost a non threat. Seth got the kill with the dragonspear since Cormag whiffed his shot. Eirika took out a merc and a couple fighters, while Saleh and Innes took out all the other enemies that came towards them. I could have finished the chapter on turn 7, but I wanted the Metis's Tome and some other items that I can't remember in the sand. I think the warp staff. A hoard of enemies appear where Ephraim starts on turn 8. Mages and Pegasi appear to the north early on as well. 11 Turns. [spoiler=Unit Stats] UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Ephraim 20.00 37 17 18 18 17 16 5 A Lance Eirika 14.99 24 10 14 16 16 6 4 C Sword Seth ??/11.72 40 17 18 14 16 15 10 S Lance A Sword Franz 19/01.00 35 15 17 21 7 12 2 A Lance C Sword Gilliam 06.85 27 11 7 3 4 10 3 C Lance Vanessa 06.02 20 7 11 16 7 8 6 C Lance Moulder 10/04.46 28 12 11 17 3 5 8 S Staff C Light Ross -06.11 16 6 4 4 10 3 1 E Axe Garcia 17.03 38 17 12 11 9 7 1 A Axe Niemi 01.00 Base D Bow C Colm Colm 06.47 22 6 4 13 11 5 1 D Sword C Niemi Artur 10.92 26 9 10 10 2 3 10 C Light Lute 01.00 Base C Anima Natasha 10/01.00 24 9 9 13 13 6 15 A Staves D Light C Joshua Joshua 20/03.47 45 19 22 20 13 9 5 S Sword C Natasha Forde 13.24 30 10 11 9 9 10 2 B Lance D Sword Kyle 12.51 32 13 9 9 6 11 2 B Lance D Sword Amelia -10.00 Base Tana 12.29 27 9 12 18 14 7 10 C Lance Cormag 16/01.51 41 20 13 12 7 18 3 B Lance D Sword Duessel ??/13.30 45 20 14 14 8 19 9 S Axe A Sword A Lance L'Arachel 04.91 18 6 7 11 13 5 9 D Staff Dolza ??/01.03 Base Ewan -10.00 Base Marisa 05.00 Base Gerik 16/02.46 43 16 18 20 12 13 7 A Sword D Axe Tethys 03.81 25 1 2 14 12 7 5 Dancer Rennac ??/01.28 Base Knoll 10.00 Base Innes ??/03.46 32 15 14 16 15 10 10 A Bow Saleh ??/05.09 32 17 20 17 11 10 14 A Anima B Light C Staff Added a poll, and slightly changed the first one. I know most put Ephraim only, but w/e.
  21. Holsety on a horse. Oh shi-
  22. Finally had time to get Father and Son done. Chapter 14 (Ephraim): New Units: Rennac - A character for utility purposes only. He's not half bad at killing mages though, due to decent resistance and above average speed. Units Fielded: Ephraim, Duessel, Seth, Franz, Joshua, Gerik, Natasha, Moulder, L'Arachel, Tethys, Garcia, Cormag Recruit Rennac by talking to him with L'Arachel, or pay him 10 000 g with Ephraim. Take your pick. The recruitment conversation with L'Arachel makes no sense. She says come with us and he says no, but he does anyway. This chapter is considered to be one of the toughest in the game, due to the amount of status staves, particularily the berserk/silence combo on the right. For some stupid reason, I let Cormag take on the Shaman in the tresure room (he had a pure water, but still, derp). Gerik, Ephraim, Joshua, Tethys and Natasha took the right side, while L'Arachel, Duessel, Seth, Garcia, Moulder and Franz took the right. Be wary of the Elfire mage reinforcements from the top left, they hit with around 20 atk, hitting res. They could 2HKO Garcia and Moulder. I took them out with Seth. Luna mages appear in the top right, but they are a non threat due to shitty hittrates. They appear from turns 7-9. When you open the door to the tresure room, Shaman appear for I believe 4 turns afterwards, so make sure you can handle them, and don't just sent Colm in expecting to get some easy treasure. Once you open the door to the throne room, two shaman and two mages appear. Be wary of them. Ephraim took out Vigarde with the Reginlief, and Tethys helped him seize. Josh promoted mid-chapter, expect a mass promotion in the next chapter's base. 11 Turns. [spoiler=Unit Stats] UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Ephraim 18.68 35 15 17 18 17 15 5 A Lance Seth ??/10.96 39 16 17 14 16 14 10 S Lance A Sword Franz 19.15 33 14 16 20 7 10 1 A Lance D Sword Gilliam 06.85 27 11 7 3 4 10 3 C Lance Vanessa 06.02 20 7 11 16 7 8 6 C Lance Moulder 10/03.88 27 11 10 16 3 5 7 S Staff C Light Ross -06.11 16 6 4 4 10 3 1 E Axe Garcia 16.30 38 16 12 10 8 7 1 A Axe Niemi 01.00 Base D Bow C Colm Colm 06.47 22 6 4 13 11 5 1 D Sword C Niemi Artur 10.92 26 9 10 10 2 3 10 C Light Lute 01.00 Base C Anima Natasha 09.08 20 6 8 13 12 4 11 A Staves C Joshua Joshua 20/01.39 43 18 20 20 13 9 5 A Sword C Natasha Forde 13.24 30 10 11 9 9 10 2 B Lance D Sword Kyle 12.51 32 13 9 9 6 11 2 B Lance D Sword Amelia -10.00 Base Tana 11.90 26 9 12 17 14 6 10 C Lance Cormag 16.04 37 18 11 12 7 16 3 B Lance Duessel ??/12.09 44 19 13 14 8 19 9 S Axe A Sword A Lance L'Arachel 04.91 18 6 7 11 13 5 9 D Staff Dolza ??/01.03 Base Ewan -10.00 Base Marisa 05.00 Base Gerik 16.39 38 15 15 17 11 11 4 B Sword Tethys 03.11 25 1 2 14 12 7 5 Dancer Rennac ??/01.28 Base
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