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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. anyone up for an FE7 game? I have an amazing team I wanna try.
  2. Priam doesn't really have much of an excuse to have anything but Balmung equipped, he has Bowbreaker (if he has it equipped, which is pretty much all the time). If Priam only gets two luna's the Thomp kills something (providing the 4/5 Vengeance actually proc's both times) and then dies next turn. A one for one trade. There are other units with Lancebreaker too. Or Pavise. But seriously if you had missed either a Vengeance proc or a hit versus Flavia or Gangrel this game would have been totally even. You just got pretty lucky. Walhart is pretty good against the thwomp too, he survives double brave axe vengeance when Robin is above 40HP, has Lancebreaker and Pavise, and quads with a brave weapon and Luna (or just ORKO's with a Hammer)
  3. must be the custom palette. at least Quint admitted his team was horrible
  4. yo Elie the swordslayer is effective against Heroes not that it made a difference here, but you should probably change that in your sheets.
  5. If Priam pulled out the Brave Bow, with two Luna's he puts the thwomp in easy KO range, or if he gets three Luna's, he flat out ORKO's her.
  6. no rematch imo thwomp mu is in no way broken (it is strong yes). If she missed a 63 on turn 1, Gangrel kills her and this game is a lot different (not that I think the Gangrel attack was a smart move) she doesn't want to initiate any attacks (unless she ORKO's cleanly at full health which is pretty much only against non-pavise assassins). What if Flavia was Priam with Lance/Axebreaker? She has like, ~30ish hit. She's kinda like a sorcerer. Any bow unit with Axe/Lancebreaker and Luna totally annihilates said unit. Like what could she have done on turn 1 as an attack? Try to kill Flavia and risk getting Luna'd to death? She couldn't kill Gangrel at full HP either.
  7. Thanks Elie. Thank god I don't have to punch in everything again
  8. oh yeah, the damage is correct, but it's definately 83 hit, I think it's forgetting the S-Rank bonus. i'm too tired now to update anything now though unfourtunately.
  9. Yeah. Turns out it was 16x2 damage, off by 1 instead of 3. Turn 2 Darrman's Hector@Swordslayer attacks Quintessence's Guy@Lancereaver! vs. ______________________________ Hector attacks! 47 DMG 1x | 21 HIT | 0 CRT [90] [91] | [55] Guy takes 0 damage! ______________________________ Guy counterattacks! 2 DMG 2x | 100 HIT | 33 CRT [10] [49] | [69] Hector takes 2 damage! ______________________________ Guy doubles! [27] [75] | [85] Hector takes 2 damage! ______________________________ It is now Quintessence's turn. Quintessence 60/60 Raven 49/49 Priscilla 57/57 Guy 48/48 Lucius 54/54 Rath Darrman 47/47 Athos 56/60 Hector 59/59 Oswin 28/60 Raven 58/58 Wil For some reason Hector took 16 damage in the bottom part in the excel sheet. The damage was off by 1 and hit off by 7 (wut), and Guy's stuff was correct for damage, and off by like 20something hit and 20 crit.
  10. i can put athos in myself, it isn't too hard. Turn 1 Quintessence's Rath@Killer Bow attacks Darrman's Raven@Lancereaver! vs. ______________________________ Rath attacks! 16 DMG 2x | 83 HIT | 0 CRT [14] [48] | [19] Raven takes 18 damage! ______________________________ Rath attacks again! [16] [62] | [25] Raven takes 18 damage! ______________________________ It is now Darrman's turn. Quintessence 60/60 Raven 49/49 Priscilla 57/57 Guy 48/48 Lucius 54/54 Rath Darrman 47/47 Athos 60/60 Hector 59/59 Oswin 28/60 Raven 58/58 Wil EDIT: can confirm that this calc is incorrect, give me a second. Fixed. The initial calc was off by 1 damage and 10 hit.
  11. i blame elie, his thingy didn't update avoid/acc/crit ill fix it shortly
  12. A battle between Quintessence and Darrman has begun! TEAM | Quintessence | [0-49] TEAM | Darrman | [50-99] Unit HP ST SK SP LK DF RS CN ACC AVO CRT Class Raven 60 25 29 26 14 19 11 11 65 66 14 Hero (M) Priscilla 49 22 24 24 30 10 27 5 63 78 12 Valkyrie Guy 57 21 29 30 23 13 13 8 69 83 29 Swordmaster (M) Lucius 48 25 26 24 13 10 30 7 58 61 13 Bishop (M) Rath 54 25 27 30 15 15 15 9 61 75 13 Nmd Trooper (M) Unit HP ST SK SP LK DF RS CN ACC AVO CRT Class Athos 47 30 24 22 25 20 30 11 60 69 12 Archsage Hector 60 30 23 23 16 29 15 15 54 62 11 Great Lord Oswin 59 27 22 17 18 30 17 16 52 52 11 General (M) Raven 60 25 30 26 14 19 11 9 67 66 15 Hero (M) Wil 58 25 28 24 21 16 14 9 66 69 14 Sniper (M) [3] Quintessence goes first! After he removes a goddess icon from one of his units, what a CHEATER EDIT: Curse you Elie Athos's portrait is missing.
  13. You can save all the villages without Levin doing anything if you're fast enough! It's pretty frustrating the first few times you play it though. Shanan is pretty horrible in chapter 10, I dunno why he keeps getting brought up. He can't avoid sleep staves, and is likely one shotted by Ishtar and has no hope of surviving an attack from Alvis. It's pretty much the Aless and Celice show.
  14. whatever works, really. I like averages/boosters better personally, but I don't mind hosting this one either if you find an opponent and/or a willing host we can decide then?
  15. Yeah, I can't do anything past wednesday for nearly two weeks, and even up till then, I can't do a whole lot.
  16. I'm inclined to agree with feplus here, I think he's the best cavalier in the game on the normal modes if you don't play Lyn mode. Even with Lyn mode, he's probably about as good or better than Kent (assuming Sain got more exp/promoted). His offence is good enough for the normal modes and he's pretty much unkillable after like 10-15 levels (even as a cavalier). If an enemy has 30 HP Lowen might be doing 15x2 or 16x2, whereas other units are doing 20x2, but hey, a dead enemy is a dead enemy. Hard mode is a different story, his worse offensive parameters hurt him there a bit more than in normal mode.
  17. Yo, does anyone want to play an FE7 game? I wanna either host or build a team using Elie's new FE7 sheet.
  18. Yeah, plus mages and soldiers. The first time you play this chapter you're pretty much guarenteed to lose someone turn 1 because you have no idea what's coming because of the Fog of War. Even when you know what's coming, most of your units just aren't durable enough and don't have good enough offence to deal with the first couple of turns.
  19. FE3: Chapter 3 because it's so enormous I have to will myself to play it. FE4: probably chapter 10, lots of staves and Julius/Ishtar/Alvis's squad is pretty hard to deal with. FE5: Chapter 4x, because turn 1 is bullshit
  20. People should really take not of this while teambuilding too, so even if you don't plan on hosting (although it really is braindead easy with these sheets, you just click a few things) download it. If a certain unit is giving you problems, you could even use this to theorycraft how to beat them too!
  21. forgot lucky seven, da pot dies im out for the night though, sorry guys.
  22. TURN 6 Libra heals to full health with Tiki's BOND and his RENEWAL (80/80) Donnel heals 10HP with Tiki's BOND! (23/80) VS Donnel @Vengeance attacks Kellam @Ephraim's Lance! 8 damage, 97% hit, 0% crit (22) (54, 10) Donnel's SOL activates! (45) Pavise Kellam takes 8 damage! (72/80) Donnel heals 4HP (27/80) Kellam counters! 27 damage, 94% hit, 0% crit (68) Luna (66, 90) Da pot falls. Anon Nintales 8 00/80 Cherche 80/80 Libra 80/80 Lissa 80/80 Maribelle 00/80 Olivia 00/80 Donnel 00/80 Someone 80/80 Tiki 80/80 Kellam 72/80
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