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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. I think me and 4 others(Genaric officer, Soul, Fayt. correct me if im wrong) are also up for one, that puts us at 5 with you. It wasn't THAT embarrassing cause you could post it XP
  2. No, it sounds like the type of thing that would result in a lol. Can someone tell me where to find pic or link?
  3. yeah, my P1 is one turn better than his P1+P2 O_o dark is at least winner or runner-up, and he still hasn't used haar much yet...
  4. 2-P 8 turned 2-1 9+3+3 15 with penalties 2-2 14 turns O_o lucia + mordy + lethe for a...25 turn clear. Is there any way to transfer 2-3 speedwing to GMs, Boyd NEEDS it... =[
  5. how can you hardly sit through it? I loved the Dark knight, it's one of my favorite movies.
  6. i should probly eat breakfast somedays, i didn't eat or drink anything yesterday till dinner =/ I stopped at Turn 8 of 1-E last night...well i did till later but people died and i battle saved at 8... EDIT: @Revan, ok that makes sense, you could battle save try a new technique, if it doesn't work you can restart and do your other style of playing the map. I have this down i think. 2nd EDIT: 19 turns + volug(4)...wowwww thats 135 total turns, Me and Fayt are neck and neck =]
  7. Well, i guess i more meant Nolan is good at killing laguz, you phrased it better. and he only loses by like 3 def(tarvos) at 20/1 which is around what level they should be at, and Nolan has an hp lead of 5.So overall Nolan may have better durability here, and he can take beastfoe + Tarvos and wreck. At 3-11, i think Neph should be level 18 at the minimum, Danved can still do fine with paragon on that stage cause then he's making ground, but he's gonna take favorism on 3-11/3-E.
  8. And on the flip side of the arguement, nothing fixes Zihark's defense, so why would he hoard the adept. So, i guess the only thing transfers help Zihark with is killing w/ out brave sword, which can be nice for P3 i guess. The drawback here is that he doesn't have the durability, and I'm pretty sure a forge in P1 will let him KO most things as well.
  9. I do not understand either how Aran gets high praise for doing...what exactly in P3, hes not gonna die, but we can bring Meg(Nolan is the best at this) if we want someone that won't die. Danved's problem is availability, and what hurts him even more is that he's gonna be about 20/14 at best when neph should be somewhere around 20/18-20/20/1
  10. It's pretty fun, if you wanna do one, I would be up for another and so would Generic Officer. So we'd have 3/7 and we could go to 10 if u want. Nvm, i thought u might win for a sec, you had me fooled.
  11. yes, yes i did mean bolded, sorry for my spelling error =/ I would not use Zihark if we're playing effeciantly, and if you don't want him using adept than you don't need to since neph or Shinnon put it to nice use. Nolan/Jill are much better than Zihark, I'd rather have jill on every chapter she appears on than Zihark, and Nolan is amazing P3.
  12. I'm big basketball fan, looks like things turned out fine for your heat...As a laker fan though i think we can still take anyone, the celtics heat or magic, whoever wins the east isn't gonna win it all...
  13. I completely agree, if you do anything dumb while drunk/high i think you should have to own up to it, I don't really think either are that bad, people have been known to do dumb things when drunk or high but that would be a risk youd take. As for underage sex, the same should apply, if you get pregnant(or get someone pregnant) you should deal with the baby, or STDs...
  14. Fenrir

    FE guitar tabs

    Yes they do, where can you find the music for this? It'd be pretty need to play some of this stuff
  15. Omg dark u hack, you beat me by like 20 turns and i haven't even done 1-E...which u had Nailah for -.-
  16. Neph should be doing fine with adept, if you're gonna bother using Zihark, leave his innate skill on.
  17. I didn't think it was totally awful, couldve been worse lol u thought BK was more like Darth Vader than he is.
  18. eh, I view pot the same way i do people getting drunk, don't have a problem with it, just dont do it while driving. I have a hard time believing your brother is a better driver high...Where u high when he was driving?
  19. I do not get the need to ban on a forum ...=/
  20. What is a snot nose whelp, lolwut about soren? you said "I agree" to someone saying "I agree" Wikipedia, what does this have to do with Vika's character? is there some fanfiction on there? "That" Kieran is not an idiot, at worst hes a snot nose whelp. :3
  21. As would I, unless you were to lazy to train someone Stefan(and volke) are pretty useless, even the hawks are better im pretty sure.
  22. I did this a few times as well, i treated a lot of my chapters as HM, not even doing BS(partly because i forgot, partly because i would just restart) This is not breaking any rulse amirite?
  23. Lol those were two of the best, probly only one better was the IkeXmia about herpes, and maybe the muarimXnaesala. but shouldnt SorenXmist have been first, since soren runs off after Ike?
  24. You'll be wanting to give Fiona Bexp, around 5 levels?. I can't say much about ilyana/micaiah though.
  25. don't worry, you'll probly beat me. Turns! :D 1-6-1, yay jill, she doubles all but 3 enemies, sothe took out armours jill went east, pretty easy. 11 turns. 1-6-2 , jill went left, did awesome, sothe saved Fiona. 6 turns. 1-7, Muarim is here :D. pretty basic, didnt bother to get extra bexp. gave jill class change before battle, she is Str blessed after it, 21Str at 20/3 6 turns i think, but i'll need to check to be sure. 1-8, took Nailah penalty, vika penalty as well, 5+6+3, so 14 turns... 1-9, 8 turns here. USING OVAL's GLORIUS STRATEGY! 1-E is frustrating -.-
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