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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Queasy face...lol lol, i got over that Its weird, my religous views are quite strange, I totally beileve in Jesus, but its almost like an angry at your teach/boss/dad thing where it seem futile or just plain stupid.
  2. yeah if i got a GBA/ds...i probly should though

  3. ...would you happen to have a message from integrity?
  4. If we used this logic core, we would use mordy over neph...who i think was one person you mentioned as better, go look up smash's stuff
  5. It's chill...there goes the last of upper mid. Now just to wait for Revan
  6. I meant 3-9's assuming ike isnt speed screwed
  7. it shouldn't be the center of people's lives, but it is you cannot change this fact. Bold, u dun luv orgasms?
  8. your not getting Vika, presumably. im bad at spelling all countries...canada is that right? GERMANY GOD IM SMART!!
  9. a good amount of kills, and a speedwing, to help him on 3-11 along with a paragon for 3-9 and 3-11 to get him on track with mercs
  10. REPLY OR DIE!!! >=] maybe it's just one of those things your not really supposed to understand... paedophillia point made sense. as does your first point, it would be weird to bang a chick when your a freshmen, and then in your sophmore year break up...junior year your ex-girlfriend creates some problems for you...but this is why i'd just 69 your last point made sense, i doubt i'm ever gonna meet a girl go on a date a couple days later and bang her within a week, i get to know people, then date them...then fuck them @acey555: you don't get the urge? have you ever masturbated sir?
  11. The man speaks the truth. He really needs BEXP and/or crown to do much... EDIT: @soul, neph could be 3rd tier by 3-11 when danved joins.
  12. The Ravens go in the same round(integ should pick Vika :D) Thx fayt, where do you live naglfar? austrailia?
  13. and they are all things emo people have in common
  14. i have had 2 questions on my mind almsot all day, God(specifically heaven) and underage sex. First off, i dont, and never have understood heaven, I call myself a christian, (although i don't know how much i can own up to this) so if you go to heaven, how would it be perfect, while say your wife is suffering in hell? Also, I'm underage so what do yall think of underage sex, a girl takes her pants off, I'm not thinkin twice... So if you are a christian please explain heaven, if you are not a christian, say whatever you want. If you said why you like/dislike underage sex, and gave reasons i'd like that, i just want opinions on why you think its bad(please don't include STDs)or not bad.
  15. Huskies are cool, but golden retrivers are really good dogs as well. I also like Labs, i knew a really nice black lab a while back but he was put down =/
  16. but, do not kill him unless you do it for lulz...but he will permanently be gone...
  17. Lol, Skrimir is funny ^^ him, along with Kieran and Boyd are obnoxious and make me lol.
  18. yes we are(the reason for penalties being in turns), i don't know if there are any other goals though
  19. I eat tables did this in his axe PT, and if you kill him as enemy he dies for good
  20. no. @slayerX good to know =] thanks for saying time zone as well, forgot to mention that, im from Texas so Central.
  21. hmmm...with this in mind, what times do people usually get on SF during the week of course? during the summer i wil be on anytime from 11AM(when i wake up) to 12-2am(when i go to bed) i check periodically during the day and often am not on during evening(5pm-8ish)
  22. Fenrir

    I got caught...

    Henatai on your friends iTouch, nothing beats that. Anyhow, you've got quite the strategy, mine differs on what time of day, and of course where and when im doing it.
  23. YAY! and i choose danved King Kilvas for me Edit: that was 6 minutes lol
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