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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH fayt took who i wanted :( now i'm gonna try and think this though, pick will be made in next five min though
  2. He acts like it, or at least has a bad outlook on life.
  3. Just who i would've chosen if i were you...
  4. One example of how he is not? whiney + black clothes + dark hair + depressed = emo
  5. after what fact? My 7th pick is gonna kick ass and could be considered to high of a pick. Well, now i can't chose kieran with my 6th pick damn it
  6. My first 3 picks how do you make yours? i had awhile to think about Muarim last night and boyd was a guy i wanted before the draft, so those weren't terribly rushed, janaff and jill were though, Mia to an extent. Jill is a pick i really wasn't to fond of at the time but i really like that i did end up with her.
  7. I dont think so, i could be wrong. I think it is because she is Sephiran's decendant and he wants to see her or something.
  8. 2455 i feel so neglected that no one likes my awful idea ='[
  9. Fenrir


  10. I thought it was fairly decent, everyone would've been like, "IKE IS A FREAKIN DUMBASS FOR KILLING BK AND HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHO HE IS!!" and it would've been weird, ike would have fought him, and as he was dying figured out it was Zelgius, this way Ike could prepare for what would come. Ok, that makes sense. Lehran is incredibly smart and cunning, Almedha is somewhat(for lack of a better phrase) blinded by love, because she is so obbsesed with finding or keeping pelleas safe. Another thing to take into consideration aside from Lehran most likely having better base magic is that Almedha might've wanted to stay neutral because she was a dragon, so learning magic would not help her acheive this goal.
  11. I never got this, how is it that your grandmother, and you(in micaiah's case) are apostles, but not your mother? doesn't make sense
  12. Fenrir

    I got caught...

    a joke or at least an FML =/
  13. 2446 everytime someone posts, to make things more interesting, you have to say a random fact. Junior mints are covered in pure chocolate
  14. Fenrir


    Normally i would say no shit sherlock, but it appears as if this needs to be stated.
  15. yup, HM is the best unless if it's for a draft PT and whatnot. Rolf pretty much just wins strength and HP though, which aren't huge, Shinnon is still one of the best endgame characters without these.
  16. Fenrir

    I got caught...

    These type of things always make me laugh. but i saw that nightmare...you saw a huge penis and were tramatized? when you were 12-13? Have any of you ever seen offended? I'm a teenager and i have.(not really that bad, but i've been told it's the worst pictures) anyhow, the worst i've been caught was when i was on my dad's mac, we were on vacation, and i looked up fuck on google, as a joke when i was like 11 and my dad had just talked to me about porn a couple days before(which for some reason he thought i had no idea existed) He saw the search and was like WTF?? that caused me much sweat, i wouldve smacked myself in the face sooo hard if my parents got mad about that.
  17. nope, rolf is bad. The student surpasses the teacher, not the god damn master. I guess, but he already answered this questoin.
  18. Correction, Volug is Ab Wolf. As for the pick, Muarim.
  19. just stuff i find funny, XP

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