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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. hasnt anyone here seen a scrotum. it looks just like a small one.
  2. you are. =/ Is someone really trying to say sothe belongs on top tier?(even with a transfer i dont think he does just my opinion though) or is this arguement about nothing, most of my brain thinks the latter, but that would be pointless so...
  3. so you are dumb(sarcasm)cause you missed the point of a pointless arguement. :D i thought this was pretty cool idea... Axes 1. Steel poleaxe 2. short axe 3. brave axe 4. Tarvos 5. Urvan Lances 1. Steel greatlance 2. short spear 3. brave lance 4. killer lance 5. wishblade Swords 1. Ragnell 2. Brave sword 3. Amiti 4. caladbolg 5. Vauge katti Bows 1. Silencer 2. Lughnadsagh 3. brave bow 4. steel bow 5. killer bow Knives 1. Beast killer 2. Silver knife 3. Silver dagger 4. Baselard 5. Peshkatz Tomes 1. Thani(sadly it is) 2. Elwind 3. Rexflame 4. Elthunder 5. Rexcalibur Staves 1. Physic 2. Mend 3. Fortify 4. Rescue 5. Heal Skills(no masteries) 1. Adept 2. Imbue 3. Celerity 4. Resolve 5. Wrath
  4. Boyd capping speed is not far fetched at all its not far fetched one bit. and darn it i said P3? i meant P4 sorry. The point is, some people including myself like having a character like boyd because he's fun to use, and this is opion based so people like myself aren't saying that boyd is always better than gatrie or haar, i think gatrie is a hell of alot better but boyd doesnt suck sack like alot of people say, thats all im trying to get across here. and i dont find training him to be a hassle or cost me extra turns, but what about one thing no one has mentioned, boyd can Triangle Attack. This gives him an advantage not many other characters have.(critical is one hit with boyd....)
  5. Boyd isn't completely based on endgame, he's a tank in P4, which is pretty nice having a guy who you can count on to take out armours without a hammer, and for P3 bowguns are pretty nice for flyers giving him a little bit of something over gatrie, genrally gatrie, titan, haar, jill and nolan will have better stats, but a transfer (which many people personnally have and this is personal list) does wonders for boyd
  6. gatrie dosen't double everything until endgame, and he has problems until he's promoted so assuming you want to use a master crown you could use on Haar who also benefits greatly from it. boyd hits much much harder than gatrie or haar, if he doubles it, he kills it, and Gatrie is hardly an axe user since he'd rather take a wishblade. and so take away gatrie and Boyd is number 5 on tiers, gatrie, titan, jill, haar and nolan probably are more realistic characters to use from an effeciancy stand point, but people put boyd at #1 because its completely opinion. and again most people count Gatrie as a lancer so that answers one of your initial questions as to why boyd is on so many people's lists.(they simply want an awesome badass hardhitting doubling 3rd tier unit.)
  7. Gatrie may have a higher speed growth, but the cap? thats what slows him down. haar and titan i understand if you perfer mobility and boyd takes a little work to use, but after being trained he's IMO the best player phase beorc unit in the game. and with a transfer he's doing much better than others and can double sooner, what people dont realise is that his speed growth isnt terrible(45 the same as rolf and sothe)his base may suck but his cap is 35 which is pretty damnn good. haar titan and boyd are just preferences on movement and if you want a unit thats good now or later but you can still train boyd in P3(its a looooong part, especially for GM) so Do you still think Gatrie outclasses Boyd with his so called higher str growth Boyd has 65 Gatrie 60 Lol check your facts before posting...
  8. he isn't really,he's helpful but the chapters are very doable and your still able to be effecient without him...I'll take Nolan who gets tarvos and has better 3rd tier caps.
  9. As another user said aran has major problems with speed in Endgame, Nephenee is that much better than him so i'd drop aran for nolan and think about neph if you have no other lancers. stand in the middle of field so they cannot run back to cliffs and you could move volug out of the way and use sothe and tauroneo with knives/javs to kill, and make sure miccy and ilyana are rescued or out of the way, also if your jill is energy dropped and/or seraph robed(which i highly reccomend useing both)have her kill one or two on the cliffs. thats my advice :D
  10. I wouldnt take aran to endgame, he has some major issues there, he cant do much to dheg, bad against spirits(my maxed aran couldnt double any but thunder and that was NM) and for aura killing there are better people, jill on the other hand owns at endgame because of canto and awesome stats. Nolan is better than Aran for most things, aran is like Nolan jr. IMO and for Ilyana i usually do it depending on if i need them first turn or not =p.
  11. thats some crazy shit, ike gets all those levels with just a killer weapon + wyvern knight band ftw? and when he caps switch to slim...pretty frikin awesome. really helpful as for everything else too, i can do alot of capping now =] and soul, i bet ulki kicks ass with str cause then he's as good as janaff except better(if that makes sense)
  12. topic where? XP i knew i should have done NM =/ but i think i can still get some good transfers.(i only did HM cause i thought i heard somebody saying if you want transfer to work on HM in RD you have to play HM in PoR
  13. does bexp go down on HM in PoR cause that is what my current PT is on... also, can you reset to get different levels on PoR because everytime i do its the exact same level is this do to playing on fixed?
  14. Did you actually get all those? kudos to you if you did, and why do you need S-rank in swords, i have glitched wii for EM(of course i just thought i got a piece a shit wii, which they all are-.-) which is what i beat PoR on so i just recently did transfers. so im new to transfer scene i guess. basically everyone soul said would be good, but boyd, titania and haar all with speed would be amazing, just speedwing boyd and he'll own.you dont have to but its harder. any staff wielder you can abuse and they'll cap something...Elincia and mist would like a mage cap. and remember to use giffca. =]
  15. Elincia made me laugh, she is pretty awesome i just dont get quite that exited =p thats a(for lack of a better word)unique list, just sayin no one has aran at 1 yet or nobody has no nephenee so props to you for being different. wow this is a cool list, lucia #1 followed by Tanith #1 and then a kieran at 1(i like kieran alot i just cant stand his caps in this game =/...)and then you have rolf, tormod who could be considered awesome for making P1 quicker and doorbreaking 4-4. Muarim no 1 is pretty neat too. all in all i just like the variety but i like how most people use certain characters, so thanks to all the replies cause i just wanna know who people are usin. =]
  16. Queen Elincia's list surprised me, no shinnon in top 5 bows O_o and lots of other characters that aren't used, but its good to see someon spicing it up here and there
  17. are not worth noting cause the most badass guy in the whole game...is held down by a shit weapon =[
  18. then i doubt you've ever heard of failciah... i dont get why you find axe list surprising, jill is one of the best characters with great part 1 and 3 abilities along with a great P4 and endgame. boyd > nolan is uncommmon but no one likes putting time into boyd thats all he needs... failciah doesnt belong in fail, people just call her that cause shes gay, uses one of the worst weapon types in the game and there is no way in hell she should be on the cover, shes not even the main character
  19. so i was wondering everyones top 5 axes/swords/lances/w/ethehellthereisinthisgame and it is all opionons so here's mine. AXES t1jill t1boyd 3haar 4nolan 5titan Lancers 1Neph 2Gatrie 3Aran 4Marcia 5Oscar Swordsmen(and women) 1Ike 2BURGER KING/zelgius 3Mi(a)cdonalds 4Elincia 5Edward Bowman, the 5 is flipped upside down. 1.3-13 2Shinnon Healers 1.Elincia 2.Mist 3.Soren 4.Rhys 5.Laura Mages. 1.Soren 2.Tormod 3.Callil 4.Sanaki 5.Pelleas FAIL 1.Ciah
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