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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. sothe has wind...affinity wise heather kills sothe. wind is worst aff in game fire is actually pretty good, better than light, wind, dark, water and thunder. thunder, water, and dark you could say is better for P3 and stuff but for endgame where your beating stage in 1-2 stages you want hit and atk. also heaven is good for endgame because you have no bio negative.
  2. that sucks X_X they definitly move though which is the only reason that stage is hard at all. unless the horseslayer or random crit gets you
  3. that was kinda random...why not marcia since astrid is wit mak? or...he hooks up with callil who cheats on largo, largo gets mad at callil but she kills him, thus his abscence from this game. i think its funny that everyone is talking about how the alternative heather should be...someone send this to IS lol
  4. So game 3 is about to start. im gonna say Kobe gets 40, and the lakers win. Anyone seen the flops and bad calls in this series, expecially game 2 when it was 93-90....could be up 3-0 -.- anyways im a lakers fan, and i honestly hate Rajon Rondo in fact i've never liked him even at UK so i've been wondering the whole playoffs why this guys getting all the credit with KG playing so well and they cant win unless allen and/or Pierce play well Rondo is ok but no superstar Kobe with first points of game...38 more at least on the way.
  5. Ok, so i just gotta finish out my current PT, thanks. titania(t-spd) ftw? saves you, a speedwing for haar, boyd or soren. and gives you an awesome character. It will be hard getting soren transfer but not impossible, would it be good idea on current PoR PT to save bexp till endgame so i can just get someone to cap stuff if i wanna use them in RD cause it seems like good idea to me. Also queen elincia, how did your ilyana get 2 mvps?
  6. I alot of people would take a trained fiona or astrid assuming they're 20/20/20 over a 20/20/20 sothe. since they can canto,Fiona is Earth aff and astrid can use double bow, mightiest weapon in game. speaking of double bow, does anyone else think that Urvan should be mightiest? Double bow at 1 less might and still has Str bonus but Urvan at 25 might? it sounds good to me since Axes are the mightiest.
  7. bold doesn't really make sense unless you just like using bottom for the fun of it. and i have a question, can you restart your PT like stay on same clear data, I started a NM PT but i dont wanna do it anymore so is there a way to quit it without deleting file?
  8. heather will be higher level by the end of part 3, so bases dont really matter, but if you prefer concrete durability sothe is better, but i doubt your a fan of the entire class if you prefer it.
  9. wow...that would be awesome... What if ike slammed his boot into sothe's stomach kicking him overboard XD and when he showed up with brom and neph and ike saw him in P3 he did it again :D
  10. it seems like a good idea to have another game based on ike in another place, and you could send a certain person or two with him in another continent.(where maybye, just maybye he'll find romance ;))
  11. crowning tauroneo is not a good idea unless you have nobody from DB raised at all. he is basically just stealing from jill/nolan/aran/whoever else... and weaponsofmassdestruction, jill cannot be everwhere on 3-12 but thats why you raise a character like Nolan who can be in other places, theres also volug and sothe who can at least not die out there and do some damage, even zihark is decent on that stage, crowning tauroneo for 1-2turns(if even that) on an extremely easy stage is not worth it.
  12. ok sorry about that then. but i thought you meant if a character is better for endgame, then they are better combat wise. obviously sothe is much better in the layout of the game because part 1 would be extremely hard without him(you need him for meatshield) I eat tables has an axe only PT but on 1-3 he needed sothe to steal an axe, so sothe is useful in every playthrough unless you come up with some awesome strategies.
  13. are you saying FE11 is Shadow dragon, because isn't it just a remake of FE1? so its not really FE11. what i mean is the next non-remake fire emblem game.
  14. ok, im not the biggest tactical genius in the world when it comes to effiency, so thanks. the healers dying have no implications on 3-9. i guess giveing astrid a level wouldnt be bad, but it might not necessarily be good, +1 strength isn't that helpful when your not even doubling.
  15. so a couple people are saying heather is better than sothe, this is why i dont like sothe he could be called worst in his class, where other characters that are forced for endgame are the best/only of their class. i dont get why IS does this. was anyone else at least somewhat surprised that IS made sothe, such an undderdeveloped chacter in FE9 and now BAM! he's this main character in FE10, and miciah being so huge when she didn't appear at all in the last game and was just a reference i totally forgot about, but i guess IS thought they needed a new set of characters and saw one they did awful on in FE9 and decided, "hey lets give this little theif guy a big role" so....aran is a main character in FE11?
  16. does anyone ever run into problems with steel longbows on this map? because often they will kill my Kieran who smashes door or Geoffrey killing the boss, or do you just avoid this by canto?
  17. smite would be pretty good with him in P4. i'd like to know from someone who's used heather, who is better out of the two. i read that someone had a heather with avoid as good as shifted tibarn, but i dont know if it was blessed.
  18. cant forget impale and deadeye neph and aran both have tons of skill and shinnon... rend however is the best mastery skill 5x your str(even lyre OHKO's with base str 5x14=70 BK OHKO), only things that challenge are sol and aether for healing abilities.
  19. this belongs on a topic about nealuchi. and how is it hard to cycle through with wiimote? i play with both and actually perfer wiimote. and btw im sure everyone shares this opinon everyone hates aran not for his speed growth. its for his STR growth and his grey armour.
  20. Bane may never prevent a kill, but if ike's getting aether on you even if he hit like a couple 2's, you dying. bane? oh they're down to 1hp...gatrie gets luna and BAM! enemy OHKO'd sothe gets bane? enemy 2-3HKO'd is that good? its a nice skill and all but if sothe gets it on his second(or only) attack it might not even be that extremely helpful since all your using sothe for is, treasure and chip damage by the time he's promoted. so you chip alot more than he would, but its not like getting stun, they're dead. no one has to clean up after haar. So basically its just another area sothe is the worst in, his mastery skill...and just another reason for him not to be in the endgame. i want a forced tibarn or Naesala(he does have plot stuff with lekain)
  21. maybye they were reffering to FE9 titania? i would put her under that category
  22. i orko like every dragon with pelleas dragonfoe...
  23. and he'd be dead without it =p ranulf's and ulki/janaff's satori sign's are the only items in the game that characters come with but cant use.
  24. the main thing with haar is that the earlier stages of the GM's P3 are flyer friendly, 3-2 is swamp, 3-3...well haar just owns there, 3-4 is a cliff, 3-5 not as much but he's still useful here and 3-7 is another swamp. so haar getting crowned and abused early is not a bad idea. Gatrie is probably a candidate for your next crown though, and if you have a speed transfer could stil be better candidate than haar even with the terrain.
  25. lol mia was gay, no one tells soren what to do.
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