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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Well then it wasn't to bad, and if you want to kill yourself because of school then it must be a hell of alot better than school right?
  2. Stop threatening to abuse your power, I have just made a series of condescending remarks and you are offended. Well how come you can declare that I lost? If it is not in the spirit of the draft to use units you did not pick, why are they free? You should have to pay a price(a big 7 turn price for Tibarn) for using somebody no matter what. That's the way I see things. I've never seen penalties as the massive monster of a problem that you do.
  3. I think I should get more credit.(but that's just me) I know exactly what I'm doing. Are you really going to play my game to see who's the more arrogant ass? You cannot win. You have no right to say that i have no right. Geoffrey on 2-3 and all of your other free units.
  4. I usually pre order stuff like 1 month before it comes out, this wants to make me pre order stuff 10 years from now...
  5. That's pretty fucked up man. My summer has been kinda similar, I have like 2 friends left... But I've had some pretty epic nights to make up for it.
  6. Well, I don't think you should kill yourself. But school's going to start either way.
  7. You're correct. Smart man. Well i am right, And you are wrong. So what's so bad in saying it? ;D I was just leaving it at what i thought was a good ending. But what do you know, more fireworks! Bang for my buck! Well, it's your ruleset that proposes we use units we don't draft. Now, my question is, how is that in the spirit of the draft at all? "usually, no others"? You want us always always to use others. I'm not going to sugar coat this, but. Most of your shit makes no sense. I am glad somebody isn't so serious.
  8. Yes this was probly too soon, I think most regular drafters are a part of one now. I am being completely serious. I still think I'm right, but your to stubborn to argue with. I don't ever continue on with arguments like this, since there is nothing to gain for either side.
  9. Monday for me. Something school related is tonight, meet the teacher and whatnot...
  10. I'm not going to continue this pointless argument. But your still wrong, and I'm still right :awesome: :awesome:
  11. Making shit easy shouldn't be in the spirit of drafts. I'll go run through EM if i wanted shit easy. Forced penalties, I see nothing wrong with it. Make people get creative and when your stuck on the desert with only Nolan, don't come running back saying "I WANT FREE NAESALA NOW!" go solo the stage with Nolan and say, fuck yea! I jsut beat the desert with only Nolan! Do the same if you can beat 2-3 with Astrid. Well geoffrey has good availability in the sense that he is on stages other units aren't, he also has good bases and mobility and is the best unit on 2 stages. But now he's free, Geoffrey used to live in a palace, you just made him a fucking homeless man rfof. How could you do that to him =[ But, whats the problem in taking a unit because he knocks off penalties? Penalties and Turns are basically the same thing. I take units that knock off turns, so by defualt i'm going to pick units that knock off penalties. actually, it makes the weak stronger and the strong weaker, no idea how you missed this. For example, if I need a unit who will help me knock off some turns but I don't need a monster of a unit I take Elincia over Tibarn on 4-2 correct? because her penalty is 2 turns less. But with your rules, everybody uses Tibarn, 4 turn penalty either way. Tibarn is part of the strong, so he's getting stronger with these rules. ok, this is a really dumb statement in my eyes. Forgive me if I'm not getting the meaning of the word. But your saying it's BETTER when strategies are EASIER? what in the fuck? The point of drafts is so you can be challenged by an extremely easy game.
  12. I fail to see how. Part 2 is annoying, but i don't think the solution is making a bunch of units free. Well, the situation has everything to do with where units are drafted, whether you like it or not. The only difference in these spots is that there is less units to pick.(only about 6 people in 2-3, correct?) If a character is your best on 10 separate stages don't you want to pick them? Picking somebody on their own merits means that Cain should go in the first round. Availability(and time of availability, not just being on masses of stages, but which stages) means everything. I think completely opposite. Firstly, is it that hard for you to open a window and type in serenesforest and then find the correct topic? And also, it should be subjective, because some units just aren't as good. Eddy > Leo early P1, no way around it. So are we acting like everybody equal? Because they most certainly aren't.
  13. You could call this an early birthday, and every August 10th you say happy birthday for the next year.
  14. EDIT:@Lilmik, how is a heron worthless? Moving again sounds pretty god damn awesome to me. I agree. I see no problems with how it used to be, why was something fixed that wasn't broken? Nobody is really NEEDED unless you chose not to draft anybody for those maps. The part I miss is grinding it out with sub-par units, that's kinda the point in drafts. If we wanted to see who could beat the game fastest why doesn't everybody just play using all the units they want? My view is that nobody should be free,(aside from 1-9 BK) because the point is to actually draft them. I've drafted BK and herons before and haven't regretted it.
  15. But the argument isn't the BEST lance user, it's the best sentenial. So Gatrie is off topic.
  16. If you were to compare Meg and Lyre, would you just "throw" Geoffery in there? Somebody with different availability patterns, just to complicate shit?
  17. Well, you got the nephenee half of the argument right. Since it was Neph/Aran.
  18. A WILD GATRIE/NEPH ARGUMENT HAS APPEARED! and it's not to great either.
  19. Well yes of course, anybody who hasn't isn't a real person. But mayo? that's taking it too far. Everybody says people in the midwest call it pop, I used to live in Indiana myself, nobody calls it that there. Now i understand it's northern US
  20. I didn't understand your analogy. Regardless my opinion stands.
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