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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. But I wouldn't say she's better looking =p

  2. Yeah haha, I would classify her as that as well ^.^

  3. Emma Watson wins that category :D

  4. I like fred/george, sirius and Snape :D

    Luna is cool too

  5. Happy Birthday Int, hope it's awesome like a motherfucker!! :D

  6. We post so much the mods couldn't ban everybody who did or the community would be barren.
  7. His brand looks like it has wings, so I've always thought Raven. His hair color supports this. EDIT: Elincia member badge =]
  8. yeah haha, you never knew that :O

  9. It bumped the hell out of the topic. & where else would we start this? dude, it's gonna be a really long time till you finish haha. But if you do, your awesome.
  10. I thought in FE they explained magic as you just read words off a page.
  11. I moved my lips - the Pilot shrieked
  12. that was about me being right, which i obviously think I am. And you being wrong, which I think you are. The smiles should've implied that I added something a little lighthearted to it. I just curse alot, and I thought we were debating the better draft ruleset? In a debate don't you usually think the other person is wrong, that's all i was saying. What does this have to do with you being a control freak? I've backed up my points plenty enough. Lol That's actually a bit of a misquote, I said, "this is much to entertaining" sounds a little more proper, y'know? If it is infact PART of it, abuseabuseabuse. I liked arguing with you more when you weren't a mod. Why would you suggest that? You just wanna banhammer me really bad. That's the only explenation!!
  13. It has been done. I like white breasts, so what the hell.
  14. You have to sing it really flat though, like the rest of linkin parks stuff.
  15. EPIC BATTLE IS EPIC!!! we need awesome music for this shit! I thought the same. the fuck is Seth?
  16. Fenrir


    your desktop could break too, that would suck even more dick.
  17. EDIT: DUDE READS MY FUCKING MIND!!! your a genius. I don't think stating my opinion really counts as "lashing out" they're an objective person here. That wouldn't be any fun. Control freak is a mega control freak. Well they were. If you said, I hate white people, you would be referring to me, I'm in that group and can't change it. No, this is much to entertaining for PMs. I have been disagreeing with you all day, and you have acknowledged you position.
  18. Warn your own ass while your at it, you've been just as offensive. Lilmik called the whole argument offensive and you've responded to my every statement in just as childish ways. If i didn't have the right to declare that i won then I only had the right to declare I lost in your mind, correct? Some things are just going to be out of your control. That's how life works, so why make a draft so different? I'm one of these who "just aren't skilled enough" to beat 3-1 without taking a penalty,(Condescend MOAR?) I see absolutely no problem with it. As you said below, it's just a conflict of ideals. When exactly was this decision made? There wasn't ever a topic or anything to vote on IIRC. funny that a mod is acting this way if it's so so horrible... Take no pity.
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