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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Beef > Chick/turkey/lamb. He wants it well done so it's blackend, burnt and hard.
  2. tl;dr. Don't use aran in HM
  3. @ Core, no penalty kicks aren't very interesting to watch. Field goals and Free throws are there equals in Football/basketball. I lol'd
  4. Holy shit everyone is gonna have low turn counts. that BK on 1-E too right?
  5. I'm sure a soccer game wasn't all that.
  6. Wheres all the good trolls? i wanted to see if anyone could get something D:
  7. ... *blinks* ... no, thats the other one. This is the one about a little guy who runs around and stabs the shit outta a dragon
  8. People not seeing it: Me People seeing it: everyone else. FOREVER ALONE!
  9. Oh, well fuck that. not being offensive to sally, just was hoping for it
  10. I am now totally confused. A different company is making it i guess?
  11. She would be good at 1 since haar isn't here.
  12. Vicious Sal, are they really making a tellius sequel? i saw it in ur sig lol.
  13. Yeah that hacking category would be quite helpful if you dont get an answer I wanted my post to be in before it got locked :D
  14. Not spiderman, just any sort of insect that does that shit. (nice catch)
  15. Happy Birthday!!

  16. Why do they gotta front? What did we ever do to these guys, that made them so violent? (just singin my song)
  17. typically at school i defend less popular kids. & i give hell to popular(or somewhat popular) kids i dont like.
  18. I'm pretty sure i've heard both since i just looked them up on youtube, and there definitly was a difference haha.

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