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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. I do not think i have a proper save file available atm. Who thinks i should use Nasir/Gareth?
  2. aw, well sorry to dissapoint haha. Just tryin to keep it original and fun =]

  3. i know its possible, but I've used her in drafts and it takes to much resources and isnt fun. Pick again please please pleasse
  4. I forgot to put but im using the required characters as well... so sothe would be one of those, and it would be mean if i didnt have a full endgame team. You guys just can't stop arguing But i would never use either of them in a normal playthrough
  5. Yes, im still deciding between normal and hard. using only 15 units could be difficult on HM, but might not be challenging enough on NM.
  6. Haha, i meant like you say 1 character. and 10 different people do it. hehe On second thought. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. but only if people tell me to use them
  7. This is NM So I'm going to do another PT, and I'm letting the first 10 posts decide my endgame team. Nothing batshit crazy, im not using meg/fiona/lyre or anyone stupid. The next few people(depends how good my endgame team is) decide the only other characters not on my endgame team i can use. again nothing too batshit crazy, but for this I'll make more exceptions. Im using all the forced characters. Snaki/Ike/kurth/ena/miccy/sothe Endgame team: 1. Jill 2. Ilyana 3. Marcia 4. Volke 5. Kieran(using Urvan) 6. Mist 7. Stefan 8. Tauroneo 9. Insanity wolf 10. Zihark The rest: 1. Pelleas 2. Kyza 3. Fiona 4. lolnardo Shinnon 5. Shinnon Sigrun So these are the only characters im using, and on maps without them, I'll just speedrush through.
  8. Yes, and i will rip the bastards head right off!
  9. SeverIan will play my father, quirky uncle and teacher at school. Hey, it was actually pretty funny. I'm also only 1 year older than her so its not like im a pedo.
  10. She told me that she had a 10 yr old daughter who i was messing with, lol. Of course it was the 13 yr old girl the entire time haha But i did play along with it, it made making fun of her grammar that much better She just told me she was 9, after earlier saying she was 10. trololololol
  11. Soul, i wanna do an FE10 run. It's gonna be fun :D

  12. It looks like most people stopped doing this ;/ you can go whenever strawman. i really do like these though =]
  13. Everyone on the interwebz used to tell me off for my horrible english and spelling. Now I'm doing it to somebody else
  14. Loki, there shall never come a day i should destroy thee. If that day must come, i will cry tears before entering battle
  15. I apologized for being mean earlier and cussing her out, now she is gonna go to somebodys house. lolololol
  16. 1st post decides if i tell her to go to bestfriends house(cause she thinks im her bff) without her actual bff knowing
  17. What good is a mighty wolf, without his mighty teeth? How would i be able to bring death to more, when my teeth have been taken?
  18. Its really fucking nasty, i dont wanna get mine taken out D:
  19. My sister did that a couple weeks ago lol, she was drooling blood when she got home
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