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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. But she's canadian, it doesnt count. you can't call an aisan racist for saying all aisan's have double jointed pinkies(this is not true) Yeah, and racism applys to whites/blacks/orientals/hispainics etc. not countries.
  2. You do realise that tangerine is canadian right? unless you be trollin, in that case. you win.
  3. we used to call a girl "hope teh pope" in 6th grade, ahnoyed the shit out of her lololol
  4. How do you hate anything about that glorious picture??
  5. Maybe i should. Maybe we will never know.... this didnt show up on my computer D:
  6. I find this to be true. While sometimes int may act that way, he doesnt always. SeverIan on the other hand. He truly never stops, he wins the point from me.
  7. For a second i thought you really fucked up
  8. I swear, the moment somebody said enemies are lame this is exactly what popped in my head, then i scroll down and... My enemy would come out and say something like, i fucking hate you. then they'd be my true enemy.
  9. What's even sader is that i have a friend who does this. and he thinks hes like a fucking genius or something, we all turn around and sigh... i thought my sig was good. joerachi's is better though
  10. I was on /b/ today. i kept think Zach G from the hangover died. This guy was apparently doing 110 while drunk... Very sad =[
  11. SF just lost it's best member. GOODBYE NIGHTMARE
  12. Nightmare's gonna be missed :( this forum took a huge hit with him quitting

  14. why are you always right? and wheneverr monday is good your like, damn this is a great week. even monday was good.
  15. This, this is the breakthrough that I've realised...
  16. Do people riot if they spill there coffee while drinking it and lose the contest in canada? code red is bad. voltage and regular are good though.
  17. your not dead soul =] so 50% of the time it should be good correct?
  18. thats an estimate you bitch. QQ You know you've taken count of something likke that before...you do right? maybe if you told me what that meant, id pay attention
  19. I like coke so much. I used to drink 50 oz's a day. no shit. and i drank over 100 a couple times during that monthlong stretch
  20. I concur. fuck pop music.
  21. more excuses for your short little ass i keed i keed. but really, no more excuses.
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