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Everything posted by BruceLee

  1. Honestly Xander is a lost cause. After everything he sees his father do he still threatens to kill you if you're wrong about his daddy being a monster. The writers fucked him up real good.
  2. Also i find it funny how Aqua and Corrin are all giggly saying it's a heartwarming moment even though the siblings are pretty much insulting each other.
  3. The more i think about it, the worse i feel for Sakura. She's a young girl, and witnessed her defenseless people get slaughtered in front of her while she's tied up. That would cause serious trauma. Thank you Satan.
  4. I went to Gamemania, they told me they don't know anything yet. They did think it's probably gonna be monday though.
  5. That sounds both hilarious and terrifying. I guess i'm leaning more towards Nohr!Kamui then.
  6. The bolded. That's soooo true. I'm exactly the same, i find it hard to enjoy the battles when i know i'm fighting for retarded reasons. Basically it feels like the game is calling me a dumbass and yet i'm still doing what it asks me to do. It's why even though i know Conquest's gameplay is really good i still won't enjoy it as much as i'd want to. I don't know who i should like more, Trump or Nohr!Kamui.
  7. Ahahaha yeah i had a feeling you weren't. Can't believe i fell for that.
  8. Yeah, let's totally ignore the scenario's in which you fight Xander and Ryoma. Not really a fair comparison is it? Ah you finally got around to Conquest. That was a great read, am looking forward to your analysis on the rest of the story(yes it does get much worse unfortunately).
  9. So omegaevolution just uploaded chapter 24 of Conquest. And Corrin just dropped a line which made me lol. Corrin and Aqua are talking about Takumi's disappearance, and Aqua says it best to keep it from Sakura. And then Corrin drops the following line: ''Yes, i agree. There will be plenty of time to further break her heart later *sigh*''. I know Corrin doesn't mean it in a bad way, but this line combined with the ''questionable'' story of Conquest is just hilarious to me lmao. Poor Sakura :'(
  10. Oh wow, so should i place a pre order on a regular copy then?
  11. Hmm i woke up later than i wanted but it seems the sites still haven't got the SE. Haha good to see there are more dutchies on here. Yeah, Gamamania and Nedgame sound like the safest bets, but sitll nothing on their sites. Did you end up call ingGamamania? I think ima just go visit the store to be safe.
  12. When is the right time to act? After he's done going on Garon's errands of shutting down all rebellions that share his goal? Sorry, still makes no sense to me. @abysswalker my bad then bro. i thought you were doing it on purpose.
  13. Stop being childish. I've explained multiple times now on the previous page to people saying the same things as you how Corrin is to blame. If you wanna argue refute those posts, don't say the same stuff i've already responded to.
  14. I know he had no intention of killing her, but it happened. And Corrin is to blame, intentional or not. @Tolvir It's Corrin's stupid decisions that caused her death. Scarlet wants to change Nohr. Corrin wants to change Nohr. Garon tells Corrin to go beat down Scarlet's rebellion, what does Corrin do? He listens. How was that a good or logical idea? What did he think was gonna happen to Scarlet? This is just a fine example of how the Nohr path is fucking stupid because it makes no sense.
  15. No, Hans gave her a brutal death, Corrin delivered it to her. He's the one that injured her and left her vulnerable and left her to Hans and his gang to have their way with her. @lordcorrin aswell.
  16. I really hate what happened to Scarlet in Conquest. Corrin claims he's gonna change Nohr from the inside, which is exactly what Scarlet is trying to do. And then what does Corrin do? He delivers her a brutal death. Great job Corrin. You really are our hero.
  17. There are positives, but they are so very much overshadowed by all of the negatives that i find it hard to talk about it positively. The gameplay is amazing i guess, and Arthur is one my favorite characters. No, he doesn't know what he's doing is wrong. He thinks it's the right thing to do. Slaughtering Hoshidans for the ''greater good''. And at the end of the game he's forgiven by Hinoka and Sakura, and he's having a great time. Because who cares about all of the Hoshidans that died for his ''greater good''. If there's one thing that's really annoying it's having Corrin do horrible and stupid things and trying to convince the payer he's doing the right thing. It feels like the writers aren't taking us seriously.
  18. The writers should have either made Nohr more grey so that an argument can be made for choosing them, or kept Nohr black and actually acknowledge that they're black(along with Kamui). Not have them be black and then still portray Kamui as a hero and excuse him for all of the shit he does after he chooses them.
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