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Everything posted by soranauta

  1. I promoted him to Master of Arms, but he's been quite one of my most useful units since I recruited him. That bulk of his really helps sometimes.
  2. For Awakening it was Lon'qu and Cordelia, for Fates I'm going to roll with Takumi, Arthur and probably Hinoka.
  3. Bought a physical copy of Conquest, then downloaded discounted Birthright from the eshop. Will get Revelations when it comes out
  4. Kiragi....what ball of sunshine Followed up by Kana, Percy, Forrest and Midori of course
  5. I think you have to wait until the option for the choice is available (chapter 6) or the DLC gate is opened (like in awakening, after a couple chapters) so you can enter the code when selecting the conquest route when you are already playing the game (Only a guess, I remember something like this from the instructions that came with the preload in the eshop)
  6. I'll probably be nervously checking gamestop's website for the next two days to see if it's still in stock before I can actually go on Sunday. Hope that all the people who predownloaded are having fun right now! ;_;
  7. Listening to Hinoka's lines I've grown to like her voice a lot more! Her delivery sounds a bit smoother than during chapter 6 in gamexplain's livestream.
  8. Being in the justice league with Harold is now top priority in my Conquest playthrough. He's perfect
  9. These remind me of the cute toy descriptions in neko atsume. Great stuff
  10. I fell in love with her singing thanks to Lost in thoughts all alone. Her voice is beautiful and hopefully she'll be present in future FE's (and now I'm also curious to listen to the original voicework of Penn Zero since she's part of the crew)
  11. I'm so glad the "good girl" line is gone from the S support. It rubbed me the wrong way when I read the translation the first time. I may be too sensitive but coupled with the rest of the iffy lines mentioned previously I felt awkward reading it, so again, I'm glad the localized support flows better.
  12. Nice T-Shirt! Kirby does look badass with that mask bussiness going on
  13. My favorites 1.Oboro 2. Arthur 3. Hinata
  14. I would personally choose Hoshido. Even if it would break my heart to leave my adoptive siblings, the fact that Garon has tried to kill me plus what just happened with Mikoto (involving the sword Garon personally gave me) and knowing that I was basically kidnaped would be heavy on my mind.
  15. I like the dynamic between Hinata and Oboro, as well as the one they have with their prince, they have a nice relationship going on and both are likeable characters. I enjoyed Hana and Subaki's bickering but overall Takumi's retainers stand out a lot more to me when reading supports here and there. On the Nohr side I had a bit more trouble picking between Selena/Beruka, Niles/Odin and Effie Arthur. Selena and Beruka because I love them individually, but I think that as a team they don't really catch my attention. Niles/Odin are really comedic plus Niles backstory with Leo is pretty solid. But in the end I picked Effie and Arthur because they are just hilarious and adorable.
  16. Next weekend can't come faster. I wonder if physical copies will sell out quickly
  17. Probably will tackle them one at the time for the sake of focusing in what am I doing in each. Although it would be interesting to see how the parallels play out almost side by side, I guess I would enjoy each route more playing them to the fullest before starting another.
  18. Glad that Kisaragi, Hisame and Mitama kept their names! They were among my favorite names for the children.
  19. Mentioned in the Localized name thread that a Gamespot writer on twitter confirmed Shinonome is now Shiro
  20. I was so sure he was going to be Shino (like most people), but Shiro is basically one letter changed so no complaints here Percy and Velouria are really nice names too, cute even. Now I'm really curious about Kisaragi and I'm tempted to ask
  21. Asugi is kinda cute, I like it (but Usagi....that was cuter....)
  22. I've read several supports, know basics about the story and watched the Gamexplains livestreams. I mind spoilers about maps more than about the characters, but overall they don't really hinder my experience.
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