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Everything posted by Furby

  1. The facebook test said I'd survive on my own. :/
  2. Hah, most people don't yell at me when I play. Mostly because I have a habit of mowing down my allies when they do. "OH YEAH, YOU WANT TO KEEP TALKING NOW?! AHAHAHA, TASTE MY PISTOL BITCH!
  3. Butbutbut Without concentrated sugar, how does your blood stay syrupy?
  4. Furby

    Yo all

    Yeah, that impersonating bastard... I swear, we should just all hunt him down and get it over with.
  5. Every topic is important! EVERY ONE.
  6. Furby

    It be rollin awesome dawg

  7. What, Furby and Furby get along great!
  8. Answer: Pink hair. Question: Hey Ephidel, why do you look so badass but fail so much?
  9. Answer: No. Question: Nergal, if I don't stop you, will you resurrect my dog?
  10. Is not a lumberjack, and is probably not ok.
  11. I'm going to call you Binky Boy.
  12. ... D:... Actually, that could be fun.
  13. True point, but do remember that there are plenty of games with online for free.
  14. Shuush, don't use error messages as a means to dissuade me and just make the pairing FurbyxFurby.
  15. Furby x Furby No truer pairing right there.
  16. Really likes characters from a game that I admin an RP board for.
  17. Wanting to bone Lyn as your first choice is always a bannable offense. Suspected duplicate.
  18. Damn it, quit calling me a traitor! Also, you might want to switch that over to Furby. That's what practically everyone knows me as.
  19. This. I use them a lot.
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