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Everything posted by Furby

  1. And then he was possessed, and no one saw him again...
  2. Furby

    Yo all

    You... YOU! Hi.
  3. I watched LoadingReadyRun's videos putting them in a microwave with glee.
  4. Musashi, why would you name a cat that? That's horrible.
  5. There are boxes?

  6. STARE AT IT. IT WANTS YOUR SOUL. EDIT: To save you some trouble...
  7. I've been a member for less than 1 day and I THINK I SHOULD BE IN THERE. >:(
  9. Personally, while I'd love to see FE6 get remade, I could live without it. It was in the "Last" hand held generation before the current one- It's too new (Even if it was released early on and never outside Japan). Now, if they do release it, they should do a prequel/sequel deal like FE1/3 had- In other words, one should lead into the other, and both be on the same cart preferably. But, that's my fan-dream, so, that aside. Personally, I would like to see FE4/5 remade. I never got to play them (And the emulator feels just off enough to me to warrant me not playing it anymore; Damn me for getting into games during the N64 era), and I'd like to see what they do to upgrade it.
  10. comic says everything. All hail the comic. Anyway, I've got to say that, from what I've seen, it's people that don't play games that feel that way. Which they felt about rock music... and practically any new cultural or technological development that has happened ever. Does it change us? Yeah. Does it cause violence? No. People cause violence.
  11. Furby

    Yo all

    Morse code just isn't fair and you know it. >:( Also, I mean Jello Brand Jello. GIT UR HED OUT OF TEH GUTTAR
  12. Furby

    Yo all

    I put Jello everywhere.
  13. Furby

    Yo all

    FoxLingo will retroactively translate your text into spanglish.
  14. Furby

    Yo all

    I REMEMBER! You threw me into a ditch with jello in it! Actually, that was fun, but I maintain my D: for legal purposes!
  15. Furby

    Yo all

    I cannot D: enough.
  16. Furby

    Yo all

  17. Furby

    Yo all

    >.> <.< No... *Flees the scene of the crime* Just you wait until I unlazy myself to the point where I'll actually turn ON FoxLingo! Then I'll understand your gibberish as gibberish with LATIN CHARACTERS!
  18. Furby

    Yo all

    I... should be angered by that. But I can't be. DAMN IT. MOONSPEK!!!!
  19. Furby

    Yo all

    I'm amazed I remembered that myself. Welp, I'll change my nick over after a while. SF makes that easy enough, apparantly. YOUR MOONSPEAK CONFUSES AND OFFENDS ME. I'M GOING TO BRING YOU BACK AFTER I STRANGLE YOU ONCE JUST TO STRANGLE YOU AGAIN! And the quote offends me too because the japanese didn't keep!
  20. I jumped right in, so I think I earned it. XD

  21. Furby

    Yo all

    I'M GOING TO STRANGLE YOU. Then change my name just to prove a point!
  22. Furby

    Yo all

    I dunno... It was dark, scary, and I think someone was singing "Never Gonna give you up."
  23. Furby

    Yo all

    They got assimilated... It was scary to watch. ;_;
  24. Furby

    Yo all

    Different one. I'm the guy mentioned on the main site for codes. I'll switch my name off after a while, I suppose.
  25. Furby

    Yo all

    I got bored so I bummed around Europe for a few years. I'LL STRANGLE HIM. Or switch over to a different name after a while. As soon as I figure out SF's interface enough. I've been off forums for too long. -_-
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